How many people left him alone?
I'm curious how many people actually left Gren alone, by not tearing his arm off.
It seems a vast majority took the opportunity the moment it appeared!
Granted yes he was being a very big pain in the ass, flinging you around like a rag-doll and what have you. It wasn't entirely unprovoked, a lot of Fables are tired of being treated like dirt. Gren just decided to take a go at him even if it is indirectly his fault.
That doesn't justify it but it's not hard to see why he did it.
Personally I couldn't bring myself to do it.
Gren had already taken quite a nasty beating, he wouldn't dare strike back again, tearing his arm off served no purpose except to create more unjustified brutality.
He even curls up in a ball and is crying afterwards how can that not show you the guy was done, he was not gonna push his luck any further.
Aside from unlocking one of the story entries, what did you gain from tearing his arm off? Nothing!
Momentary satisfaction maybe, but that's about it.
Thoughts? Comments?
Wondering if anyone else feels the same way.
I didn't on my first playthrough. Even though he was a jerk to your character I sort of viewed him as someone who was disgruntled and more angry at the system than he was at me. Sure, that's not an excuse, but I thought kicking his ass for attacking me was retribution enough. To be honest, part of me really wanted to on some level, (and I did in my 2nd playthrough), but I also thought of what Colin said and I didn't just want to prove everyone right if they all think I'm some horrible monster who could snap at any time, you know.
I agree with you, you're supposed to be turning over a new leaf so to speak. It's no secret that everyone, including Colin still see you the way you used to be and actions like that would only serve to further isolate him from everyone.
Regardless of how angry he was at the system nothing will justify his behaviour, but most who are angry enough aren't thinking clearly anyway.
I won't lie having that option put in front of you like that is a horrible temptation but there is still part of you that knows it's not right, but that won't change the urge to want to still.
I think everyone is guilty of trying it at least one, myself included.
It is interesting to see the balance between those who did on the first playthrough and those who didn't.
I sided with him the whole way through, although I obviously disagreed with him trying to kill Bigby. But yeah, he has a right to be mad and he's a cool guy and fable, so I immediately refused to tear off his arm when the option appeared.
of course i ripped his arm off, im the big bad wolf and nobody f***s with me, plus that gren guy was a complete douche to bigby for no reason and started a fight he couldnt finish. its his own fault
I left him alone on my first playthrough. I'm pretty sure it'll help me in the long run. Holly or The Woodsman might be more friendly towards me.
It wasnt really for no reason. He thinks everyone in the head office is giving little guys like him the run around and Bigby represents that. He's just an angry man.
Saw no reason for the extra brutality. He was already subdued. I didnt want to look like a monster that enjoys tearing people's limbs off.
I couldn't bring myself to do it. I think Grendel is pretty awesome... Plus Beowulf already did it.
I might try to when I complete it some other time. Might.
that is pretty much no reason, just because bigby is the sheriff doesnt give gren any right to be an asshole and start a fight with bigby. gren messed up and was an a-hole to the wrong person, me ripping his arm off should remind him never to do that again, your welcome gren
I didn't. Considering I had practically broken his leg and beat him around, I think he learnt his lesson. The last thing I want is anyone in the bar to be afraid I'll rip their limbs off, they may be helpful later.
I couldn't do it. only on my 3rd playthrough where I did it. But I don't se tha point of riping tha A-Holes arm off only to put more fear in everyone in tha bar. A good beating is good enough.
the reason i ripped his arm of was that the next time someone wants to start a fight they may think again, and i felt like he was threatening holly
Showed him mercy, I never kick someone while theyre down
You'll notice that a theme of Fables is that people are never how they seem. Ichabod Crane is a huge douchebag asshole, the flying monkey's an alcoholic, the Woodsman is a robber, and Bigby is significantly less Big and Bad than he seems at first.
Gren hates noise. It's what caused him to attack Hrothgar's mead hall to begin with, and thus what caused him to lose his arm the first time (you'll notice the huge scar where it's been reattached). He now lives in New York City, one of the loudest places in the world. He has to live there to keep getting enough money to pay for his glamour so he can fit in and not have to go up to the farm. He might not even be allowed to go there given his monstrousness (Bigby isn't). He and his friends spend every dollar they have on glamours, just barely eking out a living. When they want to air their grievances, Crane won't even give them the time of day, because he's an enormous asshole (as stated in paragraph 1). Do they resent this only half-functioning government, a government where every office is filled by a human fable with no glamour? Yes, and with right, Fabletown is a shithole, even Bigby knows that. Finally he snaps to violence when the jackbooted attack dog of the regime comes in to try and take one of their own.
And then you ripped that poor, miserable creatures arm off, right where Beowulf did it 1300 years ago. Just to prove a point.
I have two saves. The first is all the decisions I made according to my first instincts and in that save, I left him alone, enough. My second save is the polar opposite, it's all the decisions I wouldn't normally pick and that part was definitely dark.
Hell I ripped it off and do not regret it.He was so annoying not to mention she called snow a bitch.I even wanted same treatment for Dee.There is literally no one I would want to be nice in that game.Only Toad's son and snow are ok,and now that snow is dead I'm pretty sure I wont be nice to anybody.They literally want you to punch them in the face.Woodsman seems like he is changed for better but I have yet to see it.In the end I might try to play it again just to not rip his arm off,but hell I do not regret it at all.
Hell I ripped it off and do not regret it.He was so annoying not to mention she called snow a bitch.I even wanted same treatment for Dee.There is literally no one I would want to be nice in that game.Only Toad's son and snow are ok,and now that snow is dead I'm pretty sure I wont be nice to anybody.They literally want you to punch them in the face.Woodsman seems like he is changed for better but I have yet to see it.In the end I might try to play it again just to not rip his arm off,but hell I do not regret it at all.
Nah, I left him, I kinda wanted to patch things up with Woody and I know Bigby wanted to change as well
I left him alone. I figured Bigby didn't need any more enemies then he already had, and that things would be harder for Bigby down the line if I ripped Gren's arm off. Plus, I'd feel bad doing that haha..
If it wasn't for Woody begging , I would rip his arm off without thinking for even a second .
I want Woody to trust me and terrifying him wouldn't help me in that
For me, I was just like, "Oh shit, can I actually do that?" And I did it out of child like wonder.
I ripped off his arm the first time round and then I replayed for the book of Fables.
Wish or hope their becomes a option in future episodes for him to become a bro/friend/ol buddy ol pal.
Of course. All what you've said is true. But Bigby wasn't there for fun or trouble, it is about murder. So people should support him in every way to get that fucker who slaughters those Fables. If he don't want to help, if it's "too loud" for him then he could have left. But attacking the big wolf is just a bad idea.
But at the end of the day he tried to kill me. At least that's I was thinking when that creature poked me around like a punching ball. I've played Bigby diplomatic as I could. I didn't piss him off, I stayed quiet all the time, even as he laid his hands on me the first time (which is for ME, personally, already way out of line, touching me unwanted is a "break" of my privacy and a step over a social line), but I stayed quiet and moved on, had a friendly chat with the Woodsman (I did not use any violence), and then, right out of the blue that unpredictable guy Gren started to insult and beating the crap out of me. I hope tearing off his arm will prevent him from doing so in the future. Against Bigby, against any other who is "too loud" in his opinion (or meet him at the wrong time at the wrong place just when he got angry about the system), although being kind and quiet in reality.
Yeah, I had already proven my point so I saw no real reason to, especially as a sheriff. He wanted a fight, and he got a sound beating for it, but like others say, his real gripe was with an admittedly flawed system which wouldn't have looked any better after I went out my way to dismember him.
Besides, it may not be the last we time we'll need to talk to Grendel and Holly either. Don't always burn your bridges.
I did it because i wanted to see the turnout if i made everyone fear me
I left him alone, no reason to tear his arm off after he was being stupid and was beaten up. If someone goes missing you don't go to the mayor but to the sheriff. Crane won't accept anyone as Snow said. Grendel called Snow a bitch so I gave him a warning. After walking away and placing a bill on Crane I told Woody who started the fight. I also tore his arm for the entry and a little satisfaction but leaving him alone was more satisfying when I put the bill for everything that happened on the a-hole Crane.
I didn't purely because if I did, he'd just be even more angry at the system. Showing him a bit of mercy might help open his eyes that maybe not everyone in the upper levels are all-bad
But he didn't know that. Because the news about the murder hadn't been spread around, and Bigby was talking quietly with the Woodsman.
On my psychopathic BIgby playthrough, I cut his arm
I ripped off his arm in my first playthrough but I regret doing it.
I ripped his arm off the first play through, and by the time I was pressing the button over and over again to rip it off I felt terrible about it. The entire rest of the scene (until I saw Snow's head
that is)I felt like a monster! I immediatly replayed that last scene and decided not to. I also felt like that would come back to haunt me in a later episode
I left Gren alone. I might need his help later and I didn't want anymore bad blood between Bigby and the Woodsman.
Wolf Among Us channelled my profs voice "if you had a choice would you rip off Grendel's arm?"
... I ending up leaving his arm attached, surely one good deed is going to help Bigby out
On the save file I will continue with, I chose mercy and wasn't conflicted about it. But, to get the last book and trophy I immediately replayed the last bit and took the vengeance option. Even though I spoke the same way to Holly after each ending, there was a definite eerie quality to trying to be friendly after such a violent display. It truly felt monstrous.
If I remember correctly, Bigby is the only one not allowed on the farm (It's part of fabletown's constitution)
I did a true to bigby play through where I would do what I thought he would do in the comics. When I got to this part I thought "what would happen in the comics?" so I pushed Bigby's relapse to the limit where I chose for Bigby to tear off gren's and also make the strongest reference to which Fable Gren was and then payed the bar tab right from Bigby's pocket.
Walked away and payed for the whiskey.
Colin said in the beginning something along the lines of "We live a long life, and life is a lot easier with friends", could be a bit of foreshadowing... So i'm guessing all these asshole decisions might bite you in the end. Like threatening Toad in front of his son when he called you to his apartment or in this case ripping Gren's arm off.
What if Bigby get's framed and accused of the murders. Nobody will support you, cause you were an ass.
All I ask is that you all don't persuade others to change their decision unless they want the bonuses. Reason being is that it takes away the uniqueness of the experience by swaying others in your direction. With that said I spared Gren mostly because I knew my friend would not spare him, also because I was after Woody no matter what. I wanted to facilitate his coming with me as much as possible, even when I saw Dee come in; I stuck with my guns and nabbed Woody.
Oh no I wasn't trying to persuade or alter anyone's choices in the scenario I was merely stating my opinion on the matter and asking out of curiosity what others chose and why.
I apologise if it came across as "Everyone pick this!", it wasn't intended in the slightest.
I would hate if my silly opinion made anyone else change their playthrough based purely on any of this.
But thank you for the notice I will be more aware in future how I word my discussion posts so they don't sound like demanding others to alter their game.