Chuck: (Fights off Walkers, Saving Clem, Ben and Travis)
*Kenny,Shel and Duck Run immediatly*
Chuck: Kid, You need to Run!
Ben:.. *Looks in fear*
Chuck: KID!! ( Pushes Walkers out of Ben's Way, and Tries to Hold it off with Shovel)
Ben:... *Runs, But Gets Grabbed by a Walker From under* HEEELP!
Chuck: GO! I CAN SORT THIS OUT! SAVE THE KID! GO!! * The Walker Gets closer to Him, ignorign the Shovel, he quickly gets swarmed*
Ben:.. SHEL, LEEE AAH, FFUU- LEEEE!! * Another Walker sneaks up near him* LEEEE!!
[you can only save one. jk?]
Roman tries to shoot walkers around Chuck but quickly runs out of bullets
Roman: Fuck!
Lee runs to help Ben and gets him out of danger
Roman: We can't just leave that guy!!
Becca and Ben run after Travis and the others
*grabs Clem's and starts walking, gun in hand*
Roman: You heard the man, let's go.
Chuck: * looks around, see's a Walker without the bottom half of it's body*
Ben: *see's the walker, Looks down*
Kenny:...Gross... *Bell Rings*...Huh?
Chuck: ...* looks ahead* ask not for whom the bell tolls.
Ben: * looks forward* T-T-Travis?
Kenny: * looks at chuck in a confused manner, before seeing what chuck's looking at*
Chuck *looking at hoard:* It tolls for thee.
Lee: Oh, no...
Walkers are appearing
Lee: Everybody RUN!! *grabs Clem's hand, starts running*
Clementine:*gets trap with Ben and Travis*
*Kenny,Shel and Duck Run immediatly*
Chuck: Kid, You need to Run!
Ben:.. *Looks in fear*
Chuck: KID!! ( Pushes Walkers out of Ben's Way, and Tries to Hold it off with Shovel)
Ben:... *Runs, But Gets Grabbed by a Walker From under* HEEELP!
Chuck: GO! I CAN SORT THIS OUT! SAVE THE KID! GO!! * The Walker Gets closer to Him, ignorign the Shovel, he quickly gets swarmed*
Ben:.. SHEL, LEEE AAH, FFUU- LEEEE!! * Another Walker sneaks up near him* LEEEE!!
[you can only save one. jk?]
Roman: Fuck!
Lee runs to help Ben and gets him out of danger
Roman: We can't just leave that guy!!
Becca and Ben run after Travis and the others
Chuck: * Still Fighting Off Walkers* GO!
Chuck: I'll catch up with you, go! * Continues to Attack the Walkers, One Sneaks up on him and NEarly bites, he knocks it of* GO!
Becca: Sis, we have to go!
Chuck: *Throws Other Walker off him* GO!
Shel:.... * leaves*
Duck: *looking at Chuck in distance, He suddenly Passes out*
Kenny: Duck, Duck, What's wrong!?
Ben: *looks at boys leg*...oh god!
Kenny: what!? * looks*.....Shit...oh,just...shit!
Becca follows Roman
Lee: Kenny, let's go!!
Becca: I can't believe it... We left him behind...
Lee: Kenny, what happened to Duck?
Ben: and why do you sound like me?
Ben:..No, it's something else...We sound veeery similar to each other.
Vince walks out of mansion
Vince pulls out gun
Vince: Justin, where the fuck did these guys come from?
Vice to Kenny: No... why?
Duck: * coughs badly*
Ben: I'm Ben. Ben Paul.