Have money! Need answers!

edited May 2008 in Sam & Max
Ok! I finally have some money and wish to use it to get some S&M love... (of the videogame kind - not umm... you know.)

A few questions:

1) Does/Will Season 2 come with a bonus disc like Season 1?
2) If I get it through Steam do I still get the bonus disc(s)?
3) If I *don't* get it through Steam can I still attach it to my Steam account as if I had?
4) What other book-type merchandise was there (aside froim the new S&M:STH TPB) that I have missed out on? As far as I can recall there was:
- Age of S&M sketchbook
- Audigy Mound sketchbook
- collection of random stuff that was like a goodies bag or something (what was that / was in in that again?)
- and ?????????
5) Any plans to reprint any or all of that?? Pretty please?
6) If not, anybody want to sell me theirs?
7) There is no #7


  • edited May 2008
    8) ????
    9) Profit
  • edited May 2008
    1) Yes, if you get the whole bundle
    2) No
    3) I don't think so.
    4) Other than Sufin' all other book related S&M stuff is sold out.
    5) Not from what they're saying!
    6) There is an Age of S&M book on ebay right now.

    There is also the TV series in the store and if you really want more print stuff there are some older comics on ebay also. Although everything is included in the new Surfin' The Highway book, these are mainly just for collector's sake.
  • edited May 2008
    IANAEmployee of Telltale, but my completely unofficial information is:

    1) Yes, it's being worked on.
    2) No
    3) No
    4) The Effigy Mound is the second sketchbook. The Season 1 Casefile has also been discontinued. Some poster prints have also been and gone. Possibly I think one of the t-shirt or hat designs has also been discontinued.
    5) As far as I am aware no. The sketchbooks were limited print runs, the poster prints the same. The Case files were done for love not money and they have all run out... hopefully a Season Two case file will be made, but that has not yet been confirmed or denied.
    6) Check eBay
    7) Yes there is.
  • edited May 2008
    Anyone else ?
  • edited May 2008
    If you buy season 2 you get the dvd when it is available for just the cost of shippping. No disc if you buy through steam and no way to connect purchases from our site to steam. All sketchbooks and the case file are now sold out. We won't be reprinting them. Sorry.
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