Achievements,more options and T-shirts in Sam and Max listed from price low to high

edited August 2008 in Sam & Max
Achievements would be a really nice touch in Sam and Max. The menu of the achievements should have a neat design like the xbox 360.Even SRB2 has it and it is a low budget fan game. Whenever we complete an achievement a small screen come on the corner and gives audio commentary.

In the options menu we should be able to have the option to shut down the extra dialogues that aren't required to progress in the game.

A interactive Mr.Spatula in an aquarium. We could feed it, teach it tricks etc.

We could use the train for long distances with a scenic view option.

The 4 shelves with the canceled Sam and Mac game should be interactive.

The first shelf should contain all the telltale merchandise in 3D which would be accessible for customers who have bought that stuff in their profile record.
All the novels would be readable, the songs playable in a record player.The posters put-table on the office wall, A VCR version of the dvds playable in SAM and max VCR and the figures can be placed in several areas and season 1 and 2 playable in a commandro 64. The freebie episode Abe Lincoln must die would be included for free in every version demo and paid.And i would love to see Max wearing that crossbones T-shirt and hat. The original SAM and max comic. Since the effigy mound is gone for good why not include it for free with up to 100 colors for it to color for free or would we have to have it in things we bought record.

The second shelf contains a text, audio and video Wikipedia.

The 3rd shelf should contain the original SAM and max game. The 4th shelf a micro world with a record of every criminal record in Max's family and a tekken styled mini game in each SAM and max game. The to shelf should contain a playable version of the canceled SAM and max game, it's demo,the manual of the demo, interviews and the history of it.

Their should be a museum to put all the souvenirs that have caused a lot of clutter. Their should also be a button which give commentary on all items.

Their should be a 3rd mystery room unlocked by getting all the achievements in each room. A colorless world filled with portals that take you to secret level.

And since it is an episodic game it should have funny fictional commercials in the starting, ending and the climax kinda like sheep in the big city.I also miss the Machinima shorts

Don't include buildings which are not interactive. We should at least be able to go inside them anybody remember stinky workshop from season 1 the one Max played hockey with Its a waste of time and money.

Increase the map and make the roads look more realistic with round about since the dead end corners which have areas ahead really bug me.


  • JaiJai
    edited April 2008
    I'll be honest with you. Most of that doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.

    Achievements are fun, but I don't see the point here. What would an example be? Trying to use such-and-such on something it clearly can't interface with a hundred times? There's already a decal system for all of the season 2 driving minigames, and I'm pretty content with that.

    The "extra dialogue" option sounds very feasible, but why would anyone use it? They could just read a walkthrough. You would be walking through a mostly-silent game, with only a few things reacting to your choices. Dialogue trees would be dialogue sticks.
  • edited April 2008
    I think he's trying to offer suggestions on how to improve the game and his first language isn't english...

    I like some of the ideas, and I think some of them could be implimented in verious ways, but mostly what you're saying is to tie together several dozen different fragments of the S+M world (games, encyclopedia, TV series, and merchandice) into each game, which woudl require hellacious ammounts of code AND woudl continually gennerate popup windows as you left the game to look at merchandice, etc. I would like to see a few additions like minigames that are easily replayable, possibly a "game room" where if you hae the full season you can instantly access all the games, but that's pushing the coding rather far unless it's an add-on that loads seperately and jsut makes a door that's "sealed" open to the addon program...
  • edited April 2008
    Ashton wrote: »
    I think he's trying to offer suggestions on how to improve the game and his first language isn't english...

    I like some of the ideas, and I think some of them could be implemented in various ways, but mostly what you're saying is to tie together several dozen different fragments of the S+M world (games, encyclopedia, TV series, and merchandise) into each game, which would require hellacious amounts of code AND would continually generate pop up windows as you left the game to look at merchandise, etc. I would like to see a few additions like mini games that are easily replayable, possibly a "game room" where if you hae the full season you can instantly access all the games, but that's pushing the coding rather far unless it's an add-on that loads separately and just makes a door that's "sealed" open to the addon program...

    You Would Have To Pay For The 1st Shelf Feature it is an add on and you would have to open the 1st shelf to access them kinda like Myst. Think about it 3d version of telltale items available for download for people who have them in their profile record could increase revenues.This could be the biggest thing since horse Armour. Maybe you would have to pay extra for the virtual 3D objects.
  • edited April 2008
    But at least it is possible to put achievements in SAM and max.
  • edited April 2008
    Horse Armor was an awful idea.
  • edited April 2008
    Horse Armor was an awful idea.
    But it made a lot of cash.
  • edited April 2008
    Horse Armor was an awful idea.
    So let me get this you are not add all the things i said in the shelf with the canceled sam and max game for a small fee.
  • edited April 2008
    its a gold mine. To make people pay for pointless things like neopets plus it gives you more money to improve episode quality Or at least free virtual versions of telltale game store items if you have bought the real ones and they are in your profile record. I mean who wouldn't want a digital color able version of the effigy mound. Or a digital hard cover version of the first comic.
  • edited April 2008
    I hate to say it, but he's right, peopel love clickables and electronic toys, some to the point of paying suprising ammounts for them... *cough cough tamagachi cough cough* This woudl indeed bring more revenue. However the question is would it bring enough to pay the coders's time, remember none of these guys work free, all probably make the equivoment to $75 an hour... probably more like $175...
  • edited April 2008
    Well I have updated the first post and included a thing in the bottom which teases me most.Hey Tester Scott any chance of achievements.
  • edited April 2008
    Ashton wrote: »
    I hate to say it, but he's right, peopel love clickables and electronic toys, some to the point of paying suprising ammounts for them... *cough cough tamagachi cough cough* This woudl indeed bring more revenue. However the question is would it bring enough to pay the coders's time, remember none of these guys work free, all probably make the equivoment to $75 an hour... probably more like $175...

    The effigy mound would make a lot of profit. The museum's charge could be 100 dollars.
  • edited April 2008
    Can I get any feed back from the telltale team forum users.
  • edited April 2008
    Anybody of the telltale team please just say yes or no.
  • edited April 2008
    Please give me your answer
  • edited April 2008
  • edited April 2008
    Calm down, ferchris'sakes! Posting 10 successive times within the space of a few hours isn't going to make you get an answer quicker, it's just going to make people think you're either an idiot or a troll.

    And to give you my 2p, that doesn't really sound like it suits the style of S&M.
  • edited April 2008
    I agree totally that this is getting out of hand, and that TomSuperman needs to be banned, or at least severly warned.
  • edited April 2008
    Woah! Calm down Superman, that's not how a forum works.
    Achievements would be a really nice touch in Sam and Max. The menu of the achievements should have a neat design like the xbox 360.Even SRB2 has it and it is a low budget fan game. Whenever we complete an achievement a small screen come on the corner and gives audio commentary.
    I think the decals in Season 2 are already a pretty unique archievements system, you even get unlockables parts for the desoto if you earn enough of them.
    The 4 shelves with the canceled Sam and Mac game should be interactive.

    The 4 shelves suggestion seems to be too time comsuming for the development team, I think these suggestions would be more sutible if they are not making Sam & Man as episodic game. Plus, the orginal Sam and Max game is owned by Lucas Art, I am pretty saure putting it in the game will led to lawsuits due to copyrights.
    Their should be a museum to put all the souvenirs that have caused a lot of clutter. Their should also be a button which give commentary on all items.
    The closet in their office is pretty much like a museum.
    In the options menu we should be able to have the option to shut down the extra dialogues that aren't required to progress in the game.
    "Extra dialogues that aren't required to progress in the game" are always an essential element for adventure games, also add replayable value.
    And since it is an episodic game it should have funny fictional commercials in the starting, ending and the climax kinda like sheep in the big city.I also miss the Machinima shorts

    I don't know why, but I just don't think that will fit in too well.
  • edited April 2008
    Please give me your answer

    How about STFU? I like that answer the best of all! :D
  • edited April 2008
    I was originally agreeing with tom and backing up some of his suggestions. Now I have 4 words to say about this...

  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    Some of these are great suggestions, thanks. :) (But as others have said, please don't post multiple times in a row!)

    It's unlikely that we'd implement achievements to Sam & Max to this extent, but some of this stuff would work as easter eggs. In fact, there's already an easter egg in 202 that involves the Max & Crossbones shirt. :D Also our DVD offers some of this type of content (i.e. machinima shorts and easter eggs!)

    Since our games are downloadable, we're always paying attention to the size, and that's the kind of thing we have to keep in mind when considering anything like this. (For example, including a free copy of Abe Lincoln Must Die with every demo would double the size of every demo! There's no reason to do that when it's already freely available for people to download.)

    Also - of course, Hit the Road and the canceled Sam & Max game does not belong to us and it's not something we could put in our game, for a fee or otherwise. ;)
  • edited May 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    Since our games are downloadable, we're always paying attention to the size, and that's the kind of thing we have to keep in mind when considering anything like this. (For example, including a free copy of Abe Lincoln Must Die with every demo would double the size of every demo! There's no reason to do that when it's already freely available for people to download.)

    Just a thought, and maybe it is already being done. But in the splash page for the demo, you could add a link to the free episode with a line such as "Like the demo? Try a full episode!"

    I can't imagine any one needing an excuse beyond the demo to pick up the first two seasons though.
  • edited May 2008
    you know, maybe I'm missing something here... but I thought TT was in this to make money... giving away a free eppisode makes them LOSE money because people woule otherwise be paying for it (how they work the deal with Steam/gametap I dont know... (per download would mean somone coudl downlaod the game 100 times and they get paid for it 100 times, which would be foolish on GT/steam's part...)

    Financially I see no reason for them to give away a free episode, the demo is enough to draw in new players (or did I miss something and there is already an epp free?)
  • edited May 2008
    Ashton wrote: »
    Financially I see no reason for them to give away a free episode, the demo is enough to draw in new players (or did I miss something and there is already an epp free?)
    Yup, episode 104 has been free for months now. I imagine they do it because the sales boost on the rest of the season far outweighs the lost sales on that particular episode. Not to mention that people upgrading to the full season still end up paying the same.
    They've also been giving a lot of people gift coupons for 201 to pass on and a lot of sites a few full seasons to give away in contests. "Free game!" is just a much better PR tool than "demo here!".
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2008
    Harald B wrote: »
    Not to mention that people upgrading to the full season still end up paying the same.

    Not true actually. When 104 came out free, we reduced the price of Season 1 to remove the cost of 104. Short of stuffing cash in an unmarked envelope and dropping it on our doorstep, you couldn't pay for 104 even if you wanted to.
  • edited May 2008
    I liked 104 so much after trying it free that I bought both seasons, so there's something to the idea of giving away free stuff.
  • edited May 2008
    Where did I put that envelope?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2008
    MaxFan wrote: »
    I liked 104 so much after trying it free that I bought both seasons, so there's something to the idea of giving away free stuff.

    Hey cool, our evil plan worked! :p
  • edited May 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    Hey cool, our evil plan worked! :p

    Well once you have a taste of Sam and Max, your hooked for life!

    It's like an illegal drug!
  • edited May 2008
    Didn't work on me, I paid $0.99 for all 11 episodes! (heh gotta love gametap introductory offers) Though admitantly it does suck that in a couble weeks I'll be paying liek $10 or $11 a month... I think you guys may have gotten a better deal (paractially the only games on gametap worth playing, imo *suckup*)
  • jmmjmm
    edited May 2008
    We'll also get the season DVD
  • edited May 2008
    What exactly *IS* this season DVD I keep hearing about? is it anyhting more than all 6/5 games of the season on one DVD?
  • edited May 2008
    Plus bonus features up the wazu. Yeah you heard that right, wazu.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2008
    There are also a bunch of special features (blooper reels, cutscene videos with commentary, easter eggs), and it comes in a snapcase with an original painted cover by Steve Purcell.
  • edited May 2008
    Imo archivements are for bad consoles game companies, that only see this as an option to extent the life time of their bad games, plz keep this away from PC games.

    But yeah i do like the idea other either bringing the car driving map back from Sam & Max HTR to get to spots, or ofc use the underground train :)

    Which on a side note holds some very awesome music down there :)
  • edited May 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    Hey cool, our evil plan worked! :p

    Yeah, you even helped me get the downloads working when my PayPal wouldn't process automatically :)
  • edited May 2008
    Plus bonus features up the wazu. Yeah you heard that right, wazu.

    Not the wazoo, but the WAZU?! :O
    RMJ1984 wrote:
    Imo archivements are for bad consoles game companies, that only see this as an option to extent the life time of their bad games, plz keep this away from PC games.

    They can also be used to extend the lifetime of their GOOD games too! :D Team Fortress 2, anyone?
  • edited May 2008
    Toast60 wrote: »
    Not the wazoo, but the WAZU?! :O

    They can also be used to extend the lifetime of their GOOD games too! :D Team Fortress 2, anyone?

    Actully they are destroying TF2, now that you get weapons for archivements, because people are messing around, trying to get those, and dont care about the team and what has to be done, ive had a ton of games here this past week, where 5 medics on a team of 15, dont heal one bit, they run around trying to kill people with their saw or some crazy stuff :S

    Also instead of telltale wasting time on Archivements i rather have a longer story, more characters and so forth :)
  • edited August 2008
    Look, Achievements were Microsoft's idea.
    There's no need to plaster them everywhere.

    None of the ideas I saw in the first post had anything to do with an adventure game. More like an interactive menu.
    i rather have a longer story, more characters and so forth
    That fits the genre better.
  • edited August 2008
    Look, Achievements were Microsoft's idea.
    There's no need to plaster them everywhere.

    I've seen the idea ages before Xbox achievements, Microsoft just popularised them.
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