Season 2 on Vita?

edited October 2013 in The Walking Dead

I bought Season 1 of WD on Vita, and i think its a great game.

However, i wouldnt have bought it on there if i was aware that season 2 wouldnt be released on Vita on the same day as xbox ps3 etc.

So can anyone tell me if it will be out on Vita on release day or not? I think ive just found out fables wont be on Vita so im slightly unhappy about that.


  • I think I saw someone say they saw a article and ps vita was one of the platforms that the upcoming season would be released on. I can't find the exact article so I would not get your hope up until you hear it right from TTG.

  • I'm the one who posted, worrying it will not be. Someone else claimed they saw an article, but I was never able to find any news whenever I searched. It's really quite worrying.

    CiscoKidd81 posted: »

    I think I saw someone say they saw a article and ps vita was one of the platforms that the upcoming season would be released on. I can't find the exact article so I would not get your hope up until you hear it right from TTG.

  • edited October 2013


    I'm a french player of this impressive game. I'm a vita player too and it's a pleasure to play this game in our hands, everywhere. I play this game in a forest, in some fields, in the train, in my grand parents house... Anyway, what's a story!

    Apparently, the Vita's version is suffering of really big problems of freeze shots at some action scene. It's such a pity because the game is really really really good and big freezes during some important choices spoils the pleasure. Maybe one day, we'll have a patch for those/these problems :) (I don't ever know which word to use between those and these :)

    Ok, so for the topic subject:

    As theDuck says, I hope very very much that the season 2 will be on vita at the same time as the others platforms. And we're not alone to think that/this (same problem:)! As he says, I'm very disappointing that TWAU is not on vita, because i'm very curious to play this game since i played TWD.

  • edited October 2013

    ***Of course, the biggest news for Vita owners, is that, unlike the first game, there will be a day one release for our handheld console alongside the others.

    No exact release date, but TellTale Games says a fall release.***

    yeah! (is that right, Telltale?)

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