What do you think you'd do in a ZA?

i'm just curious, how long do you honestly think you'd survive one. And what do you think you'd do.

I'd give myself 3-6 days on my own, maybe a couple of months in a group. I doubt i'd be that brave. I don't live in a area with many objects that could be used so unless i managed to get myself in a place full of food i'd probaly die very quickly in, That and i'm not the best runner,so either i'd end up in a Group and try to live as long as i could,or i'd be among the first to go.

What about you; random person who's reading this?


  • edited August 2013
    I'd probably be the guy who hides in the Loft and starves to death...
  • edited August 2013
    Provided I can survive the craziness of the first few days and get my head round what the hell is going on I got enough plans to become the ultimate survivor and rebuild civilization! The first days are crucial though.
  • edited August 2013
    Play The Walking Dead until the power runs out. Then I'm screwed.
  • edited August 2013
    If I were at home when it happened I would gather weapons, food, medicine and clothing before shoving it all inside a rucksack. Then I'd take off door doors, drawer panels and other furniture and use them to barricade my front door, back door and windows. I would do all this whilst listening to the radio for new developments. I live close to a military base so if they take in refugees or collapse I can always live there or loot it. I would also try to find my family if they weren't with me at the time.

    If I weren't at home when it happened I don't know what I'd do.

    EDIT: I don't think I'd be one for a group - but if I stumbled upon one that wasn't trying to kill me, then maybe...
  • edited August 2013
    Probably "opt out" the first day to spare myself the misery and depression in the apocalypse.

    In all seriousness, I believe in Christa and Omid's plan. I'd be good with one or two people, not a whole group.

    I don't believe in safety in numbers.
  • edited August 2013
    I'd be the Alpha Zombie, the ground zero for the infection and kill everyone else but hopefully retain consciousness so I could enjoy it. Unless the apocalypse wasn't infection based and zombies were coming out from their graves in that case I'd probably hide out in a museum, they have a gift shop with food and ton of weapons on display.
  • edited August 2013
    The Law wrote: »
    I don't think I'd be one for a group - but if I stumbled upon one that wasn't trying to kill me, then maybe...

    I actually have a friend who's not on these Forums, and he said he'd make a group in the nearby school if this happened. Which (using the other descriptions) i see as a nicer crawford.
  • edited August 2013
    Get out of my small town and make for the country with my parents. My uncle has a farm with plenty of weapons we can use to defend ourselves.
  • edited August 2013
    Stay indoors the first week or 2 until the initial scare and terror outside calms down, because in the first few weeks, people are bound to snap and do tragic things, like it's not hard to imagine someone going so crazy that they shoot up a whole crowd of uninfected survivors, then after that...

  • edited August 2013
    I know, that would be me also.
  • edited August 2013
    hiding and running away would be my answer to almost every problem, and i would go a little bit more insane
  • edited August 2013
    I'd take refuge in my career tech high school because its surrounded by barb wire and all the doors are made of steel... Its got a barn with a bunch of tools to kill walkers with, a mechanics area to weaponize and repair vehicles in... Its got a police academy with a bunch of guns and a bunch of back woods for hunting prey, whether be animals or survivors if we're desperate enough... Plenty of room to plant crops if need be aswell...

    Sorry got carried away, my other plan would be to go to my local Air force base and take refuge there, let the military sort it out (my parents are retired Air Force)...
  • edited August 2013
    Zombie survival guide:
    Rule 1: Cardio
    Rule 2: Double Tap
    Rule 3: Beware of Bathrooms
    Rule 4: Fasten your Seatbelt
    Rule 34: ....
    Seriously? Rule 34... D:
  • edited August 2013
    Also, in the movie, Rule number 34 does not exist:
    There are only 33 rules.
    Nice save, Sony.
  • edited August 2013
    :D Twinkies!
  • edited August 2013

    This would be us. Honestly. Especially if we saw what he saw. Like his schoolmates being raped in front of him. Death and destruction, losing half of his class in one night.
  • edited August 2013
    I'd stay in my house throughout the first few days. We live in the capital, yet it's still a pretty small city by western standarts (just under a million inhabitants total). Our neighbourhood is small and located on a high hill, surrounded by a forest, so I reckon there wouldn't be too many zombies around. And yet we're in close proximity to the three major malls, which would provide plenty opportunities to loot if we end up staying there. Anyway, like I said, I'd stay in the house for as long as we can feed ourselves, cooperating with the neighbours maybe, playing it safe.

    If that goes to shit for any reason, I'd grab whatever supplies I can, stuff my car to the brim and drive to my family's lakehouse deep in the woods with next to no nearby humans. There would be very few walkers there, if any at all, and it's easily defensible. The water there is filtered water from the lake itself, so no need to worry about that running out, and for food we already grow our own fruit and vegetables. With a little work, I bet we could get crops, so I reckon I'd last quite a bit. Unless I die in one of the inevitable supply trips, or the very beginning, I think I could endure long enough to get terribly bored, especially when the electricity runs out.
  • edited August 2013
    I'd be a day 1 murderer. If the world's screwed then I'm breaking doors down and taking names.
  • edited August 2013
    Good to know, your off the list.
  • edited August 2013
    2 weeks living in doors.then fining my Hilda and living like Molly xD
  • edited August 2013
    That would be nice, I would more then likely not be all that lucky.
  • edited August 2013
    I'd be dead in less than a week.

    Or I'd sneak into the big Tesco and hide there and hopefully meet more survivors and last a bit longer.
  • edited August 2013
    Break out my emergency chocolate, vodka, and tin of spaghetti hoops, well, more like my only tin as they are $$$ to get here, and basically hold onto my butt.

    I can't say I'd last long but my house is a bit difficult for Walkers to access.
  • edited August 2013
    To everyone talking about “Day 1,” I doubt you'd know what was going on that fast. Neither Vince nor the prison bus cops (whose basic job is to listen to the police scanner all day) knew the dead were rising until they looked out the window on day 2.

    In all realism, as soon as I had a clear idea of what was going on, if I was at my college campus, I'd try to get in contact with my folks and get them to come them over to where I am (my college is in a big town surrounded by rural areas, while my home is in the suburbs of a big city). If the authorities (the army, the police, the national guard, etc.) weren't able to get a hold of things (which according to Kirkman, they wouldn't), I guess I'd try to join or form some sort of commune with other students, staff, and locals. I DO believe in safety in numbers, not just to fend off walkers, but all the armed wannabe Rambos that would start killing people for their stuff.

    Eventually, we'd either have a relatively secure safe zone like the ones in The Last of Us (damned Fireflies!), or another dictatorial and fanatical Woodbury/Crawford (I'd hope not), or a massive breakout and panic where everyone would die (hey, it was worth a shot).
  • edited August 2013
    First up, I'd hit the library. No one thinks to go there, so likely very few zombies, and almost definitely no looters. I'd find some books with useful information; farming techniques, natural medicine, wilderness survival, etc. Later, if the library still stands, I'd gather up some other books over time; history, science, cultural, and entertainment. Gotta find something to occupy my time, and it'd be nice to have some references to use if we get the opportunity to reestablish society.

    Then, I'd hit a nursery, get me some good seeds and possibly a fruit tree. Gotta learn to live off the land, what is safe to eat, how to tend to crops, and how to defend them.

    Next, any kind of sporting goods store to get me some nice baseball bats. Slashing tools like axes and swords would take years to learn to use properly, and would quickly dull in the process. A bat is intuitive and hopefully durable. You just swing it at the head and hope to break some bone.

    Lastly, miscellaneous tools; hammer, saw, nails, anything else I could find that would be useful.

    With all that stuff in my possession, I'd make like Omid and Christa and gtfo of town, find someplace way out in the country, and set up there. Of course, I'd definitely try to get in touch with family and friends, but I won't wait around forever... I'm a terrible sibling :(
  • edited August 2013
    I'd scrounge up everything from my house and move to my parents house, they have high metal fences, a greenhouse to grow vegetables, they got some pet chickens for eggs...

    Guns are illegal in our country so we would have to resort with melee weapons, i have some samurai swords laying around, they are cheap and blunt as hell, but if sharpened they could still cut off a walkers head. We have some axes and stuff, but guns will be a near impossibility to find since not even cops carry guns, only in rare occasions.

    My parents house is owned by my family and my uncles family, since it was such a big house (used to be a super market), it was divided into 2 living spaces, so we would tear down the walls and make it 1 large home where the 2 families can look out for eachother, some strong able men allways helps.

    My dad is a very handy person, and we have lots of plate metal laying around my parents house, he could easily manufacture some armor for us not to get bitten.

    And thats about it, make food runs, make everything yours as soon as possible, family is a big thing in our family, so we will not bat an eyelash if we have to kill other survivors to get more gear and food. No strangers allowed, not even for a days refuge unless they have something valuable.
    And thats that.
  • edited August 2013
    I wouldn't implement the bullshit that happened in TWD, I swear my god if it was me in episode 1, I could save Carley and Doug at the same time. But well I live in an apartment in the 11th floor, I think I would tell the janitor to shut the gate of the building then check every level for walkers, and considering I am a freaking fcuking tall 193 cm tall guy and athletic, that'd help too, maybe I would set up a GYM in the first floor and juice everybody so when they get grabbed they could push walkers away easily (Unlike Lee in the drugstore when Clem opened the bathroom door).
  • edited August 2013
    I'd hide in a treehouse until an awesome black guy came and saved me
  • edited August 2013
    Me too ^
  • edited August 2013
    Its total luck early on then who knows... it's really down to who you meet and just how things go
  • edited August 2013
    I have a plan for the beggining.

    Beggining: My school is two floors with a roadway for cars surrounding it. So it can easily be barricaded with cars which can also be used via quick get away. Its also near a pharmacy and convenience store for supplies. Id encourage my group to eat products with a short expiration date first and others later. I dont eat much, so i can gain trust by offering my rations. The upstairs kitchen room has very big doors and is connected to two other large rooms. All three of these rooms have things like knives and such. We can use these rooms to sleep and eat in. There is also a woodshop which has the closest we have to surgical supplies, but we wont need them if we can get anything from the doctors office on the second floor of the pharmacy. The town is very small, so not many zombies to deal with, should a horde somehow break through the barricade there is an easy escape through the second floor window onto a tall vehicle like a storage truck. Every room has a second route to escape through. Id trade some food to other groups for weapons and silencers. Its a large forestry area, plenty of animals around as i know there people in the neighbourhood with farms. Easy place to grow food. Minus the lack of guns, id say i have a plan to at least last a few months.
  • edited August 2013
    Crunchy wrote: »
    I'd hide in a treehouse until an awesome black guy came and saved me

    awesome. :D
  • edited August 2013
    Or maybe go to the blossom festival and an awesome nerdy guy saves me but then i'm in love with a black guy, i'll try not to die by a bitch.
  • edited August 2013
    i know! Go to Gil's Pitstop and attack the creature grabbing my son. Then i'll drive away and go to a farm
  • edited August 2013
    Ahahah awesome.
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