Porque the walking dead no tiene subtitulos o traduccion en el ipod touch

edited October 2013 in The Walking Dead

Una ayuda por favor,descargue the walking dead en mi ipod pero solo da en ingles y ni hay forma de cambiar el idioma o colocarle subtitulos,una ayuda por favor en este tema.


  • edited October 2013

    1) While it's not specifically mentioned in the foru-COMMUNITY rules, we ask that people post messages in English, the most commonly used language here, simply so that we can understand you.

    2) In future, please post discussions/requests about specific topics in the appropriate sub-section - in this case, that would be The Walking Dead section, not General Chat. I've moved your thread this time, but please make sure you post in the correct section next time.

    3) Telltale staff don't tend to frequent the forums very often. If you have specific request for something along these lines, contacting support would probably be a better idea.

    Disclaimer: Moderators on this forum are volunteers from the community and are not employees of the company. Our posts merely express our personal opinion and should not be mistaken for official company statements.

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