
edited May 2008 in Sam & Max

I've played most of the Sam & Max games via Gametap and am now on 202.
May I suggest a "PAUSE" button?

There have been a number of times that I have reached a critical stage in the game where it launches into a good long two/three minute non-play dialog, which I find very interesting, but during these scenes there is no option to PAUSE. And, I've had the most unfortunate bad luck on several occasions that after playing through a complex scenario I reach this point at last, and suddenly, my phone will ring, and I am forced to answer it, mute the screen and miss the entire conversation (I have to be polite and not just ignore friends who call me) It gets very frustrating because then I have to start over and if I could only just PAUSE I wouldn't miss it.

Please add this feature if you possibly could (hoping there will be a Season 3!)


  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2008
    In Season Two, the space bar pauses the game. :)
  • edited April 2008
    validusmus wrote: »
    and suddenly, my phone will ring, and I am forced to answer it, mute the screen and miss the entire conversation (I have to be polite and not just ignore friends who call me)

    This is one reason I play in short spurts in the middle of the night when everyone in this hemisphere is asleep.

    And soemtimes, atleast for me, pause was useless because certain areas (such as the zombie factory) take me around 10 minutes to load... no joke! and this is on a 3ghz machine with 1gb ram! I missed the initial dialog with yurgen because of this... (the subway station in 205 is the same way)
  • edited April 2008
    Ashton wrote: »
    And soemtimes, atleast for me, pause was useless because certain areas (such as the zombie factory) take me around 10 minutes to load... no joke! and this is on a 3ghz machine with 1gb ram! I missed the initial dialog with yurgen because of this... (the subway station in 205 is the same way)

    I have this issue too, but I've come to expect it, given that my machine is 4 years old.
  • JaiJai
    edited May 2008
    I did not know that about the spacebar. :(

    Jai: What are you saying? That I can dodge cutscenes?

    Emily: What I'm saying is that, when the time comes . . . you won't need to.

    Jai: Woah.
  • edited May 2008
    Jai wrote: »
    I did not know that about the spacebar. :(

    Jai: What are you saying? That I can dodge cutscenes?

    Emily: What I'm saying is that, when the time comes . . . you won't need to.

    Jai: Woah.

    I can just imagine... Sam and Max in The Matrix! Starring...

    Sam and Max as Neo... and another Neo (?), Bosco as Morpheus, Sybil Pandemick as Trinity, Agent Superball as Agent Smith, The @#$% Poppers as the other agents, Hugh Bliss as the Oracle, Grandpa Stinky as the Architect, and other brilliant casting choices!!

    Coming this fall from 20th Century Vole!
  • edited May 2008
    I can just imagine... Sam and Max in The Matrix! Starring...

    Sam and Max as Neo... and another Neo (?), Bosco as Morpheus, Sybil Pandemick as Trinity, Agent Superball as Agent Smith, The @#$% Poppers as the other agents, Hugh Bliss as the Oracle, Grandpa Stinky as the Architect, and other brilliant casting choices!!

    Coming this fall from 20th Century Vole!

    Cool idea... does anyone have some artistic talent who'd like to draw up a sketch of InvaderJim42's idea? That'd be awesome.
  • edited May 2008
    Molokov wrote: »
    Cool idea... does anyone have some artistic talent who'd like to draw up a sketch of InvaderJim42's idea? That'd be awesome.

    heh if I coudl get my paws on the S+M animatics I might try... thankfully I cant though. lol (probably do a s****y job anyway, I'm jsut starting to use Maya.
  • edited May 2008
    Ashton wrote: »
    heh if I coudl get my paws on the S+M animatics I might try... thankfully I cant though. lol (probably do a s****y job anyway, I'm jsut starting to use Maya.

    You'll note that he said 'sketch', not 'full-blown 3D models'. You must remember that whenever you want to create something its very helpful to map out your intentions and requirements first, before diving into the heavy stuff. I've forgotten this myself on a number of occasions when I got too excited about a new idea, then found out partway through that I'd have to scrap everything because it was cobbled together poorly, without thought for future expansion and extension.

    You should just sketch out (like on a sketchpad with a pencil) your ideas for such characters.
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