I think Larry and Lily are really bad blood
Some people favor them because of some good traits, or character, but I hate them most of times.
First, Larry, actually I don't care about his bad temper, problem is I'm sick of his moral choice.
Lee took the risk of his own life to get him heart medicine, and saved Larry, next moment Larry did was knocking Lee out on the ground leaving him to death.
I know Larry could be scared of a convicted murderer who might threaten their safety, but just seconds ago Lee saved Larry's life, not months ago. How could Larry attack the one who just saved his life?
I don't think he deserved the death at the dairy, but I think he is worse than Ben or Kenny.
and about Lilly, I don't care about her bad temper or the violent attitude either, but the moment she killed Carley, I lost every bit of affection for this character.
I've read Carley's death is inevitable, so there won't be any possibility I can like Lilly.
Some people say 'why is everyone so upset about Carley's death, things just happen'
but not like this. Lilly can do crazy thing when situation goes bad, she is paranoid and obsessed,
I think Larry and Lilly are too rigid and impulsive, they are the ones who really threaten the group.
Their morality is too low to survive. Their priority is always survival, but it is animal kind level, not for human life.
I don't like Kenny or Ben either, but their moral choice is kinda understandable.
sorry for my bad grammar.
Some people favor them because of some good traits, or character, but I hate them most of times.
First, Larry, actually I don't care about his bad temper, problem is I'm sick of his moral choice.
Lee took the risk of his own life to get him heart medicine, and saved Larry, next moment Larry did was knocking Lee out on the ground leaving him to death.
I know Larry could be scared of a convicted murderer who might threaten their safety, but just seconds ago Lee saved Larry's life, not months ago. How could Larry attack the one who just saved his life?
I don't think he deserved the death at the dairy, but I think he is worse than Ben or Kenny.
and about Lilly, I don't care about her bad temper or the violent attitude either, but the moment she killed Carley, I lost every bit of affection for this character.
I've read Carley's death is inevitable, so there won't be any possibility I can like Lilly.
Some people say 'why is everyone so upset about Carley's death, things just happen'
but not like this. Lilly can do crazy thing when situation goes bad, she is paranoid and obsessed,
I think Larry and Lilly are too rigid and impulsive, they are the ones who really threaten the group.
Their morality is too low to survive. Their priority is always survival, but it is animal kind level, not for human life.
I don't like Kenny or Ben either, but their moral choice is kinda understandable.
sorry for my bad grammar.
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Lilly is a cold hearted bitch
But then again, she shot Doug. oh, and Carley as well.
I agree with Mustache Man on Larry though.
I mean lee was a murderer...
And Lilly was just Paranoid and in a position she was not fit for...
I would understand Larry's hatred but he is not only mean to Lee to everybody who doesn't agree with Lilly's leadership . And also , this murderer saved this guy's life . If he was a cold blooded murderer he would refused to help Larry and he would of said " Fuck this old bastard ! He can rot in Hell for all I care . "
I enjoyed Larry's character. I'd much rather have an abrasive character that reflects realistic strife and lets you respond accordingly than say, a character like Molly, who's condescending attitude is just supposed to be seen as cool. Yes the guy is a shameless dick, but he felt human to me. He threatens you, but emphasizes that it's on his daughter and Clementine's behalf. He acts more repulsed than anyone when he realizes what the Saint Johns are doing. Heck, he'll help save your life (or attempt to) if you trust him with your axe.
Despite his antagonistic role, he's not a one-dimensional villain, just another conflicting personality forced into the same boat you're in; and I found that interesting.
Lilly's character is a bit more in-depth. Less harsh for the sake of it, and more to emphasize what she feels needs to be done. She stands by her father, acknowledging that he's a dick, but respects him as the only family she has left. After losing him she goes over the edge. I can see why people would leave her behind after she shoots someone, but I still think she's one of the more well-rounded characters of the group.
Yeah I agree I don't like either but there good characters, I don't hate either though or want them to die though I don't exactly forgive them for what they did in the story
I wouldn't go to the extent of punching him in the face and leaving him for dead but I can see where he is coming from. He is putting his and Lilly's life on the line having a murder in the group. We know that Lee won't lash out and kill everyone but how can he know that?
As for Lilly she was mentally ill, In all honesty that is an excuse for what happened and she did need help. I was neither team Lilly or Kenny but I did side with Kenny in the meat locker and I believe that she had every right to hate us for what we did. I must say that we did have an influence in her mental state causing her to kill Doug/Carley.
Unpopular or not, I agree with it, especially the bolded bits.
They're both very well written characters.
CPR cannot restart the heart. It is simply just to buy some time, but it cannot save somebody. It needs a defibrillator with it to restart the heart. Kenny (and Lee if you choose to) saved Clementine, Lee, Your little precious princess; Lilly, and Kenny. End of story. Thus, it is not Kenny's fault.
But..But.. we did not even get to say goodbye. The only thing left of him is his blood all over Lilly
Go easy on her please she is very upset.
Yeah, if we don't go easy on her, she might spontaneously decide to murder ANOTHER innocent person...
That or she will turn into a Super Saiyan .
Lee: Kenny , what does the scouter say about her power level ?
Kenny: IT'S OVER 9000 !
Lee: WHAT 9000 !? There is no way , that can't be right !
That is why I am on her side so I am safe
Oh yeah , and then Carley turns into a Super Saiyan and then both of them fight for ten episodes . Oh and then Clementine grows a tail and when she looks at the moon and she turns into a giant ape and then Ben accidently blows up the moon . And Nate is Majin Buu .