How much is Steve's work?

edited May 2008 in Sam & Max
I was jsut curious, the whoel series fromt he lines to the characters to much of hte locations, seems to fit perfectly into the S+M universe (though I agree with somone who said it's a little too clean most places...)

I was wondering if the whole thing was 100% designed and written by TT or if Steve purcell did some of the dialog, design, etc?


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    Steve works with the writers early on, with the general story seeds and rough plot sketches for the episodes, and some specific scenes or puzzle ideas come from him, but a lot of the main plot, and of course all the moment to moment dialogs and puzzles, are handled by Telltale's writers/designers. Steve also works with the art team to help design the characters (characters are usually designed by the art director, concept artist, and Steve just bouncing designs off each other over email, until the design reaches a point that everyone agrees with). He was more hands on at the start of season one when thing were still settling in, but I think that he now feels like we have a good handle on the world and the tone, and is enjoying designing characters and coming up with some weird situations, and then playing the finished products.
  • edited April 2008
    Make him do more concept arts for locations! XD
    Something like the World Largest Ball of Twine was really missing in seasons 1-2...
  • edited May 2008
    Steve Purcell was asked that question on this interview:
  • edited May 2008
    If I wasn't a pacifist, I would have made like Scarface and blasted the hell out of those Tightwads that cancelled the Sam&Max cartoons and replaced them with The Power Rangers Show! That show was ridiculeously lame; BAR NONE!!
  • edited May 2008
    Agreed, and I would also blast the hell out of the tightwads that cancelled Earthworm Jim and replaced him with the Animaniacs.
  • edited May 2008
    I just want to blast the hell out of the tightwad that refuses to release the second half of Season 2 of Gargoyles on DVD now that the creator of the series is off working on The Spectacular Spider-Man. But Disney has really good security, from what I'm told, so I probably won't get far.
  • edited May 2008
    Wow, so many cartoon fanatics here... but then this IS the S+M forum...

    @vyper: Line it or not they made the right choice demographically, sad to say but S+M didn't have nearly the popularity that power rangers did (if I'm not mistaken it's STILL running somewhere...)

    @ murry: Love EWJ to death, still hunting all the eppisodes in whatever format I can, but I msut say animaniacs was amusing too, though the humor was not anywhere near the gross scale of EWJ

    @ Zeek: I was acctually a little dissapointed with gargoyles, it had the potential to be a really gritty realistic and mature series and they watered it down to make it more kiddy-friendly. I'd love to see what somone could do remaking it if you slapped an "R" rating on the series...

    Here's another screwball, anyone remember "Samurai Pizza Cats"? lots of laughs with pop culture and well all culture in genneral really...
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2008
    Ashton wrote: »
    @ Zeek: I was acctually a little dissapointed with gargoyles, it had the potential to be a really gritty realistic and mature series and they watered it down to make it more kiddy-friendly. I'd love to see what somone could do remaking it if you slapped an "R" rating on the series...

    Why do people want to see R-rated versions of everything from their childhood? I think that for its target demographic - elementary school kids who came home and watched the Disney Afternoon - Gargolyes appeared to be exactly what you described - "a gritty realistic and mature series." It was a Disney after-school cartoon show! I don't know how they could really push it from where it was without turning it into something it's not.

    ... still waiting for that hard-R John Woo directed Darkwing Duck movie. :o
  • edited May 2008
    Ashton wrote: »
    @ Zeek: I was acctually a little dissapointed with gargoyles, it had the potential to be a really gritty realistic and mature series and they watered it down to make it more kiddy-friendly. I'd love to see what somone could do remaking it if you slapped an "R" rating on the series...

    Here's another screwball, anyone remember "Samurai Pizza Cats"? lots of laughs with pop culture and well all culture in genneral really...
    The creator says nothing in the third season is part of what he believes is the continuity of the story, excluding the first episode.

    And nobody got Samurai Pizza Cats during the time I watched it. It was an anime import that knew what it was and just ran with it when appropriate. They didn't try to "respectfully" dub it in English because they knew they had a bomb on their hand as far as domesticating the humor of the show. But, then again, the only other competition it had at the time was Sailor Moon and the first of the three versions of Dragonball, sooooo....
    Jake wrote: »
    Why do people want to see R-rated versions of everything from their childhood?
    I don't. I just want Disney to give some fan service for once and release Season 2 Volume 2 of Gargoyles and, yes, even Song of the South with a very long explination before the movie to set up the historical and social context of the movie (a la what they did in front of the Tex Avery and Droopy Dog DVDs).

    Thankfully, Steve works for a company that has expressed their philosophy on why their family movies are so great. They don't dumb it down for the kids because they know kids are smarter than us jaded adults.
  • edited May 2008
    @ jake: I only want to see Gargoyles hitting it's true potential, it could have been a hellova graphics novel or mature TV series, the characters had a LOT of untapped potential, as did the plot and setting. I agree it hit the demographic I just think it wasted a lot of possibility...
  • edited May 2008
    Which is Steve's favorite episode so far?
  • edited May 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    ... still waiting for that hard-R John Woo directed Darkwing Duck movie. :o

    Okay, see this? This breaks my S&M forum cherry. Because while I should really be bulking up on my ASP for a job interview tomorrow, the malignant, dark half of my soul that wants to be a screenwriter now feels compelled to spec this script.

    (Negaduck could totally be the next Hannibal Lecter!)
  • edited May 2008
    Yeah, I liked Darkwing Duck too. There was nothing like watching an egocentrik wanna-be hero whose comedic crime fighting styles end up saving the day. Hey, thats the same case with Sam&Max too.
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