Now that, was nicely done

edited May 2008 in Sam & Max
Best episode ever?

Well, I'm a big fan of plotty goodness.
Reality 2.0 and The Chariot of the Dogs had very good concept, but I think in terms of the sheer number of clever plotlines coming together, 205 must stand as the best so far.

You've really impressed me, Congratulations.

It was nice to see Brady and Hugh again; shame they couldn't have had a few more lines, but I guess there was a lot going on in that Episode.


  • edited April 2008
    Yeah when i saw them i almost blurted out "hey thats brady and hugh!"
  • RazRaz
    edited April 2008
    205 is epic, and sets the bar "flippin' darned high" for the TellTale crew for Season 3!

    Now.. I just wish I wasn't a dirty foreigner and could move to the states, live outside telltale studios and just suck up all the awesome and beg for change with my box of things "here to remind me of the mess I left when I went away"

    oh man, controlling that big robot was so cool... Maimtron: best name for a robot, ever.
  • edited April 2008
    i wasn't expecting Hugh Bliss or Brady Culture, was expecting Chuckles, did see him but only for a bit
  • edited April 2008
    I wish the internet was there too.
  • edited April 2008
    The internet has already resurrected by Al Gore! The Cops explain that in one episode.
  • edited April 2008
    What episode?
  • edited April 2008
    If I remembered the exact number I would posted it... Probably 203...
  • edited April 2008
    I would like to know if the Moai are in Hell somewhere, they were reduced to disoriented cups of atomic matter!
  • edited April 2008
    They got blown up in 204, but they appear at Sybil and Lincoln's wedding. And they weren't in the "New Arrivals" section in Sam and Max's room in hell, so they either survived somehow and jumped into the time vortex (landing in front of the White House while the wedding was happening) or went to heaven (it's awfully hard to sin if you've just spent thousands of years staring at nothing.)
  • edited April 2008
    Since they're supposed to be gods, maybe they managed to survive and simply took the long way back to the present.
  • edited April 2008
    I think the earthquake Moai started an earthquake to make a hole in the spaceship.
  • edited April 2008
    I'm prolly about halfway through 205. So far what's really struck me is that the animation is getting better and better.
    At the beginning when the duo + Bosco drops from the portal is awesome. Also, the way S&M climb the ladder and come down to the sewer is also really well done. There has been very clear improvement in the animation of the characters over the course of the episodes.
  • edited April 2008
    Harald B wrote: »
    Since they're supposed to be gods, maybe they managed to survive and simply took the long way back to the present.
    I doubt they are gods, they sounded rather concerned about being blown up, the female in paticular.
  • edited April 2008
    Linque wrote: »
    I'm prolly about halfway through 205. So far what's really struck me is that the animation is getting better and better.

    Satan's animations are really, really good. His movements are very detailed.
  • edited April 2008
    I doubt they are gods, they sounded rather concerned about being blown up, the female in paticular.
    they're probaly all dead...that didn't keep others from attending the jürgen.
  • edited April 2008
    yeah and they probably didn't get a personal hell because... well, i think they had enough hell already, and i doubt there was much Satan could do to make them even more miserable...
  • edited May 2008
    Teeth wrote: »
    They got blown up in 204, but they appear at Sybil and Lincoln's wedding. And they weren't in the "New Arrivals" section in Sam and Max's room in hell, so they either survived somehow and jumped into the time vortex (landing in front of the White House while the wedding was happening) or went to heaven (it's awfully hard to sin if you've just spent thousands of years staring at nothing.)

    They've spent thousands of years staring at babies; I think that's considered a sin! ;)

    As it happened i avoided playing that far into Moai Better Blues because it was so different to the rest of the series, and i think it's the worst episode so far, however it may get better towards the end.

    Anyway, I love 205, it is a little slow to get going and yes there are a lot of unnecessary cameos
    Such as Hugh Bliss, which retcons the idea in 106 that he was originally chemical matter or whatever it is, not a human being as such.
    , but once you're into it the puzzles are genius and usually the humour is good.
    In fact i thought the game seems to cut off just as it's beginning to get really exciting
    . The environment in the game is pretty cool.
    I think it signals they are losing the monster as he's now missing an internal part. Also, it is really nice to see Grandpa Stinky alive again. Ironically, in Series 1 and early Series 2 they always talked about how nice he was and how much they liked to talk to him, but they hardly do since his resurrection. I swear there's a loose thread though, as i distinctly remember Satan saying "Where did I leave my sweater? Somebody's stolen it right out of my box!" even though we never actually find it in the game. This might be a hint to taking stuff from his box, but you have to ask to do that anyway. Also, I think the bowl of eyes in the hell waiting room, and Jurgen's comment that they are all near sighted signifies that the ones in the pool of lava might be Specs' rather than Peepers'. I could be wrong though.
  • edited May 2008
    I liked 204 better because of the time travel.
  • edited May 2008
    @ splash: where did you see chuckles in 205? I've played it through twice and I've not seen him... or was it in the wedding scene?

    I liked seeing hugh and Brady again as minor characters. I'd have liked to see mroe cameos, if only as, like the theature FULL of old characters who were watchcign bosco.
  • edited May 2008
    I believe that after you take Hell's efficiency down a notch you see him in the background when Satan is berating Brady in the main office. He's in one of those sequences.
  • edited May 2008
    Such as Hugh Bliss, which retcons the idea in 106 that he was originally chemical matter or whatever it is, not a human being as such.
    Nah, Satan said something about taking a big risk hiring a sentient bacteria when he's scolding Hugh's lack of efficiency.
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