Is there any way I can kill or ditch Kenny earlier?

edited September 2013 in The Walking Dead
I don't like Kenny and his family. Kat is useless and Duck is pain in the ass.

I don't want to side with Kenny but this game has only one way.
Kenny is one of leading character and there is no way I can eliminate him earlier.

If Lily didn't kill Carley I'd rather side with her.

...wait a minute, what happens if I keep Lily after she killed Carley? Cause I don't wanna play it myself please spoil the story for me.


  • edited August 2013
    What I want to say:
    You hate Kenny enough...
    that you want to kill him...
    once he saved your life...
    and then again... (optional)
    and once more...
    Your answer, shortened:
    No. No matter what you do, you can't leave him.
    If you bring Lilly, no matter what you say, she leaves in the RV without you.
    Yup. :I
  • edited August 2013
    If you take Lilly with you , she will steal the Rv . She gives you a choice if you want to come her . If you say yes , she will tell Lee to get Clementine and when Lee gets out to get Clem , Lilly takes the Rv and leaves without Lee and Clem .
    Also , did you play the entire game or you are at episode 3 ?
  • edited August 2013
    whereisLee wrote: »
    I don't like Kenny and his family. Kat is useless and Duck is pain in the ass.

    I don't want to side with Kenny but this game has only one way.
    Kenny is one of leading character and there is no way I can eliminate him earlier.

    If Lily didn't kill Carley I'd rather side with her.

    ...wait a minute, what happens if I keep Lily after she killed Carley? Cause I don't wanna play it myself please spoil the story for me.

  • edited August 2013
    I think OP here is at episode 3 and he is very confused .
  • edited August 2013
    Yep, he is going to just love episode 5 if he hates Kenny that much.
  • edited August 2013
    Kenny is awesome. Why do people hate him? He's only the voice of reason, that's all :shrug:
  • edited August 2013
    Kenny is awesome. Why do people hate him? He's only the voice of reason, that's all :shrug:

    I like you already, and I don't even know you.
  • edited August 2013
    Yep, he is going to just love episode 5 if he hates Kenny that much.

    And he's going to hate Season 2 know.
  • edited August 2013
    Also true.
  • edited August 2013
    Haha, he'll probably react like this.

  • edited August 2013
    Or he could be reacting like Hitler in that video everyone parody's, which by the way I wonder if there is a Walking Dead game version of the popular Hitler Downfall video, I would watch that now.
  • edited August 2013
    There's videos of him reacting to TV Show Character's deaths.
  • edited August 2013
    But I found a video of him reacting to the ending of the game.
  • edited August 2013
    Thanks, I always wondered if there was a version, thanks Ben.
  • edited August 2013
    You hate Kenny enough...
    that you want to kill him...
    once he saved your life...
    and then again... (optional)
    and once more...

    In fairness, it's possible that...

    -He saves you, but calls you an asshole
    -He leaves you struggling with the St Johns, standing by and refusing to help based on you refusing to hold a traumatized woman while he brains her father
    -He again refuses to help when multiple walkers have you completely trapped after callously suggesting you leave a woman to die slowly and painfully
  • edited August 2013
    FatTonyVG wrote: »
    In fairness, it's possible that...

    -He saves you, but calls you an asshole
    -He leaves you struggling with the St Johns, standing by and refusing to help based on you refusing to hold a traumatized woman while he brains her father
    -He again refuses to help when multiple walkers have you completely trapped after callously suggesting you leave a woman to die slowly and painfully

    He calls you a asshole if you side with Larry about killing Duck .
    We don't know if Larry had a chance of survival . Even if CPR worked , he would be weak and would immediatly die off because we don't have his medicine .
    The woman was bitten so she was already dying . What would we do with her after we save her ? Bring her to the Motor Inn and let her turn into a walker and bite Clem ?
  • Butt-headButt-head Banned
    edited August 2013
    That'd be cool. Ditching most of them and staying with Carley and Lilly.
  • edited August 2013
    Butt-head wrote: »
    That'd be cool. Ditching most of them and staying with Carley and Lilly.

    Please stop trolling .
  • edited August 2013
    He calls you a asshole if you side with Larry about killing Duck .
    We don't know if Larry had a chance of survival . Even if CPR worked , he would be weak and would immediatly die off because we don't have his medicine .
    The woman was bitten so she was already dying . What would we do with her after we save her ? Bring her to the Motor Inn and let her turn into a walker and bite Clem ?

    I believe he also calls you an asshole if you try to talk him out of fighting Larry, or express concern that Duck may have been bitten - don't forget that you don't know for sure at first.

    For the meat locker bit, I understand why he wants to kill Larry (heck, I jumped at the chance) but to leave you for dead for not helping him? Hardly fair, and this is made more blatant if you've sided with him up to this point.

    I wasn't proposing we save the woman, but a quick gunshot would have been far more appropriate than a slow, agonizing death. His response to this? "He euthanised that poor woman, saved her from the exact fate we're all trying to avoid... better leave him for dead!"

    Hell, let's look at more selfish or plain dickish stuff he does. Assuming you *don't* put the woman out of her misery he calls you out on it in front of everyone, making you look like the bad guy in front of everyone. He refuses to acknowledge Duck's condition, simultaneously proving how hypocritical he is (how much attention did he pay to Lilly's feelings in the meat locker?) and potentially endangering the entire group (Duckpocalypse isn't just an easter egg, that could've happened!)

    Assuming he *does* acknowledge that Duck is in a bad way he can, depending on your choices, deliver a brutal beatdown on Lee while insulting your relationship with Clementine. After this he is so self-absorbed in grief that he refuses to move a few inches for you to get a map. The "boat" plan, despite being full of blatant flaws (food and drink, for example) is the one he insists is best, going so far as to insult and berate anyone who disagrees.

    In episode 4 he irresponsibly gets drunk, resulting in Clementine going missing (Ben is partly to blame but, honestly, the way they were sat implies he was consoling and / or supervising Kenny) and more confrontational words with Lee. He blows up at Ben which is partly understandable, but less so when you consider how much Kenny's own actions have harmed others (Shawn, anyone?) and even loses respect for you if you don't drop Ben. That is, Kenny loses respect for you if you don't kill a highschool kid. And if you do drop him he calls you out on it in front of the group, much like with the woman in episode 3, upsetting Clementine in the process. Oh, and of course, if you disagree with Kenny on even a few extremely unimportant issues, he tells you you haven't always had his back and refuses to help you unless you choose the "family" option.

    In episode 5 he makes it very obvious that he'd rather Lee were dead than joining them on the hunt for Clementine. He redeems himself in this chapter with his heroic sacrifice, but only after hypocritically berating his wife and the couple in the bed. And that's not to mention that his insistence on taking the supplies led to the death of the Stranger's family and the eventual kidnapping of Clementine that directly causes Lee's death, (possibly) Ben's death, (possibly) his OWN death, etc etc.

    I played with Kenny as my buddy, siding with him on most issues because I disliked Lilly and respected his family mind, but it's very easy to see him as an absolute tool.
  • edited August 2013
    Blimey, that was longer than I thought. Sorry! I feel I should balance it with some of the nice things he does too.

    -He gives you a ride at the start of the game
    -He selflessly offers to help Larry and proves himself a worthy leader by delegating responsibilities when Lilly is obviously too upset to do so herself
    -He endangers himself to save everyone at the end of the first episode
    -He gets the RV up and running which saves you eventually
    -He *can* save you from the St Johns, and only his curiosity and sense of unease leads to the eventual discovery of their nasty ways
    -His taking of the supplies potentially saves the group, assuming they wouldn't have found enough by scavenging and looting
    -He takes on the dangerous task of pulling a walker out from under the RV by himself
    -He is able to drive a freakin' TRAIN
    -While the plan is stupid, the idea of getting a boat is at least something... nobody else really has a plan at all
    -Until their falling out, he seems to enjoy taking on the role of a father figure to Ben, a character who could affectionately be referred to as "thick as two short planks"
    -Without him, you wouldn't have escaped Crawford
    -Even if he absolutely hates you, he'll still join you if you tell him how important Clementine is
    -If he joins you, it's *his* idea to cut your arm off to buy you some more time
    -During the confrontation, instead of braining you with the statue he simply hurls it in anger, proving that he had no real intention of hurting you
    -Of course, his big damn sacrifice, even if it was stupid and hypocritical
  • Butt-headButt-head Banned
    edited August 2013
    Please stop trolling .
    You're very kind. I'll stop.
  • edited August 2013
    theres no "if"

    Can it, Carley.
  • edited August 2013
    That's Marioluigi344, Ben
  • edited August 2013
    That's Marioluigi344, Ben

    Can it, Maybelle.
  • edited August 2013
    .... I'll eat your foot. I will!
  • edited August 2013
    .... I'll eat your foot. I will!

    Keep it together, Danny...
  • edited August 2013
    That's it! You asked for it! *grabs chainsaw, and storms out the room*
  • edited August 2013
    Short answer, no.

    I really wish I could've left Kenny in the beginning of episode 3. I didn't care if his family went to the coast. I wanted him gone. I can see where you're coming from.
  • edited August 2013
    I really hoped Kenny would leave the team after he left me for dead twice. me reaction was this : WTF?
    I saved the guy's wife and fed his kid twice and saved his life aswell at the farm,and that evil f*ck is leaving me for dead? I mean right after he want me to leave another person for dead so he can save his own skin lets not forget that :P

    after I read some of the posts I do not want to create any arguments so ill post some of my Lilly & Kenny decisions so you will see how I see it.and why I think we should have left Kenny earlier

    this is the spoiler forum,so ill post till 1-4

    - I saved duck at the farm
    -I defended Kenny at the store +gave duck energy bar
    -backed Lilly up in ep 2 argument coz I didnt like it that Kenny complains aobut her job but doing nothing.
    -Saved Larry.
    now that was before I was a Lilly fan,that was because My lee simply saves the people that can be saved.
    -Lilly saved me twice while Kenny just watched - I began to see Lilly a friend wich I can trust and began to like her
    -didnt shoot the girl in the street - hat was the right thing to do in my eyes
    -Kenny left me for dead again
    -I told Lilly about my past and she made a great reaction,deffinatly a great Lilly moment I remember to this day :) was very well written !
    - I brought Lilly along and wanted to go with her because after Carley's death Lilly was my only friend.
    -I shot duck
    -I told clem we should go our own way becase with Lilly gone I didnt want anything with the group (1st looking for her parents tho)

    now at this point I tried to get along with Kenny,but his reactions were bad wich leads me to my last Kenny decision :
    -I told him to go f*ck himself in the end of ep 4 because with clem's life on the line,I had no time for his games of "u werent there"

    now I had once 100% Kenny save and I ended up deleting him coz Lee had to be mean to a lot of characters in order to get along with Kenny,I just dont like if there was an option to leave him I would go for it
  • edited August 2013
    Roy1306 wrote: »
    I really hoped Kenny would leave the team after he left me for dead twice. me reaction was this : WTF?
    I saved the guy's wife and fed his kid twice and saved his life aswell at the farm,and that evil f*ck is leaving me for dead? I mean right after he want me to leave another person for dead so he can save his own skin lets not forget that :P

    after I read some of the posts I do not want to create any arguments so ill post some of my Lilly & Kenny decisions so you will see how I see it.and why I think we should have left Kenny earlier

    this is the spoiler forum,so ill post till 1-4

    - I saved duck at the farm
    -I defended Kenny at the store +gave duck energy bar
    -backed Lilly up in ep 2 argument coz I didnt like it that Kenny complains aobut her job but doing nothing.
    -Saved Larry.
    now that was before I was a Lilly fan,that was because My lee simply saves the people that can be saved.
    -Lilly saved me twice while Kenny just watched - I began to see Lilly a friend wich I can trust and began to like her
    -didnt shoot the girl in the street - hat was the right thing to do in my eyes
    -Kenny left me for dead again
    -I told Lilly about my past and she made a great reaction,deffinatly a great Lilly moment I remember to this day :) was very well written !
    - I brought Lilly along and wanted to go with her because after Carley's death Lilly was my only friend.
    -I shot duck
    -I told clem we should go our own way becase with Lilly gone I didnt want anything with the group (1st looking for her parents tho)

    now at this point I tried to get along with Kenny,but his reactions were bad wich leads me to my last Kenny decision :
    -I told him to go f*ck himself in the end of ep 4 because with clem's life on the line,I had no time for his games of "u werent there"

    now I had once 100% Kenny save and I ended up deleting him coz Lee had to be mean to a lot of characters in order to get along with Kenny,I just dont like if there was an option to leave him I would go for it

    The thing is if Lilly was a true friend , she would of never left Lee and Clem when she took the Rv .
    Pretty much , both Kenny and Lilly aren't friends unless you side with them while both Doug/Carley are your true friends and you don't have to side with them to be your friends .
    But this is just my opinion .
  • edited August 2013
    The thing is if Lilly was a true friend , she would of never left Lee and Clem when she took the Rv .
    Pretty much , both Kenny and Lilly aren't friends unless you side with them while both Doug/Carley are your true friends and you don't have to side with them to be your friends .
    But this is just my opinion .

    Well I had 100% Kenny save and 100% Lilly save,me personatly liked the Lilly 1 better ^^ :D
  • edited August 2013
    Well I can see where this thread is going real fast.
  • edited August 2013
    Yeah, this train thread is going to Derailville, population us.
  • edited August 2013
    Yeah, but Lilly doesn't have a sexy mustache so you're out of luck.
  • edited August 2013
    Kenny is awesome. Why do people hate him? He's only the voice of reason, that's all :shrug:

    Not exactly a voice of reason. He unreasonably holds grudges, and pretty much commits suicide in the Ben scene (EDIT: and, unless bitten, suicide is never reasonable).

    Don't get me wrong, I still love Kenny for his character arc, but most of it is based on him being unreasonable, and then finding reason.

    Lilly is more of a voice of reason than Kenny is, up until she snaps under pressure. I feel if she hadn't leaded, then she would be a favorite character.
  • edited August 2013
    FatTonyVG's summary of Kenny is more or less why I'm not pro-Kenny, and was either neutral or agreeing with Lilly (until Episode 3).
  • OlgaSedovaOlgaSedova Banned
    edited August 2013
    whereisLee wrote: »
    I don't like Kenny and his family. Kat is useless and Duck is pain in the ass.

    I don't want to side with Kenny but this game has only one way.
    Kenny is one of leading character and there is no way I can eliminate him earlier.

    If Lily didn't kill Carley I'd rather side with her.

    ...wait a minute, what happens if I keep Lily after she killed Carley? Cause I don't wanna play it myself please spoil the story for me.

    I agree with you 100% <3 Kenny = The most annoying character ever!
  • edited August 2013
    OlgaSedova wrote: »
    I agree with you 100% <3 Kenny = The most annoying character ever!

    I think Ben deserves " the most annoying character ever " award .
  • edited August 2013
    Nah, that's Duck. Ben is cool.
  • edited August 2013
    Harpadarpa wrote: »
    Nah, that's Duck. Ben is cool.

    Now you completely broke my heart by saying that . :(
This discussion has been closed.