Missing games??

edited October 2013 in Site Support

Hello telltale,

I love your new website, but I've been unable to find some of my games since the change. Notably, I can't seem to find Monkey Island 1 Special Edition, and the Adventure Pack that contained several non-telltale games. I think that's it but I can't remember if there was anything else?

Thanks for your help.


  • Same thing here. Can't seem to find my adventure bundle 2010 and a few other things I'm pretty sure I bought over the years.

  • Same for me. My Monkey Island remake is gone.

  • Same here! Monkey Island SE disappeared from my games...
    We deserve some explanation! Please Telltale, tell us what's happening with our missing games?

  • This seems to be a dead post, but I'll add my name to it. My purchases are gone as well.

  • Odd.... My game shows up after this post, yet with nary a peep from TTG.

  • edited December 2013

    As I last logged in back on January 5th...2012, the site refresh was, ah, refreshing. But count me with the Great Adventure Bundle 2010 crowd. Still have my order number, though it doesn't show up under my Receipts. (Aside: Hoo, back when I could drop nearly fiddy bucks on some Jurassic Parkin'.)

    EDIT: Speaking of Jurassic Park, was it not that the soundtrack was hosted here? What other non-game downloads were supposed to be available to those who've purchased them? As another aside, I sure do miss the merch store. Wish I'd grabbed the Devil's Playhouse materials; really've liked what half of it I've played so far.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    If you are missing games from your My Games page that you have purchased in the past, please contact/email our Support Staff at Support@Telltalegames.com for further assistance.

This discussion has been closed.