No not that, it's just I helped make the meme GODDAMMIT BEN, I am starting to trip over my own carpet, I fell down the stairs last week, and my mom calls me Ben sometimes, and I always thought I would become Ben when the zombies come, it's just scarying me now.
No not that, it's just I helped make the meme GODDAMMIT BEN, I am starting to trip over my own carpet, I fell down the stairs last week, and my mom calls me Ben sometimes, and I always thought I would become Ben when the zombies come, it's just scarying me now.
Well then let's come up with a general theme... You know what? In order to pull this off, it'll have to be huge... I think I may be out. I don't really want to tackle this. Bradon, you can have Wyatt.
Well then let's come up with a general theme... You know what? In order to pull this off, it'll have to be huge... I think I may be out. I don't really want to tackle this. Bradon, you can have Wyatt.
really? you did?
You can't really scream on the computer.. Can you?
lol nope
[Does anyone here have skype? it's fun playing this on skype, too]
Kenny: I don't care, their not helpful, they left us to f*cking die, we can't have them with us!
Carley:but they are here, maybe only Vernon took the boat.
Lee: Carley's right Kenny, maybe we should give them a chance, Vernon's not with them now
Kenny: I don't f*cking care if they don't have Vernon with them they still stole my f*cking boat
*Carley's smiling to Lee*
Duck:...oh! look! a CLUE! it says 'This is the wrong thread'...what's that mean?