Fave Sam and Max Medium

edited June 2008 in Sam & Max
If that is the right way to put it. Which is your fave Sam and Max 'thing'!! Dear God I sound dense.


  • edited May 2008
    Comics, hands down, but TT is doing great so far!
  • edited May 2008
    I had a real hard time choosing with this. I like Sam and Max in nearly every medium, as it is always so different than anything else (which is the point).

    My first introduction was from the LA game, which led me to the comics... there was a big break until the TV show, and a bigger break until TTG.

    However, I have to give my vote to the TTG version because it is still being produced, and has been wildly successful thusfar. I can't wait to see what happens next in the series.

    /I would have loved to see more of Sam and Max out of all 4 options, and only 1 of those options is going to happen in the foreseeable future.
  • JaiJai
    edited May 2008
    Option 5: "Yes".
  • edited May 2008
    Oh, I definitely misread the question. Add one to the TTG row, thought the question was their best medium to work in.
  • edited May 2008
    Personally I can't decide. I grew up playing the Lucas Arts game when I was wee and I knew about the TV show after the game which I loved. It was only when I found out about the TTG that I found out it had been a comic 20 years ago and that was where it originated from. Whats good about the TTG it keeps to a simular format of the original game and keeps the characters the same. But I enjoy all over them equally!
  • edited May 2008
    Personally I can't decide. I grew up playing the Lucas Arts game when I was wee and I knew about the TV show after the game which I loved.
    you grew up playing it? how long did it take you to finish that game?:D

    no, i can't really decide what medium i like best, they're all a bit different. the comic has the most detail..like all the rats for example, running around and doing their stuff. the stories are a bit...simple though. the games and animated series have storylines and the voiceacting also adds to the characters. the animation in the series is more dynamic than in the games, but it's a bit watered down for the younger audience.
  • edited May 2008
    Ooh, I'm surprised to see my choice winning (comics) - I'd expect us here on the game forum to be a little biased in that area.

    The games supply me with much more entertainment, no doubt, but the comic book is huggable and stainable and wrinkled past repair - I love it so.
  • edited May 2008
    wisp wrote: »
    you grew up playing it? how long did it take you to finish that game?:D

    Well technically I still need to grow up so it's continuing!
  • edited May 2008
    I like the TTG games the best.
  • edited May 2008
    Games in general.
  • edited May 2008
    I have only read the web comic so far, but as soon as I get my hands on the hardback of Surfin', I have a pretty good feeling that it will top the throne. I am, however, pleased to say that I think TTG has topped Hit the Road with its second season. :D Chariots of the dogs was nothing short of perfection.
  • edited June 2008
    01 - Comic
    02 - Hit the Road
    03 - Telltale Seasons
    04 - Animated Series
    05 - The rest

    A lifesize Max plushie could make the number one if it appeared. It's actually pretty hard to say which "medium" I like the most. I'd put both first and second place together, Telltale series following closly just after. This doesn't mean that the animated series is in some way worse ... It's just another brand of the Sam & Max medicine.
  • edited June 2008
    Telltale!!!! :)
  • edited June 2008
    My vote goes for the comics.
    First of all, it was my introduction to Sam & Max. I love the humor (as with any other Sam & Max medium), but I am amazed by the artwork in the comics as well; it's excellent!

    The Telltale Sam & Max games would be my second choice.
  • edited June 2008
    Hit the Road was what introduced me to Sam and Max, so I tend to have the fondest memories of it. :)
  • edited June 2008
    Comics: You can hear the voices in your head, but the lack of movement makes you vulnerable to distraction. (Says the girl who owns enough comics to open her own shop). Might change my mind after the comic actually arrives in my mail box.

    Lucas Game: Less interactive than the newer. Looks better with the Super Eagle graphic filter that blurs the pixel jaggies.

    Animated Series: For some reason, child-friendly things irritate me.

    Telltale Games (Series): Addictive, but makes one subject to withdrawl symptoms between seasons. (Good thing SBCG4AP & Grimm will be out to fill that gap).
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