Just a quick thread to ask a few things I hope someone will clarify. :P
Alright,so,TWD Season 2 reveal,and a pre-order is available on both TTG and Steam.Very well.
Since I plan to pre-order,to avoid making any mistakes I might regret I'll just ask a few things:
1.If I decide to purchase Season 2 on Steam,will my Season 1/400 Days saves be usable? I have both Season 1,and 400 days purchased and registered here on TTG's site,with a distinct (from Steam) folder for TWD on my PC.If not,then I will just pre-order here,even though I would prefer to have Season 2 on Steam.
2.If I decide to pre-order here (TTG),will I receive a Steam key so that I can also activate it on Steam?I can guess not,however it would still be nice to know.
Thanks,and I am looking forward to Season 2!
The Steam and TTG version of TWD S1 use the same savegame folder, therefore it should not matter where you played season 1.
Buying on the TTG store does not include a Steam key.
Good,thank you for the clarification.
Excellent, thanks for that dJNDB. Can i just confirm that if we bought the first season from TTG and then buy the 2nd season from steam, it should be able to find the save games without us having to do anything?
That's very likely.