Sam and Max: HTR on Wii (With scummVM)

edited May 2008 in Sam & Max
Hi there,

I don't post very often here, except when I've got something interesting to say. And guess what? I think I have something interesting to say!

I hope nobody posted this before but... I've got the solution to play scummVM on Wii!
Here's a video with Full Throttle running: click click

For this, you need:
-A Wii (Duh!)
-A TV (Optional, but it's useful if you want to see what you are doing!)
-A SD card (Formated in FAT16, if you're not sure your card is FAT16, use the Official SD Card format tool, of course, this will erase all your SD card content!)
-The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Sorry, but this is not a joke, you'll need the game to load scummvm, I'll explain why)
-A Nintendo Gamecube controller (I think it's optional, but I'm not sure)

Okay, now use your SD card, freshly formated and empty, with your PC.
Go download scummVM for Wii here:
Download the twilight hack here (This is a an elf file launcher that use the zelda savegame system to boot):
And finally donwload sdelfload here (You'll need it to launch scummVM):

Before to start, I suggest you to do a backup of your Zelda Savegame!
Okay, here we go:
1.Extract the twilight hack and rename the bin file you need in data.bin
You can know wich file you must use by checking this webpage:
2. If it does not already exist, create a folder named "/private/wii/title/RZDx/"
oh and don't forget to replace the x in the folder's name by the letter you need (E, P, or J).
3. Copy the file you've renamed data.bin in the created folder.
4.Extract sdelfload in the root folder of your SD card, and rename the file "tp-hack-loader.elf" in "boot.elf"
5.Create a folder called "elf" and extract scmmVM Wii in.
6.Put the game files anywhere on the SD card (But not in the root folder)
7.Turn on your Wii, and go to the Wii memory menu. Then, Erase your Zelda TP savegame.
8. Put in your SD card, and copy the "Wiibrew loader" file into your Wii Memory.
9. Insert the ZELDA TP disc in your console then launch the game.
10.Load the first savegame.
11. Talk to the guy in front of you, and tah-dah! The twilight hack is loading!
12.When the twilight hack ask you to press the A button, try this on your wiimote or on your gamecube controller.
13. Launch scummVM and tell him in wich folder the game files are.

And, if you've got any problem, ask your questions :p


  • edited April 2008
    Wow! Lovely stuff. I'll have to try this out at the weekend. :D

    There's not much need for it, mind - I've already got HtR working on DS and GP2X...
  • edited April 2008
    brilliant stuff! just a pity its so complicated..but great work nonetheless
  • edited April 2008
    Yeah, it's a bit complicated but... It's normal! Homebrews on Wii are less popular than the ones on PSP for example...
    Try this quickly guys, I'm impatient to know if it worked for you!
  • edited May 2008
    lerenwe wrote: »
    Yeah, it's a bit complicated but... It's normal! Homebrews on Wii are less popular than the ones on PSP for example...
    Try this quickly guys, I'm impatient to know if it worked for you!

    Speaking of homebrew for the PSP, you wouldn't happen to know a good custom firmware you'd recommend, would you?
  • edited May 2008
    Dark Alex. Definately Dark Alex.
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