
Uhm. Is it only me or have anyone else gone into a deep depression for a short amount of time after playing The Walking Dead? For me, it was worse than watching a sad movie, or attending a funeral. After completing the final episode I just sat there, looking at my desktop for hours. Too much emotions for me to take in at the same time I guess. No other game have had this much effect on me before. The disturbing thing for me that brings up thise emotions is not Lee's death. His fate had been clear for me for a long time. But leaving Clementine out there in this twisted world with no-one looking after her. That just ripped my heart in two. The only thing that keeps my hope up is Season Two. It's not over, "Clementine's fate is not yet decided!"
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P.S. There are only one game what gave me a REAL depression - The Last of Us.
Agreed. However, I've not played The Last of Us, but been following a let's play on YouTube. Those series made me buy The Walking Dead.
I thought it was ok, but what I didnt get was that they NEVER explain how Jason died when you clearly see Ethan jump in front of the damn car
Yeah didn't make much sense. The way I see Heavy Rain is like watching an action movie, you need to switch your brain off and relax and enjoy it for a bit of entertainment, if you start questioning it on an intellectual level and start disecting the story it will completely fall apart. Also someone should tell Cage this..........
Exactly my point. Though i still argue that heavy rain was a good game, Walking Dead definetely hit the feels way deeper than any amount of close ups ever could
Yea, the plot twist would have been GREAT if when you played as scott shelby his thoughts were vague instead of thinking of caching the origami killer when
Yeah that in a nutshell describes whats wrong with it.
If maybe he thought stuff like "This evidence could lead up to the origami killer case" It would be better. He'd be pointing it out, but he isnt actually implying
yea, it's sort of like what jontron said about banjo nuts and bolts.
"You can't change the gameplay and still keep the old level design! That makes no sense!"
Same goes for when Jason gets hit, they cant change what we see and still keep the same outcome!
There's no real good ending to the walking dead
Good picture of me
no wonder you liscence was revoked...
Probably true. How could there be in a zombie apocalypse.
And then a girl with a katana and and a dumb blonde with a gun show up and you end up in a war with these people at a prison.
Hmmmm, where have I heard THAT before?
Kill the blonde straight away, problem solved!
but then the one with the katana is suspicous and flees
Meh I'll Hunt her down!
Are you sure?
Just, all the animation money went into her reaction when she finds out you got bitten
That pictures sad but... I dunno she looks to old IMO, that's really distracting. Plus those tear streams are more used for comedy in anime. a realistic tear stream would thinner and clear.
Just a nit pick