One situation I think Season 2 needs

edited October 2013 in The Walking Dead

Absolute helplessness.
So I was watching a random Walking Dead video and it was a clip of season 3, Rick was running down in the inside gates of the prison, screaming at lori who was outside.
He coudnt save her in anyway. the fence's bars are too small to put a gun through and he had no melee weapons at hand, he could only run as fast as possible to get outside. I think a situation like this needs to present itself in Season 2.
Picture this.
You're trapped behind bulletproof glass, a fence, etc. Trapped in a room while clementine, or a character the series has been making you attached too is stuck on the otherside, about to be surrounded by walkers or the room's flooding with water or whatever. and all you can do is scream and hope they make it out. Sorta like the situation in the meat locker, you'll feel absolute dread. You'll need to hope what you taught that character paid off, or.. they'll die. I hope that's an alternative aswell, they character can die depending on your teachings.


  • edited October 2013


    Both of his apparent deaths in Episode 5 involve a hoard of walkers swarming him and Lee not being able to do anything but look on and hope that he makes it out of there. One of them even has a fence in between the two of them. Some people might not really "care" for him though.

    The second to last scene with Clementine and the zombie also has this element, although you can still shout commands at her and toss her the bat.

  • FreddeN93FreddeN93 Banned
    edited October 2013

    Reminds me of the situation with Lee & Clementine in the station house in Episode Three. But indeed we could use a big panic event where there really is no other way than to scream and hope she find a way out by herself. Maybe we have to talk her through the situation, tell her what to do to get out of the trap, making the right choices. If we make one wrong choice it ends very bad. But if it's about Clementine getting into a situation like this it'll just end with a mission failed kind of message and we have to start over. But make this with a side-character and decide his or her fate could also be interesting.

  • Indeed :D you get it.
    remember it doesnt HAVE to be walkers. It could be a different situation. like a flood of water or something. add variety too it!

    FreddeN93 posted: »

    Reminds me of the situation with Lee & Clementine in the station house in Episode Three. But indeed we could use a big panic event where t

  • The Kenny thing may be true. But I'm refering to something that'd more a-less decide the FATE of a character for the entire series and not end in a game over or linear point in the story.

    and yeah. maybe a more complex and extended version of the clementine event, that was over rather quickly. but you could still help in some way, using your body to pass her something. I'm meaning you ONLY being able to observe.

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    Uh...Kenny? Both of his apparent deaths in Episode 5 involve a hoard of walkers swarming him and Lee not being able to do anything but look

  • Absolute helplessness has already been in the game.

    Lee being bitten and having no way to stop it, for example.

    Being unable to save the girl

    Being unable to prevent Katjaa's suicide

  • The worst thing they could do is to have us trapped while we watch Clem get eaten alive. That would be traumatic. However telltale isn't going to do that, because over half of its fan base would just stop playing.

  • I hope they can do more with natural disasters (like floods, like the OP said). At some point there'd be a tornado/really severe thunderstorm/flash flood if the game is staying in GA. Right?
    I really hope that S2 is set in a different season. I'd love to see some winter scenes. Though winter in GA is not blanketed in snow...
    Absolute helplessness was already there (like all of Flog61's examples).
    I like the way the writers make you be emotionally invested with the characters and the story line.

  • FreddeN93FreddeN93 Banned
    edited October 2013

    You're more than right. If I were to witness her die I wouldn't have the guts to play anymore. I'm fine with them putting Clementine in a similar situation but to make the plot progress we have to make her survive by solving a puzzle or similar to get to her. Or like I said talking her through the situation. If we take too long we'll just get one of them regular cutscenes and get the You are DEAD screen.

    Michael7123 posted: »

    The worst thing they could do is to have us trapped while we watch Clem get eaten alive. That would be traumatic. However telltale isn't going to do that, because over half of its fan base would just stop playing.

  • FreddeN93FreddeN93 Banned
    edited October 2013

    Like Lilly mentioned in Episode Three: "We'll get through the winter here". We might actually see winter in Season Two. As far as I know Episode Two to Episode Five is taking part during the fall season. I don't expect much snowy scenery, but survival in the cold would be interesting. Crowding around a fire with the group, emotional choices over who to give the warm coat to or keep it yourself etc.

    I hope they can do more with natural disasters (like floods, like the OP said). At some point there'd be a tornado/really severe thunderstorm/

  • Unless season 2 takes place in day 400.

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