205 - Musical homage to Fate of Atlantis?

edited May 2008 in Sam & Max
In 205, when I got into the
Sam and Max wing of Hell
, I waited around for a few minutes listening to the music. Near the end of the track, a fifteen-note motif plays that is an almost exact copy of a musical motif from Fate of Atlantis (the music when Indy and Sophia reach the dormant God Machine). Was this intentional on Jared's part, or just a neat coincidence?


  • langleylangley Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    While I can't say that it's not an homage to Fate of Atlantis (Jared would have to confirm or deny), that theme is actually a 13th century medieval hymn called Dies Irae... which translates to "Day of Wrath." Based on the title alone, you can guess why it was used in the game. This theme has appeared in movies like The Shining and, yes, did appear in Fate of Atlantis.

  • edited April 2008
    langley wrote: »
    While I can't say that it's not an homage to Fate of Atlantis (Jared would have to confirm or deny), that theme is actually a 13th century medieval hymn called Dies Irae... which translates to "Day of Wrath." Based on the title alone, you can guess why it was used in the game. This theme has appeared in movies like The Shining and, yes, did appear in Fate of Atlantis.
    Ah. I'd heard of the Dies Irae before but never actually got around to listening to it. That makes more sense.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    Andrew's right - I don't think its inclusion in the game was specifically an FOA reference, but that's a nice coincidence either way :)
  • edited April 2008
    ...on the other hand, there is this strange hat hanging on the jackalope in stinky's...
  • edited April 2008
    Speaking of music, I have to say that the arrangements in this episode were fantastic! My favorite piece is still from 201, in Santa's cabin, but 205's soundtrack comes in a close second.
  • edited April 2008
    Yeah this soundtrack was great! ill refrain from quoting max's comment on mimesweeper after you put it in ping. Also the music in the elve's toy factory sounded reminescent of a jazz piece ive heard before...
  • edited April 2008
    I thought the general tune sounded a bit like the one from Hugh Bliss' room in 106.
  • edited April 2008
    wisp wrote: »
    ...on the other hand, there is this strange hat hanging on the jackalope in stinky's...

    I think it belongs to Flint Paper
  • edited April 2008
    I don't know why, but the tune in the subway station (in 205) really got to me. That was really, really neat.
  • edited April 2008
    I don't know why, but it really reminds me of Monkey Island 2's final chapter. Lovely stuff. :D
  • edited May 2008
    wildemar wrote: »
    I don't know why, but the tune in the subway station (in 205) really got to me. That was really, really neat.

    It really reminded me of (the best soundrack ever) the music from Grim Fandango.
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