Your first Adventure hook

edited January 2009 in General Chat
What adventure game/series hooked you into becoming an adventure nut?

I would have to say my first "favorite" adventure game would have to be Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender.

I played Kings Quest a loooong time ago but I ate the carrot within the first minute and a half and was completely turned off.


  • edited November 2004
    My first fix was Maniac Mansion on the C64... then, nothing for a long time... then, Monkey Island on a 386.
    Then everything went by faster and faster and faster... :D

    (Sometimes in the early 90ies I looked at some Sierra games, but found them to be not very intelligent/funny and not very well designed, except maybe Gabriel Knight 1... I guess many people will disagree with that, but something was missing for me in those Sierra releases... but nevertheless, I'm still hooked on adventures!)
  • edited November 2004
    I first started playing Monkey Island when I was three, not that I knew what I was doing.
  • edited November 2004
    It would have been Zork on the school IBM ATs back in 1985 (no mouse, no hard drive). Later I got Zork I, II, III for my commodore Plus/4 and never looked back.

    There were quite a few text adventures for the Plus/4 / C16, but most were pretty bad. I recall those awful, awful Scott Adams adventures like Pirate Adventure and some based onMarvel characters.

    When my friend got Indy Jones & the Last Crusade we never looked back and got every LucasArts game we could get our hands on.
  • edited November 2004
    I played Adventure (yes, as in "you are in a maze of twisty passages all alike"--a phrase which still gives me nightmares) on my family's old Apple IIvx when I was six or seven, I think. Even though I didn't get into actively looking for other adventure games until I first played Myst, when I was 12, Adventure definitely had me hooked. I'm a sucker for retro games.
  • edited November 2004
    sam and max of course as a young 13 year old back in 1993 :D
  • edited November 2004
    I remember, my dad had bought a Lucas arts games package. He only did it for the Star Wars games, but there was Day of the Tenticle and Sam and Max hit the road in there. He tried Sam and Max, couldn't get out of the first room and gave up. With my natural talent for beating my dad I gave it a go and first try I was hooked.
  • edited November 2004
    I pretty much ignored the adventure game genre for years (I know, I know...). I was pretty much a console and arcade guy. I actually remember looking at just about every classic PC game from the original Lucas Arts and Sierra games (I almost bought Space Quest and Monkey I, but didn't) all the way up until The Last Express and Full Throttle (I still feel bad about the former since its such a great game that flopped so badly). The first game I actually gave in and bought (besides Myst, but that was a gift) was a game called Torin's Passage by Leisure Suit Larry creator Al Lowe. It's a pseudo-comedy adventure that is about a guy looking for his kidnapped parents while he continues to travel deeper and deeper into the multi-layered planet. It's not a great game but it was good enough for me to buy the next adventure game I saw (Curse of MI) which was so good that I've bought just about every even slightly playable Adventure game from Zork onward. The only thing that really bugs me though is that except for Grim Fandango and The Longest Journey (two incredible games) I was never really able to get a really great adventure game right on its release. Hopefully Telltale can help me with that.
  • edited November 2004
    Ahh this brings me back a few years.
    The first adventure (or indeed the first computer game) that I played was an onscure non-comercial title "Treasure" on an obsucure soviet machine called RK-86. But the game that got me really into the andventure genre, was Dizzy on ZX Spectrum. Ahh I still have memories of the hard-boiled hero saving the yokefolk.. After that, adventures and I had a strange relationhsip that a less sceptic individual might find fatalistic. It was only after aquiring an SVGA video card that I discovered the pure text adventures (infocoms stuff)
    I learned to appreciate the greatness of Sierra a week before black monday, fell in love with the original Sam and Max a mounth before LA performed a lobothomy, and swore to build a shrine to Cocktail Vision right before they we devoured by Sierra and VU.
  • edited November 2004
    I think it was Gobliiins.

    But my first CD (at all!!!) was DOTT :D
  • edited November 2004
    omg, Gobliiins, i forgot totally about that game till i read the last post, it was such a cool game..

    The games that got me were:

    The Secret of Monkey Island, Loom and Indianna Jones and the Last Crusade.

    The games that i couldnt bear to play because they seemed so 2nd rate compared to those 3 ingenious creations were:

    The quest games, police, larry, space, kings etc... ghay...

    anyway... the latest to keep me hooked was:

    Grim Fandango, one of the BEST games ive ever played... i used the ash tray logo as my background for MONTHS, longer than any other background on my PC!!
    Thats not to say that i didnt play the new monkey island games but i liked the graphics of 1 and 2 better, the 2d think seems so RIGHT to me... even though Grim Fandango had the 3D graphics i still thought it was fantastic graphics incase anyone gets me wrong...

    but omg Gobliiins, its been so long my little green puzzle buddies... i may find it and reinstall see if i can get it to still run..


    oh yer this is my first post and hopefully ill visit this forum often...
  • edited November 2004
    My first adventure game was maniac mansion on the c64, it scared the hell out of me when i was little

    After that came the rest (the indy games, lsl's, kq's,pq's,sq's) I think I've played most of those retro adventures but unfortunately most of my disks got lost when moving. I still have my first cd ever though (the sam & max full talkie edition) :) I also still remember simon the sorcerer 1&2 by adventuresoft, I recall I also liked those a lot, they made a 3 chapter in the game but that one just had awful graphics and a terrible 3d engine
  • edited November 2004
    Indiana Jones & The Fate of Atlantis came with my IBM 486 when I was in 2nd grade. I beat it in about 5 months with small help from my dad on the fists path.
  • edited November 2004
    My first adventure game was Loom. It came with the computer and I had no idea what it was, however, when I started it up, I just had to finish it. I really liked the storytelling and the puzzles where nice to solve. When some time later The Secret of Monkey Island was recommended to me, I got totally hooked. That still remained my all time favorite.
  • edited November 2004
    Egypt 1156 B.C. Tomb of the Pharoah

    a Cryo adventure game (same dudes that made adlantis)
  • edited December 2004
    I remember playing Maniac Mansion and Zack McKracken on my brother's C64. The problem with that system was the controllers you bought would break in like a month. The best controller you could ever use for the system had to be the Sega Genesis controller. Why couldn't anyone else make a good pade like that and not have an easy to break controller stick.
  • edited December 2004
    I played my first adventure, when i was 4teen. O, a long time ago, in the year 1979. Ages past by since than. I "worked" as an intern follower in an architecture firm. They had have a brand new IBM 3/90 or something like that. I'm sure that it was an IBM...You know that sort of very small computer, that took the half office.
    The game was coming as a copy on a hot 8inch floppy disk directly imported from the USA.

    Now guess:
    What was the title of the game?

    Here is hint:
    Since than I'm stucked on adventure games...
  • edited December 2004
    Now guess:
    What was the title of the game?

  • edited December 2004
    Now guess:
    What was the title of the game?


    not to bad ... well ...not hot,but warm are near ZORK is based on it
    like any other ...
  • edited December 2004
    Now here are some more hints:

    In that days computers thereself were a great game. They were an adventure.

    The game, I'm talking of, has something in common with a whole game genre.

    The game was programed between 1972, 1981, when the final release was build, and 1995 and on going..

    It was surely text based.

    It is winter and we have Advent-time right know.

    You like to play such games either...
    and if not: what are you looking for?
  • edited December 2004
    Wasn't there an adventure game called Adventure?
  • edited December 2004
    Definately "Big Cave" or "Humongous Cave" or whatever it was called, it was an infocom remake of the game "Adventure" and came with an infocom developing kit of some sort. Also the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy game hehehe the thing your ant gave you.
  • edited December 2004
    My first adventure game was Maniac Mansion, for the NES, in swedish (I live in Iceland where very few speak swedish). I got it for my tenth birthday along with another game but at the time I didn´t really like it.
    About four years later I got a hold on the DIG but due to a glitch on the cd I thought I couldn´t play it. It wasn´t until three more years that I gave it another chance out of boredom. It was really hard and I used walkthroughs through it extensively but I figured I was onto something so the next time I bought a game it was Curse of Monkey Island and I have been hooked since.
  • edited December 2004
    The game that got me was Grim Fandango when I was 8! O I didn't get it that much but I got to year 3 with the help of my mom. :)
  • edited December 2004
    my first P 'n C game was MI1
  • edited December 2004
    although it isn't one of the first ones I played hugo's house of horrors was an interesting game. Lots of trying to find the right commands to type. There was also this game on emacs which was an interesting text based adventure I've no idea what it was called though.
  • edited December 2004
    Well, my first adventure game was Space Quest 1 back in the beginning of 90'ties. But the game that made me a really big fan of the genre was Quest for Glory (a VGA remake of the original Heroe's Quest). I liked the series very much. Quest for Glory III is still my all-time favorite adventure game, despite some RPG elements many other adventure gamers don't like.
  • edited January 2005
    Definately "Big Cave" or "Humongous Cave" or whatever it was called, it was an infocom remake of the game "Adventure" and came with an infocom developing kit of some sort. Also the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy game hehehe the thing your ant gave you.


    but I was on a vacation with no internet (typical USA, hehehe...)

    Yes there was an adventure named ADVENTURE and this game was my first computer game. Not pong not space-invaders, it was "Adventure". The very first version of Adventure was "Colossal Cave". Read everything about it here.
    Zork was the first game of INFOCOM and was "inspired" by Adventure. You might say : they have stolen the idea and the code, but Adventure was and is open source anyway. It is still under development.

    Have a nice day, week and year 2005
  • edited January 2005
    In all truth, Where in time is Carmen Sandiago, much to my eternal shame. I then got hooked on the neverhood and discovered the monkey island games. After about 4 years of searching i finally managed to find myself a copy of Sam and Max which belonged to one of my uncles co-workers (i'm one of those lucky nerd kids whose uncle makes computers so i get discounts). the aforementioned co-worker was one of those people who has an entire room filled to the brim with every good game since the start of the 80's. Now, having played my way twice through the talkie version of Sam and Max i'm determined to see the sequel finished and released. i hope like hell that Freelance Police is the game Telltale games is trying to get. (sorry for rambling :) )
  • edited January 2005
    My first adventure game would have to be Sam and Max. I loved playing that game when I was a little kid. I laughed so much. I then purchased the Tex Murphy series. It's more of an underground game, and not many people know the plot. Anyway, it's about a down and out PI. I'm still hooked on that comedic adventure. Then when Micro$oft purchased Access, not another Tex game was made. Hopefully someone gets ahold of the rights.
  • edited January 2005
    My first game was The Black Cauldron. But what totally hooked me was Space Quest I. I actually miss those text-parser games of the late 80s. when I stumbled onto DosBox I was stoked that there was a way to play all those old games on my Windows XP machine. If you have all those old games collecting dust in your garage - go get dosbox.
  • edited January 2005
    It's all pretty muddy trying to remember back then, but...

    I think it was Space Quest 3: The Pirates of Pestulon. But it might have been Space Quest 2. But we got several games at the same time, including Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards (the first one). But I was way too young to get to play that one at the time, but I would always sneak a peak while my parents were playing. ;)
  • edited January 2005
    I was young when I played Larry too. But my parents didn't think it was too raunchy for me, for some reason. Well, actually. I was 13-14. Some comicbook sex-scenes and references in english didn't really get me anyways, I just though it was a funny game. So if you think I'm weird, just remember that I learned to speak english from Leisure Suit Larry.

    My first adventure would have to be "Adventure" at my father's work-computer. I think it came with dos or something at some point. Or it was just so widely spread that every computer at his job had the game on it.. First graphical was probably king's quest.
  • edited February 2005
    uhhh.... Can't remember, looong time ago...
    But I remember playing these games: (Random order)
    Zak MacKracken And The Alien Mindbenders
    Day Of The Tentacles
    Gobliins 2
    Goblins 3
    Larry (1-3)
    Sam & Max
    Full Throttle
    Lost Vikings
    Beneath a steel sky
    Sanatarium (or something like that)
    and more (startet with the C64, when it was new) :)
  • edited February 2005
    King's Quest 5 was my first adventure game... I'm one of the few who actually likes Cedric from that game. XD
  • edited February 2005
    Hmm well there was Forest Of Doom on the Spectrum ... technically not a adventure game in the 2d sense. More a cross between adventure / roleplay. (It was based on the old Steve Jackson, Ian Livingstone book games). Other than that it was Hobbit, LOTR and Sherlock Holmes on the speccie.

    Then nothing for years until DOTT on CD :)
  • edited January 2009
    Wasn't there an adventure game called Adventure?

    yep. For the atari 2600.
  • David EDavid E Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2009
    Greetings, from the world of tomorrow!
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