a Flint Paper series?

edited April 2008 in Sam & Max
quoting the almighty DC:
"Right now, we're still building the Telltale brand, and not having enormous marketing budgets to work with for an original title, we work with these franchises that are known, and that helps build an audience for Telltale," said Connors. "And as Telltale gets more cred, our ability to take something -- some crazy idea, and believe me there's plenty of crazy ideas kicking around out there -- and execute it and bring it to life in one of our episodic formulas or as a standalone episode... the groundwork's all there."

"So we're in a really good place for that to start popping up, whether it's from things kind of shooting off like a Flint Paper series or something completely different than Sam & Max or Homestar," continued Connors.

Source: http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3167353

How cool would that be? Like a Flint Paper Film Noir detective series! Wow :):D Even if they did one flint paper special episode to test the waters..and they could try that all in black and white..it could be really well done :) I'm excited by the mere possibility :p


  • edited April 2008
    Hmm, or even like a bonus episode only available to season 2 customers at telltale's website :D
  • edited April 2008
    Hell, even just a spin-off web comic or shorts would be awesome! :D
  • edited April 2008
    That would be Flintastic!
  • edited April 2008
    doesn't need to be a whole series..a single episode might work...or maybe a whole spinoff season with every episode focused on another character. didn't you ever want to play as bosco or sybil? no? okay...
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    Who wouldn't play "It's me, Bosco!" or my preferred classic buddy comedy/adventure, "Bosco and the Bug" ??
  • edited April 2008
    Considering how to Flint appears in the comic a Flint game would be like Doom... Well, not bad actually. I like the clean cartoonish aspect of the S&M world.
  • edited April 2008
    I've been thinking about this all day! How awesome would this be :)
  • edited April 2008
    what? a flint paper doom? hell yeah. flint is the next duke..they could call it "flint & steel"...:D
  • edited April 2008
    Flint Paper's a brilliant character that I'm a little saddened Steve has never bothered developing past the cameo role (at least of what i've seen). I think if he worked on it more, you could have a new character as cool as Indiana Jones. And if Steve's twisted sense of humor's preserved, that would be a damn neat series.
  • edited April 2008
    I love the dialogue they wrote for flint in season 2..straight out of those film noir classics from the 40s..you could really have a lot of fun with that character for a whole episode and you'd get to pummel cheap thugs!
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    I'd love a radio drama.
  • edited April 2008
    This also makes me think about the game on Whose Line Is It Anyway where Colin Mochrie and Ryan Stiles would act out a film noir scene based on a suggestion from the audience of a boring place to work. Those were always hilarious!
  • edited April 2008
    Oh yeah! Flint would constantly narrate over everything that happened!:D
    I miss Whose Line.....:(
  • edited April 2008
    It would be really cool...

    Flint voice:
    It was a trap, the woman was with THEM... I am now hidden behind this large crate but they'll find me. I reloaded my gun, that they come...

    BANG BANG...
  • edited April 2008
    OK, this might seem a little random, but Life on Mars fans, who here would LOVE to see Flint Paper pair up with Gene Hunt? That would be the coolest. detective duo. ever! (Sorry, i meant SECOND coolest.) The two would never be able to get anything done since they'd b constantly beating each other up and saying the most sexist, racist and any other -ist statements imaginable!
  • edited April 2008
    To be honest, I think DCI Hunt wouldn't have any tolerance whatsoever for an American PI.

    What did you think of Ashes to Ashes, DoctorDodge? It had it's charms, but I think I prefer John Simm to Keeley Hawes
  • edited April 2008
    Molokov wrote: »
    To be honest, I think DCI Hunt wouldn't have any tolerance whatsoever for an American PI.

    What did you think of Ashes to Ashes, DoctorDodge? It had it's charms, but I think I prefer John Simm to Keeley Hawes

    I thought Ashes to Ashes was a bit weak, to be honest.

    Still - "I was shot. When I woke up, I was Flint Paper, Private Investigator." makes an interesting premise...:p
  • edited April 2008
    Molokov wrote: »
    To be honest, I think DCI Hunt wouldn't have any tolerance whatsoever for an American PI.

    What did you think of Ashes to Ashes, DoctorDodge? It had it's charms, but I think I prefer John Simm to Keeley Hawes

    Really thinking about it, i don't suppose Flint Paper would put up with Hunt, either. Mainly because i'd doubt he'd be able to understand him!

    I loved A2A, if i'm being honest. Not quite as good as Life on Mars, but Ashes did have the better series 1 finale. I'm never trusting clowns again! (not that i trusted them before, but the show gave me one more reason to assault any clowns i see on sight!)
  • edited April 2008
    Flint + Hunt wouldn't really work as they are both alpha male characters.
    I always envisioned Flint to be a bit like Lewton (Discworld Noir - great game), with the hardbitten noir type PI. He needs a leggy dame walking in to his office to start a case properly I bet.

    Oh and yeah, A2A doesn't have the charm that LoM had. It's nice seeing the 80s and all, but Sam Tyler >> Alex Drake
  • edited April 2008
    Quuux wrote: »
    I always envisioned Flint to be a bit like Lewton (Discworld Noir - great game), with the hardbitten noir type PI. He needs a leggy dame walking in to his office to start a case properly I bet.

    ah, Discworld Noir: the only game where you could play as a werewolf and still get the piss taken out of ya! a true classic, that! (well, if it weren't for the bugs.) Hey Telltale: any chance you could get the Discworld license and do the case files of P.I. Lewton? :D
  • edited April 2008
    I have no clue what has been talked about after psot 5 or so... but I'd love to see a Flint Paper series in b+w

    (never was into noir when it was popular, only seen the parodies, though the onoes I've seen are fun and I think a game in noir style woudl be cool, though it would seem mor elike an interactive movie since, as stated, noir detectives narrate their whole lives)
  • edited April 2008
    Well the narration could be really kool.. like the way the prince narrated in prince of persia sands of time..
  • edited April 2008
    ...or like max payne in max payne...and max payne 2.
  • edited April 2008
    I think that'd be really cool. I personally don't think there was enough Flint in season two, but once again, about black-and-white; no. :p
  • edited April 2008
    I think a flint papper season would be the most bad ass thing ever.
    where he actually does pummel and arrest people. (sam and max havent made a single arrest have they?)

    (also Flint could never work with Gene Hunt, has much as i love both characters i just cant picture it. Genes words would just go straight over flints head, plus there would be little chemistry besides the power struggle because they both belive in harsh treatment of suspects. )
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    ... have Sam & Max ever arrested anyone?
  • edited April 2008
    didn't they arrest
    lennard? Wasnt that why he was tied up in their closite?
  • edited April 2008
    No thats more just imprisonment of the cruel illegal kind, after all i mean
    he does starve to death in their closet has we see in 205
  • edited April 2008
    I'm not sure Flint would be arresting anyone either he's a private investigator
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