Series 3...

edited April 2008 in Sam & Max
Phew. Series 3 has been confirmed, and I can enjoy the last two Season Two episodes in peace. Unfortunately, my sister found out all the spoilers, and I know where it goes in these last two tales.

So, imaginative might of the Telltale forums, what do you think might happen in Series 3?

What would you like to see followed up, or begun?



  • edited April 2008
    Aulis wrote: »
    Phew. Series 3 has been confirmed, and I can enjoy the last two Season Two episodes in peace. Unfortunately, my sister found out all the spoilers, and I know where it goes in these last two tales.

    I don't think you beat your sister up enough, there should be a healthy fear there:D
    Frankly I'm still holding out for that "The End?" thing from 205 meaning we're getting a surprise sixth episode.
  • edited April 2008
    The End?
    was followed by an extra scene which I think would be considered
    the end.
  • edited April 2008
    I didnt even notice that!
    Interesting! maybe
    peeper's eyes
    will make a comeback
  • edited April 2008
    :( spoilsport!
    Keep your insider information to yourself :D
    either that or give us a surprise sixth episode
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    Hah, as if people tell Scott anything...
  • edited April 2008
    STOP IT!!!!!!
    One person gives us hope, another destroys it.
    I think someones telling tales... :D
  • edited April 2008
    It is true I don't get told nothing. :(
  • edited April 2008
    What happened to peepers eyes? Check the closet in 301...
  • jmmjmm
    edited April 2008
    Or better yet: hanging from the mirror of the (new!?) DeSoto
  • edited April 2008
    Or they're in the bowl of candy at the front desk of hell
  • edited April 2008
    Nope, they were near sighted...
  • edited April 2008
    i have this odd hankering that in the third season... they may abandon the street and just start using various old locations as "home base" for each episode... (either that or in 301 the street will just be smashed up even more and rearranged again, like the buildings are just pieces of living room furniture)

    also... for some reason, i now have a strange hankering to see lefty made into a reoccurring character... with him setting up in his smashed up, roofless, old shop (and i dont know why, its kinda freaking me out). but, think about it... a tool vendor would be an oddly useful character to have in an adventure game
  • edited April 2008
    The End?
    was followed by an extra scene which I think would be considered
    the end.

    But there was an extra ending at the end of EVERY episode, I still hold out hope.
  • edited April 2008
    All very good, and an interesting discussion, but any ideas for series 3, anyone?
  • edited April 2008
    Ideas, eh?

    - Sam becomes a ninja, and Max becomes a pirate, which puts their friendship in jeopardy.

    - Sam becomes addicted to World Of Mimesweeper, forcing Max and Flint to destroy the Internet again. (And this time... it's personal.)

    - Max buys the Banang company, and only you can keep his business from going under. 100 exciting levels of cut-throat business simulation fun!

    - Abe and Superball: Freelance Supporting Characters.

    (You didn't say GOOD ideas...) :p
  • edited April 2008
    They were fantastic ideas!
  • jmmjmm
    edited April 2008
    Don't forget
    "Re-Possessed Racing Game" starring our beloved DeSoto.
    "Stinky-Tycoon" starring Stinky (Either one or both ?!)
    "Smashing Robots" for our Maimtron-9000 needs,
    "Pop Poppers - The Game Show", hosted by Timmy Two-Teeth
    "Whose part is it anyways?" with your host: The Monster.
    "Cumpleaño Feliz" with T.H.E.M.! (Spanish. English Subtitles)

    I'm out.... of bad ideas... for now ;)
  • jtcjtc
    edited April 2008
    Aulis wrote: »
    Phew. Series 3 has been confirmed

    It has? I've been trying to find info about this, where has it been confirmed? Thanks.
  • edited April 2008
    jtc wrote: »
    It has? I've been trying to find info about this, where has it been confirmed? Thanks.

    Oh God. You're testing me here. It has been, but in some place that has vanished on the blogs. I'll keep looking.

    More ideasideasideas
  • edited April 2008
    From the Strongbad FAQ:

    Does this mean you' re abandoning Sam & Max?!

    Of course not! Believe it or not, we're now a big enough company that we can work on all sorts of things at once. Sam & Max will be back in early 2009 with a new season, plus we're bringing their adventures to the Wii this fall. We also have a third (as yet unannounced) episodic series in production. Will wonders never cease?
  • edited April 2008
    Thanks, Mirko!
  • jtcjtc
    edited April 2008
    Ah, thanks. Early 2009 though :( That's almost a year away..

    No offense but.. Strong Who? (Yeah I know Strong Bad, Trogdor was funny but that's about it.) Unannounced third thingy yeah great... how about pushing that stuff back to "early 2009" and bringing us the 3rd season of Sam & Max earlier :)

    Hey, I can always hope :)
  • edited April 2008
    bah instead of working on more project telltale :) put more detail into sam & max, :D the 3d graphics its still no statisk, empty and pale :)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    Filling your post with smilies makes it so much less offensive :) :)
  • edited April 2008
    RMJ1984 wrote: »
    bah instead of working on more project telltale :) put more detail into sam & max, :D the 3d graphics its still no statisk, empty and pale :)

    There will always be critics. You're just fortunate enough that they aren't even coherent.

    While I know Telltale is smart enough to know, I would like to also pitch in my best wishes on the Strongbad game, but implore Telltale to never abandon what is now their foremost work, Sam and Max.
  • edited April 2008
    I for one can wait for season 3, I think although I love it, Id like to see what other delights telltale plan to offer us. I guess telltale might fancy a short break too?
  • edited April 2008
    Early 2009 sounds good to me. Season 2 did not end on a Cliffhanger, like many Seasons of TV-Series do, so waiting for the season will not be that painful. The longer wait could also mean that the episodes will be even better than the old ones.

    I still don't know if i will like Strongbad, but i will try the demo for PC, when it comes out... oh by the way, i don't own a Wii so... will the PC version be released around the same time or later?
  • edited April 2008
    Maybe Max Reelection campaign?
  • edited April 2008
    maybe they get blamed for stealing something and the entire series tells the tale
    on how they have to prove there innocence
    and what i mean by tells the tale i mean they have a flash back of them about to die and at the very end we learn the true villain!
  • edited April 2008
    I really miss the ability to "use" Max like you could in Hit the Road! It was such an awesome feature, and very hilarious, please bring it back Telltale!
  • edited April 2008
    I'd like some item combos
  • edited April 2008
    I'd like some item combos

    Please don't! There's a lot of try and error going hand in hand with combining items in the inventory. I am glad you can't do these in S+M.
  • edited April 2008
    MarkoH01 wrote: »
    Please don't! There's a lot of try and error going hand in hand with combining items in the inventory. I am glad you can't do these in S+M.

    Well, it would certainly make the game a lot more difficult, but as there are not really that many items per episode, it would not be that bad, i think. Although I like the difficulty in Season 2 (for me it was solvable without a walkthrough and just one hint from max in 203, while it was not so easy you could play it through without getting stuck for a while), i think inventory combinations could be a great thing.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    Adding inventory item combination would mean, generally, that you would need it in the tutorial, you would need to have inventory combination at least once per episode somewhere in the thick of it, and realistically you would also need some sort of "learner puzzle" involving it towards the beginning of each episode. Otherwise, you could create a situation where in episode one you have an inventory combination puzzle and then it doesn't make sense to do one again until episode four... it would be like Manny's scythe in Grim Fandango (or, admittedly, like Sam's gun sometimes), only way worse. Getting stuck in a puzzle because you didn't know that we had suddenly introduced a new gameplay mechanic into the game which only takes place within your own inventory window, after not having that be part of the game for two or three episodes, could easily come off as a poor move. On the other hand, including at least one token inventory item combination puzzle per episode just to keep it up seems incredibly gimmicky, and is something we try to avoid at this point ("here's this episode's inventory puzzle! check. here's this episode's wacky bosco disguise! check." etc). There was talk of briefly allowing inventory combination when
    Hell froze over
    in 205, to allow you to
    put the candle on the cake, if both were in your inventory
    , but that puzzle was already confusing the bejeezus out of some people, so lumping a new totally arbitrary gameplay mechanic which people would only understand if they happened to use that gameplay mechanic in a game they played religiously ten years ago, seemed too far for many on the design team.
  • edited April 2008
    People of the world...Sam and Max it's the best game i'd ever played all my life.So I want to know a little thingy...:)WHEN THE THIRD SEASON WILL COME???
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    2009 :)
  • jtcjtc
    edited April 2008
    Why not hammer your iron when it's glowing hot though? People loved 205. I'm guessing it's Sam & Max that keep the company afloat, or at least brings in the biggest bucks. Why get sidetracked with that Strong Bad stuff, I mean it's nice you're releasing other stuff as well but if it interferes with your main product, and by interfere I mean delay, isn't that counter-productive? The gap between S1 and S2 was a lot shorter IIRC and that was just lovely.
  • edited April 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    2009 :)

    awwwww :(
  • edited April 2008
    don't tell me you didn't already know? the last time i heard it, it was early 2009...i hope it stays that way.
  • edited April 2008
    next season will probably start in jan or feb, and run through to may or june (assuming season 3 is also 5 episodes long)

    the past 2 seasons have had a 2 month gap between the first 2 episodes in the seasons (cause of holiday vacations), if they get rid of that for season 3, they can have a 5 month run of episodes all in a row, and end in early spring just like the first 2 seasons... so the extra wait for the beginning of the season is really not that much of a big deal (providing it will get rid of the mid-season break)

    thats not too bad, right now i am kinda wondering how the strong bad and new mystery franchise titles will turn out (i just hope there not much of a delay between the Wii and PC release dates, if there is... you will probably have to peel me off the roof again)
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