Reason why I don't like Kenny...

edited September 2013 in The Walking Dead
One of my posting is going to nowhere with meaningless arguing.

The reason why I don't like Kenny is he holds grudge too long and I have no other choice but to choose Kenny to play the game till the end.

I've been nice to Kenny and his family for the whole gameplaying, but only once, just once I was against Kenny. --when I chose not to kill Larry at dairy.

After that, no matter how much I try to be nice to him, he was always grumpy. I even chose not to shoot the poor girl on the drugstore street. But Kenny tried to leave me behind when walkers attacked me.

To get along with Kenny I have to stick up 100% for him. Or I have to choose Lilly but she kills Carley so there's no way I can keep her. Or do I become alone if I don't choose anyone?(don't know yet.)

The annoying part of this game is I have to choose Kenny or Lilly--but Lilly eventually betrays us, so only option left is Kenny.

if I make one mistake Kenny becomes hostile. I was nice to Kenny,Kat and Duck 99% and made only one choice against him. What's wrong with him with his grudge?

Ben is stupid and coward but I'd rather get along with him. He doesn't mean what he does, just stupid.


  • edited August 2013
    The Larry situation was meant to be a relationship make or break for you and him. If you support him and save larry, he feels betrayed. Be a dick and save Larry, it fi=urthers his hate. As for shooting the girl, Kenny WANTS you to to leave her so he and you could get more time to get supplies. And if your argument is "I have to be nice to kenny cause he is the only one with me through the whole thing" is pointless seeing as how you can still be mean to him and still get relatively unaffected. Don't like being hated? Side with Christa and Omid. Don't like them, Clem is there for you. Don't like clem? then that's your problem hat you hate the people you are with. If it's not to big a choice like say... telling him weather or not you need to rest at the house or go find a boat. Say no to the boat that time and he won't hold a grudge for long. And the way it sounds when you say "I make one mistake and he becomes hostile" makes it sounds as though you only had the one playthrough and just assumed all other decisions were going to be like that.

    If you hate Kenny, go ahead and hate on him. Nothing to it. Just know that the majority of the games fans will disagree.
  • edited August 2013
    The Larry situation was meant to be a relationship make or break for you and him. If you support him and save larry, he feels betrayed. Be a dick and save Larry, it fi=urthers his hate. As for shooting the girl, Kenny WANTS you to to leave her so he and you could get more time to get supplies. And if your argument is "I have to be nice to kenny cause he is the only one with me through the whole thing" is pointless seeing as how you can still be mean to him and still get relatively unaffected. Don't like being hated? Side with Christa and Omid. Don't like them, Clem is there for you. Don't like clem? then that's your problem hat you hate the people you are with. If it's not to big a choice like say... telling him weather or not you need to rest at the house or go find a boat. Say no to the boat that time and he won't hold a grudge for long. And the way it sounds when you say "I make one mistake and he becomes hostile" makes it sounds as though you only had the one playthrough and just assumed all other decisions were going to be like that.

    If you hate Kenny, go ahead and hate on him. Nothing to it. Just know that the majority of the games fans will disagree.

    Will the majority disagree though? I'm honestly curious because this forum isn't really the best, most unbiased representation of public opinion. I mean, most of the pro-Kenny threads and comments here are made by the exact same dozen people or so. I feel like most people would be okay with Kenny at best after being a complete asshole for half the game but then getting a (kinda-sorta) heroic death.

    Still, my fingers are crossed for walker-Kenny next season. We need some closure, Telltale!
  • edited August 2013
    Will the majority disagree though? I'm honestly curious because this forum isn't really the best, most unbiased representation of public opinion. I mean, most of the pro-Kenny threads and comments here are made by the exact same dozen people or so. I feel like most people would be okay with Kenny at best after being a complete asshole for half the game but then getting a (kinda-sorta) heroic death.

    Still, my fingers are crossed for walker-Kenny next season. We need some closure, Telltale!

    I know what you mean, so ill withdraw on my comment of the games fans and say the people on here.
  • edited August 2013
    whereisLee wrote: »
    One of my posting is going to nowhere with meaningless arguing.

    The reason why I don't like Kenny is he holds grudge too long and I have no other choice but to choose Kenny to play the game till the end.

    I've been nice to Kenny and his family for the whole gameplaying, but only once, just once I was against Kenny. --when I chose not to kill Larry at dairy.

    After that, no matter how much I try to be nice to him, he was always grumpy. I even chose not to shoot the poor girl on the drugstore street. But Kenny tried to leave me behind when walkers attacked me.

    To get along with Kenny I have to stick up 100% for him. Or I have to choose Lilly but she kills Carley so there's no way I can keep her. Or do I become alone if I don't choose anyone?(don't know yet.)

    The annoying part of this game is I have to choose Kenny or Lilly--but Lilly eventually betrays us, so only option left is Kenny.

    if I make one mistake Kenny becomes hostile. I was nice to Kenny,Kat and Duck 99% and made only one choice against him. What's wrong with him with his grudge?

    Ben is stupid and coward but I'd rather get along with him. He doesn't mean what he does, just stupid.

    That's the main point of his character arc. How he's so unreasonable. How he hates you for one thing. Then, in the end, he realizes that it's all bullshit to just keep holding that hatred. Then he does kind of a Katjaa move, and ends himself to be with his new son figure, only instead of letting the son become the zombie, he lets himself become the zombie. Or he never finds this conclusion, and hates you until the minute he's feasted on.
  • edited August 2013
    This is off topic but Flame Reader, what is your avatar pic? I can see Elizabeth in the bottom left corner but who are the rest?
  • edited August 2013
    This is off topic but Flame Reader, what is your avatar pic? I can see Elizabeth in the bottom left corner but who are the rest?

    Bottom Right: Konata from Lucky Star
    Top Left: Edward Elric from Fullmetal alchemist
    Top Right: Vincent from Catherine

    not WD related, just my favorite characters from Anime and Video games
  • edited August 2013
    goddammit, whenever I post something, we always go to off topic.
  • edited August 2013
    Harpadarpa wrote: »
    goddammit, whenever I post something, we always go to off topic.

    Sorry XD
    Bioshock infinite WD, PM me about this if you wanna continue the conversation.

    *Rerails Train* So yea, I have to agree with Harpadarpa
  • edited August 2013
    Well thanks for telling me that, and on topic I think people do have a reason to hate Kenny, he was not a flawless man, but I do believe he was miles better then Lilly and if you side with him he is one of the best bros I have seen in a game for sometime.
  • edited August 2013
    Aside from Doug and Nate
  • edited August 2013
    Doug does not last the whole game, but if he did I am sure he would have done great things and Nate, well he is just crazy.
  • edited August 2013
    I think Doug would've sacrificed himself for Ben in the end or he would've got impaled on the balcony himself. He could've also been left behind if Ben goes before him.

    As for the Christa scenario, I don't know. His character seemed to be changing after the bandit raid.
  • edited August 2013
    He was changing, for better or worse it was way to early to call.
  • edited August 2013
    I think Doug would've been smart enough to notice the lack of structural integrity.

    Also, Nate was protective of Russel, in their short time together.
  • edited August 2013
    whereisLee wrote: »
    One of my posting is going to nowhere with meaningless arguing.

    The reason why I don't like Kenny is he holds grudge too long and I have no other choice but to choose Kenny to play the game till the end.

    I've been nice to Kenny and his family for the whole gameplaying, but only once, just once I was against Kenny. --when I chose not to kill Larry at dairy.

    After that, no matter how much I try to be nice to him, he was always grumpy. I even chose not to shoot the poor girl on the drugstore street. But Kenny tried to leave me behind when walkers attacked me.

    To get along with Kenny I have to stick up 100% for him. Or I have to choose Lilly but she kills Carley so there's no way I can keep her. Or do I become alone if I don't choose anyone?(don't know yet.)

    The annoying part of this game is I have to choose Kenny or Lilly--but Lilly eventually betrays us, so only option left is Kenny.

    if I make one mistake Kenny becomes hostile. I was nice to Kenny,Kat and Duck 99% and made only one choice against him. What's wrong with him with his grudge?

    Ben is stupid and coward but I'd rather get along with him. He doesn't mean what he does, just stupid.

    I agree with you.everyone in this forum are "TEAM KENNY" 100% of the time as you can see in the Lilly hate threads. I actualy really like Lilly - and if someone will tell me thats because I dont like Kenny here is a little secret : I also had Pro- Kenny save and still disliked him. (yes,I got the "you were my bitch during the intire game" speech)
    for kenny you need to be him with 100% of the time for him to be on your side. if you want Lilly - all you need to do is save larry,and u discover an amazing woman later in the game.

    I preety much think in the Lilly vs Kenny Lilly is smarter and better. but they both got thier ups and downs.
  • edited August 2013
    The Stache though
  • edited August 2013
    Roy1306 wrote: »
    I agree with you.everyone in this forum are "TEAM KENNY" 100% of the time as you can see in the Lilly hate threads. I actualy really like Lilly - and if someone will tell me thats because I dont like Kenny here is a little secret : I also had Pro- Kenny save and still disliked him. (yes,I got the "you were my bitch during the intire game" speech)
    for kenny you need to be him with 100% of the time for him to be on your side. if you want Lilly - all you need to do is save larry,and u discover an amazing woman later in the game.

    I preety much think in the Lilly vs Kenny Lilly is smarter and better. but they both got thier ups and downs.

    Those are fighting words, no one disgraces the honored bro speech, am I right guys?
  • edited August 2013
    Those are fighting words, no one disgraces the honored bro speech, am I right guys?

    hmm not meaning to fight with someone..we all like walking dead and got different opinions about different events of the game. I didnt like that speech because in order to get along with Kenny i earned some disrespect from many characters. so speech or not it was a must for him to go with you if you sided with him all the time,he didnt had a choice
  • edited August 2013
    It was being sarcastic, I am not going to fight you, and for the record you don't need to be 100% pro Kenny, I did not drop Ben and I did not steal from the Station Wagon and he still gave me the bro speech.
  • edited August 2013
    Iknow you dont need to be 100% pro Kenny,I dont think that not tellin him about your past counts to
  • edited August 2013
    Lilly was fine to me until she killed Carley/Doug. She was a traitor of the group, and she was a murderer. Even if you side with her the whole game, she takes a jab at you, revealing to everyone that you're a murderer, even in front of Clem. If you had Doug, well, you were screwed in that moment. That's the difference: When Kenny is loyal, he is loyal, when Lilly is loyal, she just backstabs you, even if you attempt to get into the RV with her and you're nice to her the entire game, she just forgets EVERYTHING and then she's gone.
    Kenny is flawed, too, but it's heck of a lot better than Lilly.
  • edited August 2013
    Traitor is not what I'd refer to Lilly as, that would belong to Ben, since it was his actions that started the downfall of the group, Lilly only finished it, though Kenny's killing Larry had helped her motivation.

    Can't argue about the shooting of Carley/Doug and revealing Lee's secret, since there's no real justification for that other than Lilly was under extreme paranoia and stress.

    The RV theft scene though, I would have to say that bringing her with her in the state she is in is a very bad idea. Stealing the RV seems reasonable to me, after all, why would anyone take the already paranoid Lilly with them? To execute her anyway? To take her prisoner? There's no logic in that, and leaving her alone in the road is the better option for both the group and Lilly.

    And I really can't agree with Kenny being better than Lilly though, since not being pro-Kenny means that the game punishes me for not being a better friend to Kenny despite Kenny unfairly treating my Lee like garbage for not being on his side or not doing enough for him. Even Lilly treats Lee like a proper friend than Kenny does, at least until the Carley/Doug incident unfortunately.
  • edited August 2013
    They're both extremely flawed. Hell, every single character in the game is flawed. If they weren't, or there were certain characters without flaw, the game would suck ass. It's all about human beings surviving tragedy. They aren't human beings unless they're flawed. For that reason, I love each and every character given more than a few minutes of screen time... Aside from Duck and Mark... They were just irritating, with no redeemable qualities (aside from the batman and robin).
  • edited September 2013
    Mark was... kind of not that good. He overtrusted the St. Johns, missed when trying to shoot that bird and told Larry what Lee says.
  • edited September 2013
    Mark was the most ironic though...

    "Yeah, if you didn't rescue me, I'd probably BE dinner..."

    "I wouldn't want to be stuck in a room with him...(Larry)"
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