Favourite Season 2 Episdoe?

edited April 2008 in Sam & Max
Now that season 2 is over, what's was all yours favourite episode?
I'm sorry if there's already a thread like this, I can't see any.

Well, my favourite episode would be 204. Its really interesting seeing the past/future versions of things, and the mariachis really are funny.
But my most memorable one would be 203. Don't know why. It just stuck in my head.


  • edited April 2008
    I voted for 205, but 203 is a very close second for me.
  • edited April 2008
    Story/Writing - 202. It fits the random and border-line illogical nature of the comics. Plus, I have yet to hear a line that beats the Ocean Chimps explaining why they worship feet.

    Animation/Cinematography - 204 if only because of the ideal animation of Pedro in the captain's chair. That pose and his expression cracks me up! :D

    For Music - 205. The new areas and their music were just ooozing sweetness. I boot the episode just to hear the subway BGM!

    For Voice Acting - Too close to call. Pretty much any scene where William is playing against himself.

    For Voice ACTOR - 204. Why? Grandpa Stinky! Perfect design and perfect voice!

    For replay value - 202. I still have yet to see Little Sam wear the Bone Shirt. :mad:
  • edited April 2008
    Definitely 204. The funniest episode so far, and also the difficulty was at the perfect level for me. Its on my top 5 list of adventure games now!
  • edited April 2008
    Plot - 203
    Music - 203
    Art Direction - 204 (Spaceship and Soul-crushing area)
    Voice Acting - 204 (Old Sam, Grandpa Stinky, Mariachis)
    Puzzle Design - 204
    Humor - 205

    Overall: still 203
  • edited April 2008
    205, because it's the biggest, most epic and probably most fun. The vast range of characters (and the fact that they move around to different places and do different things throughout the episode) makes this episode feel a lot less barren and empty than the others (Sam even says in 204 "Isn't it odd that wherever we go, we only ever seem to run into one or two people at a time?"), and the ending is absolutely spectacular.

    In terms of humour, I'd say 203 is the best, and 204 has the best music. I love the music in the Far Future Office and Stinky's 80s, and the Mariachi song is the best expository device I've ever seen.

    And plot-wise, it's a tie between 204 and 205.
  • mremre
    edited April 2008
    I give my vote to 204, but I'm a bit surprised 203 have gotten so many more votes than he first two episodes. I'd say that 203's only real strength was the humour, but if that was the only deciding factor I'd go for the small-business-devouring-demon-attacking-the-North-Pole story any day.
  • edited April 2008
    My favorite episode of season 2 is probably Chariots of the Dogs with Ice Station Santa following close behind. My favorite episode of season 1 is The Mole, The Mob, and The Meatball.
  • edited April 2008
    I'm not even half done replaying 205 yet, but I'd say right now I think it's edging 204 by a hair. I don't quite get what people had against 202, I thought it was good. 203 some of the zombie humor might have been lost on me. 201 the theme was funny, but otherwise I didn't think it was that strong, fewer memorable one liners than I can think of for most episodes for myself.
  • edited April 2008
    Really difficult decision. I think 204 and 205 is nearly like a two parter. But if i had to chose i found all the time travelling stuff a little bit more interesting as the "get free out of hell" scenarios in 205....but then the twists in 205 are great, too. I cannot really decide. 203 is also great. Being killed and still playing was some kind of fun. Jürgen in Stuttgart is my absolute favorite character because i'm from germany, too. Believe me: Stuttgart doesn't look anything like the game (but maybe it should :)). So here's my ranking:

    204 Time Travelling is always great stuff - reminded me of DOTT
    205 One Twist, two twists, three twists...and of course Maimtron and the finale!
    203 Jürgen rules! Let's go to Stuttgart and see some ravong zombies :)
    201 Scrooge again but different - the exorcism is great ..once there was a little demon
    202 Lots of running but the fountain of youth was cool - little sam is so cuuuute :)
  • edited April 2008
    My personal ranking is
    1) 204
    2) 203
    3) 205
    4) 201
    5) 202

    205 was very good but it followed the two strongest episodes of all seasons, IMO. I'm usually pretty stoic when it comes to humor (I laugh *inside* :)) and 203 + 204 were the only episodes that had me literally LOL. But then my bias for 203 might come from the fact I hang with metalheads and goths all day.
  • edited April 2008
    Mine is:
    1) Chariots of the Dogs
    2) What's new, Beezlebub?
    3) Ice Station Santa
    4) Night of the Raving Dead
    5) Moai Better Blues

    Overall my favs are:

    1) Chariots of the Dogs
    2) What's New, Beezlebub?
    3) Reality 2.0
    4) Abe Lincoln must die!
    5) Bright Side of the Moon
    6) Ice Station Santa
    7) Culture Shock
    8) Night of the Raving Dead
    9) The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball
    10) Situation:Comedy

    11) Moai Better Blues
  • edited April 2008
    My favourites are :

    1) Night of the Raving Dead (203)
    2) Chariots of the Dogs (204)
    3) Abe Lincoln must die ! (104)
    4) What's New Beelzebub ? (205)
  • edited April 2008
    Yeah 205 is my favorite too. Its really nice to see Characters moving around and such :) and seeing more of them, it really adds alot of feel that the game needs :P because after it went to 3d its a bit too barren and static, cant wait to see the improvements in he episodes of season 3 :)
  • edited April 2008
    I think 203 is still my favorite, but it's just barely a little bit ahead of 205. Overall I liked the puzzles, setting, and "boss fight" (
    Sam and Max getting body swapped is still the highlight of the season for me!
    ) in 203 the most. Plus, it has more Jurgen! :D
  • edited April 2008
    I say 205 but on the grounds that anything that has jokes saying how fun and entertaining how fun hell is even if your eternally damned to hell. 204 was in Really close second though.
  • edited April 2008
    I mean 204 and 205 were spectacularly done and a great end to the season, but I have trouble understanding why people hated 202. I thought the change to a tropical location was a fantastic idea, and some of the characters in it were hilarious.

    I'd hafta say my least favorite episode was 201 (203 had some great stuff but the whole zombie thing isn't really for me), although that isn't to say it wasn't great.

    FYI Telltale, EVERY episode is off the wall awesome, keep it up!
  • edited April 2008
    What people? Where's the love for Ice Station Santa!?
  • edited April 2008
    It's kind of hard to show love for a Christmas episode in the middle of April.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    I was just listening to all the music from 201 yesterday, and was reminded how cool it was. (I haven't thought about Ice Station Santa in months). I hope that people go back and play through the season again from the start, if only to see all the larger season-wide themes that are set up in that episode -- time traveling, portals, [sppoiler]possession by demons[/spoiler], T.H.E.M., and of course
    the corporate presence
    the Hell pit
    , and the set-up of
    the Soda Poppers
    . Also the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future are fun (and saving Tiny Timmy by returning the boxing glove is still one of my favorite cutscenes of the season).
  • edited April 2008
    my favs were both 205 & 202, but i voted for 250 because it was hella better
  • edited April 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    I hope that people go back and play through the season again from the start, if only to see all the larger season-wide themes that are set up in that episode ...
    That's my plan when you guys ship out the hardcopy CDs.

    In fact, just a while ago, I just finished watching the cutscenes on the Season 1 DVD and became very impressed in how much your tool has improved in just a year's worth of time! You guys should be proud of yourselves. I mean, the growth was obvious from 101 to 106, but from 106 to 205, it's like another universe entirely!
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