What would you do?
So. I posted it because I didn't see any thread like that. If I'm wrong- correct me.
What would you do if The Walking Dead zombie outbreak start? Just your personal few first steps.
First thing I would fill the bath with water. Then i should open flap to the roof.
After that I will call to family and friends tell what happened and tried to regroup with them.
So what would you do?
What would you do if The Walking Dead zombie outbreak start? Just your personal few first steps.
First thing I would fill the bath with water. Then i should open flap to the roof.
After that I will call to family and friends tell what happened and tried to regroup with them.
So what would you do?
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To close.
But, because you asked...
I'd first grab a backpack, get supplies, fill all my water, get food, get building supplies, get my bike and head out. (I can't drive cars, too young.
This isn't my whole plan but this is about all I'm putting on here.