Walking Dead Freeze

edited September 2013 in Game Support

I purchased "The Walking Dead Game" as a stream download. After working fine for four chapters, it now freezes at a certain spot in Chapter 5. The audio continues, but the game will not continue. I've checked the box to run on compatibility mode for Windows 98 / Windows Me. Under the Privilege Level, I've checked a box that says Run this program as an administrator. I've also disabled visual themes and Disable desktop composition. Still freezes. I don't want to reload the game because I really don't want to play it up to that spot again. Any suggestions?


  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator

    If you're worried about your savegames i suggest you make a backup copy of
    %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Telltale Games\The Walking Dead
    That's a good idea anyway.

    Further please try verifying the game cache files.

    Also please check the properties of the Steam.exe, your Steam icons, and the games .exe files, and disable any compatibility mode settings.
    Sometimes compatibility mode is checked, but is grayed out. Then you have to click on "Change settings for all users" at the bottom to disable the checkbox.

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