order not processing

edited April 2008 in Site Support
I ordered Sam and Max Season 2 and when I got to the part where it is processing my order nothing is happening and it has already taken more than 5 minutes. can someone from TTG help me please? thanks.


I am not sure if this was supposed to go in the "shopping or activation support section".
Also I used Mozilla Firefox, not internet explorer to order the game.


  • edited April 2008
    im just going to try again on internet explorer, i assume that if it hasnt processes the credit card hasn't been charged.
  • edited April 2008
    this website is not working for me on internet explore, could this have anything to do with the new server for this website?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    The "order not processing" thing is due to the new server. It seems our ecommerce provider isn't redirecting properly to the new server yet. The orders *are* going through, but the part where the commerce system tells Telltale's system that the order is completed isn't working yet. This should straighten itself out within the next several hours.

    Browen, I'm working on your order now and will reply to your email shortly. Anyone else who has this problem, please DON'T try ordering again, you'll just end up with duplicate orders. You can email support@telltalegames.com and ask us to complete the order by hand (keep in mind it's 9:00PM here right now, so we might not be online too much longer tonight), or give it a little time and wait for your order confirmation to come via email, at which point the order will be in your account.

    Sorry for the problem!
  • edited April 2008
    thanks for the help:)
  • edited April 2008
    I just checked and the games are there, thanks again for the quick response.
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