Hidden Meanings TWD
There are a lot of secret things that connect in the walking dead season 1 that a lot of people missed.
This thread is for posting them.
Heres one: Starts with handcuffs... Ends with handcuffs.
This thread is for posting them.
Heres one: Starts with handcuffs... Ends with handcuffs.
This discussion has been closed.
Clem sees the people's shadow in the end.
Lee used a hammer to beat down Sandra as a zombie.
Clem used a bat to beat down the cop zombie.
The showcase Lee uses to stand up is similar to the cop car in episode 1.
So does Lee.
Omg Lee is the parallel universes Axe Cop. Ha ha I just started watching that show this week too.
I remember this thread. Is that the one you're talking about? Anyway, I enjoy these so the more the merrier I say.
I'll add one for 400 days. The achievement for finishing Shel's chapter is called "Paradise Lost." It's a reference to the story of Adam and Eve from the Christian bible. I'm sure there are parallels that can be drawn to Shel and Becca's story. Depending on how you play it, Roman can either play the role of God (by violating his rule, you must leave your sanctuary from the cruel world) or Satan/the serpent (by being persuaded to "sin" by killing off Stephanie, you experience a fall from grace).
He was in the band or something. Almighty guitar player. That's so cool.
New black man enters, old black man dies out.
We talking about the show too?
And if we are also going with the show: Women don't know what they want.
or the pitstop
"art??" ?
"Eddie is my bro"?
"You ruined that Dudes Face" ?
We see hidden things
I am brothers with that man
Omid is Triumphant
this is awesome
Meh, can't really deny the influence if it's there. But as far as I'm concerned, it's just another work of literature to be analyzed.
True that.