So you don't want Season Two to end? Play What's New, Beelzebub? all over again!

EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
edited September 2009 in Sam & Max
Yes, we have one final "Did you try?" list to make your Sam & Max Season Two playing experience complete.

Did you... to Max in the train station before and after going up to the street?
...shoot the ghost of Momma Bosco? to Max in Sybil's before and after Sexy Peepers showed up?
...shoot the Monster again after he was already dead?
...use the tar cake sample on Sybil's cake samples? to Max in the street after going up to your office, but before reviving the robot? to Max in the street after waking up the robot, but before Timmy goes to hell?
...look at the window over Stinky's as the robot? to Max in the Main Office before and after the Poppers showed up?
...repeatedly look at the bulletin board by Mr. Spatula's water cooler?
...use the coffee on the coffee pot or the microwave in hell's kitchen?
...give fruit cider to the Shambling Corporate Presence? to Max in the Sam & Max wing before and after the Poppers showed up?
...see Satan berate Brady and Hugh Bliss after lowering the hell efficiency? to Max in Santa's workshop before and after saving Santa? to Max in the elf's toy factory before and after helping with the toy? to Max in the Cooking Show after it was canceled?
...shoot out the window of Sam's personal hell while Peepers was there?
...use the Boxing Betty remote on Boxing Betty? to Max in Sam's personal hell after Peepers was gone?
...look at the frog mariachis after Peepers was gone? to Brady again after the Soda Poppers were revealed? to Jurgen again after the Soda Poppers were revealed? to Max in the street after the Soda Poppers were revealed?
...take control of the Robot to look at Harry, Satan, Satan's box, and Specs? to Max in Stinky's before and after making her a cake, and after Whizzer left?
...give fruit cider to Stinky or Grandpa Stinky?
...use the baby book on Grandpa Stinky again after revealing Stinky's true form?
...give Flint or Featherly some fruit cider before spiking the punch?
...give something else to Featherly, before and after spiking the punch? to Max in the store before and after spiking the punch?
...give Satan's grocery list to Bosco?
...use the bone saw on Sexy Peepers? to Sybil again after Sexy Peepers left? to Max after hell froze over? all the decals to earn the new grill? every decal in the whole season to earn the Uber Prize?


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2008
    I didn't :(
  • edited May 2008
    haha a few of these I just have to try! thankies!
  • edited May 2008
    I did. :)
  • edited May 2008
    i never will... its against my beliefs
  • edited May 2008
    @ tester scott: considering you're obviously a GAME TESTER I'd be worried if you DIDNT do all these! lol

    I'm proud to say I did several of them, imcluding winning the new grill (which is awesome for the 'new and improved' desoto)
  • edited May 2008
    Ashton wrote: »
    @ tester scott: considering you're obviously a GAME TESTER I'd be worried if you DIDNT do all these! lol

    Heh, yeah, that was the joke :)
  • edited May 2008
    What's the Uber Prize?
  • edited May 2008
    @ tobacco/scott: yes, but I want to know how many he found ON HIS OWN! lol
  • edited May 2008
    Once again...


    I don't have time to play it through and find out for myself.
  • edited May 2008
    Well... I could tell you, but then i would have to kill you (well i wouldn't HAVE to.. I'd just really WANT to)

    The satisfaction and payoff is so much better if you get it yourself without knowing what it is first.

    And whats with the impatient hurry anyways... You do realize you have the entire summer, fall, and most of winter to get the prizes before season 3 begins. So i think you could scrounge up the time between now and then to play the episodes... Am i right?

    But if you REALLY want to know before you get it yourself... well, ok
    its a series of bumpers, windshield rack, and rollover bar all with red and blue police lights
  • edited May 2008
    Do rainbows fireworks explode all over the screen when you win?
  • edited May 2008
    In all its epileptic-seizure-inducing splendor?
  • edited May 2008
    the uberdesoto is totally awesome. good job guys :P
  • edited May 2008
    A lot of those I tried by accident. Cause' I tend to TRY everything when I get stuck. Which I did, several times... in all the episodes, god I suck. Oh well. :p
  • edited June 2008
    wait.. season 2 is over, why was i never told this

    i cant believe its gone... its over, forever.... why god, WHY!

    *sobs uncontrollably*

    speaking of crying... this (for me) was another disappointing list of things i had already done in efforts to solve puzzles... (thats not to say they weren't hilarious) but come on guys, really pull out all the stops for season 3... do completely illogical combinations of items to get the hidden lines like in 101, with using things on max and the dartboard

    i want to be able to read these things and find more than just one or two odd things i overlooked
  • edited June 2008
    Well, it IS one of my 2 favorite episodes & I DO love suprises, so I guess I will go play it again. I'm having withdrawl symtpoms anyway. Are there lists like these for all of the episodes (is too lazy to check). Please tell me there's one for Chariots of the Dogs ^o^
  • edited June 2008
    yes there are "Play it again" lists for all episodes of S1 and S2. A lot of them will be on the episode homepage, but if not, you'll be able to find them in the forums.
  • Jake wrote: »
    sweet, but I really think they should add a printer-friendly page on there. or at least a .pdf so we can print it and cheat! =D
  • edited July 2008
    Cut 'n' paste to a text file and print that, it's what I did :)
  • edited July 2008
    so how many decals are there in total?
  • edited August 2008
    Here is an image of the Uber Prize-ed out Desoto


    It's more impressive when animated.

    EDIT: Decal total? I want to say something like...20 at least. It seemed like there were at least four in each episode. I got them all but my monitor is so dark I can't see some of them, I just have the COPS confirmation that I got all of them per episode.

    Here's an image of the decals:


    I count 17 I can see but I think there's a few more there that I can barely see (my monitor is unusually dark even at its brightest setting)
  • edited August 2008
    Now that, is a lot of stickers.
  • edited July 2009
    Curious. How does the game know that you got decals in previous episodes? I thought, those episodes are technically standalone games.

    Not only that, it did also seem to knew my account, ie. when I first started it after installation, a message appeared that the game is logging in, but it didn't ask for a name or anything.
  • edited July 2009
    The games probably save an extra file to your computer that they all read from or something. I'm not an expert on programming, but I know you can do it that way.
  • edited July 2009
    Most likely as a registry key.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2009
    Randulf wrote: »
    Most likely as a registry key.

    Yep theres a little space in the registry which stored your resolution/hint settings as well as your DeSoto upgrades. Hopefully we'll bring that sort of stuff back at some point here!
  • edited September 2009
    Forgive me if I'm wrong, but because the office was blocked with the time machine, and Sam and Max were only given the Boxing Betty remote, how could you interact it with Boxing Betty???
  • edited September 2009
    There's a Boxing Betty copy in Sam's personal Hell.
  • edited September 2009
    Oh yeah, thanks. I just thought Peepers wouldn't let him in there for some reason, I don't know why I thought that...
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