Q about Vince's story & end-game decision
Does it make sense that Vince's end-episode decision to stay or leave the camp depends entirely on his Big Choice during his flashback scene (i.e., to shoot Danny or Vince in the prison bus)? Or is it more sensible for Vince to leave the camp if all the rest of his group decide to go, even if he made the "wrong" choice in his flashback?
Apparently, the game requires Vince shoot Danny (the convicted rapist) and spare Justin (the pyramid scheme guy) in order for Vince to leave with Tavia at the end (and presumably continue his story in Season 2). In fact, should Vince save Danny's life, Vince will make an inspiring mini-speech at the camp on how his time with Danny taught him that the group should stick together no matter what, and yet Vince will stay behind even if everyone else decides to go. Seems a bit illogical to me.
Plus, the other characters don't play quite like that; Bonnie goes with Tavia no matter what, whereas Shel, Russell, and Wyatt can be persuaded to go depending on what you choose Tavia to say.
(As an aside, most of the other players I've talked to online said that they initially shot Justin in Vince's flashback, and that the only reasons they had to shoot Danny were because it was an accident ("I thought clicking on Danny meant I was giving him the gun, not shooting him!"), or because they really wanted to see Vince leave the camp.)