My Prediction for Season 2 is...

edited August 2013 in The Walking Dead
More of you guys pussying-out.

We saw this in Season 1, with most swearing death upon both Larry & Ben - and only a few going through with it come the next episode...
^ This is what the thread is about.

Killed Larry - roughly 32%*
He left you for dead.

Killed Ben - roughly 33% (5% leaving him to Oberson)*
He Made a deal with the Bandits behind Group's back.
The Deal went sour, resulting in the deaths of Darley, Katjaa & Duck.
He left Clementine for dead in the street.
He failed to watch her.
He let the Walkers inside Crawford.
He confesses to Kenny even if you tell him not to.
He asks to be left behind.

If Season 2 features 'Becca in a life or death situation similar to Larry or Ben's, I bet half a mil in monopoly money that those who hate her guts will save her ass.

*Statistics not current - from the videos...


  • edited August 2013
    Not gonna happen. Not to me anyway don't know about everyone else.
  • edited August 2013
    Not gonna happen. Not to me anyway don't know about everyone else.

    I'll hold you to that.
  • edited August 2013
    humm because of course not killing people is being a pussy :rolleyes:

    but your prediction that people are good and want to do the right thing is probably correct
  • edited August 2013
    The Law wrote: »
    I'll hold you to that.

    Ok then. For the record, I dropped a salt lick on Larry's head to prevent him from turning, I hardly ever hated him. I pulled Ben up, but still never hated him. But Becca is something different, no matter how much character development she gets, no matter if they pull a Duck on me (I didn't hate Duck) my opinion of her will not change.
  • edited August 2013
    humm because of course not killing people is being a pussy :rolleyes:

    Refusing to take out the trash after promising to do so sure is pussy-like behaviour to me.
    but your prediction that people are good and want to do the right thing is probably correct

    There is no right or wrong in TWD. Only Logic Fails.
  • edited August 2013
    Becca hasn't done anything near as bad as trying to kill you or causing the deaths of 4 others...
  • edited August 2013
    The Law wrote: »
    Refusing to take out the trash after promising to do so sure is pussy-like behaviour to me.

    How do you know that the people that saved them were the ones that hated them? I didn't hate Ben. I pulled him up. One of my friends hated ben. He dropped him. I didn't promise to take out the trash. My friend did.
    TheLaw wrote: »
    There is no right or wrong in TWD. Only Logic Fails

    and Logic Wins. (Btw. Cause theres no right or wrong. people have different views of what right and wrong are.)
  • edited August 2013
    How do you know that the people that saved them were the ones that hated them?

    From the forums.
    EDIT: This is regarding the forum members that went back on their word.
  • edited August 2013
    I never wished that Ben or Larry died (except I did kill the latter), and I don't with Becca either. I thought it was necessary to kill Larry, but not necessary to kill Ben so I chose to kill Larry and save Ben. So to me it depends on what sort of situation Becca is in that I have to make a life or death situation.
  • edited August 2013
    The Law wrote: »
    Refusing to take out the trash after promising to do so sure is pussy-like behaviour to me.

    There is no right or wrong in TWD. Only Logic Fails.

    well i never went back on my word, and i killed larry but didn't kill Ben.

    you didn't give a scenario where it would do anything good if becca dies you just said "Becca in a life or death situation" and if becca was simply in a life or death situation and you let her die that would be the wrong thing to do so you've been logic'd
  • edited August 2013
    My prediction is Telltale will suddenly kill off the PC halfway through the third episode, and then switch us to another character. (Assuming they wanted to try and top Lee's death, of course.) :rolleyes:
  • edited August 2013
    Lilly is begging you to do something to help her out .... 'nah i'd be pussying out', gimme a break OP,you can hate someone and save them to help others around you.
  • edited August 2013
    I killed Larry 'cause of Kenny, also partly because he was a d***. I saved Ben, I never hated him. He was just trying to help us, even though it didn't work out.
    Don't assume ALL of us said we would kill Ben, or Larry.
    Also, saving lives is not a pussy act. >:L
  • edited August 2013
    My prediction is Telltale will suddenly kill off the PC halfway through the third episode, and then switch us to another character. (Assuming they wanted to try and top Lee's death, of course.) :rolleyes:

    Seriously though, that would be an interesting concept...
  • edited August 2013
    Clemmy1 wrote: »
    Lilly is begging you to do something to help her out .... 'nah i'd be pussying out', gimme a break OP,you can hate someone and save them to help others around you.

    yeah pussying out would be letting people die for no reason other than that you don't like them
  • edited August 2013
    yeah pussying out would be letting people die for no reason other than that you don't like them

    No. That's being a Larry.(Douche)
  • edited August 2013
    The Law wrote: »
    Seriously though, that would be an interesting concept...

    Interesting, but foolish! That's exactly what I DON'T want them to do!!
  • edited August 2013
    Interesting, but foolish! That's exactly what I DON'T want them to do!!


    now that you've said you don't want them to do it.....:(
  • edited August 2013
    Funny thing, I wouldn't say I really "hated" anyone. More of a strong dislike. And I killed Larry AND dropped Ben. I also shot Jolene in the face. Come at me, Season 2.
  • edited August 2013
    Taunting season 2 is not wise, for all you know you just killed Kenny AND Clementine because you pissed off season 2.
  • edited August 2013
    I didn't want Larry to die and I liked Ben a lot so yeah I didn't say I would kill them. The only person I said I would kill was the stranger and I did :D

    So yeah no false threats from me...

    Oh and Becca's fine though if she jumps out at me again she'l start to annoy me a lot.
  • edited August 2013

    now that you've said you don't want them to do it.....:(

    If they decided to murder the PC halfway through Season 2 just because of some comment on a forum, that would just make them trolls, not good game developers.
  • edited August 2013
    Taunting season 2 is not wise, for all you know you just killed Kenny AND Clementine because you pissed off season 2.

    I dun giv a fuk. I'm ready for WHATEVER they throw at me. No pussying out for THE ROCK.

    (That's me).
  • edited August 2013
    I know, I would like to say I am ready for the horrors that lay ahead, but I would be lying if I sad I am prepared for it all.
  • edited August 2013
    I-I-I don't want Kenny to be dead! *falls to the floor and starts crying* (that's what you were talking about right)
  • edited August 2013
    Pretty much, I do not know what awaits us, I hope he is alive but we won't know until October at the most.
  • edited August 2013
    I can't help but laugh a little because I did both of those things - crushed Larry's skull and dropped Ben, I mean.

    To be fair, though, both decisions weren't decisions I made to KILL those characters because I did not like them. I smashed Larry's head in because I knew the guy was dead, and I dropped Ben because he asked me to and I couldn't risk him screwing anything up again.
  • edited August 2013
    I never wished death for Ben. Of all people (Other than Clem) he was the one I'd stick up most for.

    Larry on the other hand, I didn't like him, but I didn't hate him. But I wanted to ensure safety to my group.
  • edited August 2013
    I didn't kill Larry, I didn't drop Ben, and I am not going to kill Becca. Never said I would do any of it
  • edited August 2013
    MesterF wrote: »
    I didn't kill Larry, I didn't drop Ben, and I am not going to kill Becca. Never said I would do any of it

    The same.

    Everyone have another point of what right and wrong things are. For some people right thing is the necessary thing to survive, and for others- do good and be a nice person no matter of survive.

    Anyway, just like up. I didn't kill Larry, I didn't drop Ben and I'm not going to kill Becca.

    Right things are to be good person no matter what for me.
  • edited August 2013
    I killed Larry because it was the best in terms of survival and he was an asshole... Also, he tried to kill me before and just antagonized me to the point I didn't want to see him anymore... In my opinion, it was a taste of his own fucking medicine.

    I saved Ben because he was a scared kid, sure he had done bad things but that's just because he was confused, nervous and scared, as well as worried and depressed over his lost friends and family. Sure Ben was a clueless teenager who couldn't really be trusted with any task, but he didn't mean to hurt anyone and was just trying to help, his own version of "helping", I guess. I can't say the same for a certain fat asshole that made the whole group dysfunctional...

    If Becca was in a life/death situation I would save her. First of all if Becca died Shel would be a reck, just like Katja. But also, back on Becca. She's just a kid after all, even if she's a cold hearted bitch. She's exposed to things she wouldn't ever have been if living a normal life. I really dislike her, and sometimes wish shed be more like Clementine. But then I realize she's at a different stage of life than Clementine, when the shit hit the fan.

    Clementine was only 8. She hadn't realized how bad things really were and never really thought deeply about changes to her life in the apocalyptic world. Becca was probably 12 or 13 when the zombies came, a part of life where things are changing and you're becoming more of an adult. There are physical and mental changes to your body, and your hormones are wack at the time, sometimes just making you feel weird, awkward and angry for no reason. It's a strange section of aging where you don't know your part, an adult or kid. For Becca this is obvious.
  • edited August 2013
    I killed Larry, and saved Ben. I would save Becca because I don't hate her guts like most others do.
  • edited August 2013
  • edited August 2013
    Lol, I just realized "pussies" is one the tags on this post :D
  • edited August 2013
    Wow, that is one of the tags, something went wrong somewhere.
  • edited August 2013
    Wait, why are we all talking about Becca like she is for sure going to be in season 2? What about all of the people who didn't come with Tavia?
  • edited August 2013
    I think the post I made above was my longest ever
  • edited August 2013
    I do believe that is the case, that is long.
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