Return to Macon in season 2?

Do you think we will?


  • For sure. Do ya see that Clem holds picture scrap of Lee? Same picture that he tear in Season 1 Ep. 1. So if she has it, she had to been in Macon.

  • Ehh.. But what about bandits. Do we really want to go there!?

  • edited November 2013

    Do ya see that Clem holds picture scrap of Lee?

    The most logical reason is that she had it in her possession all the time ever since ep 1, she probably picked it up after Lee dropped it on the floor, when Lee wasn't looking at her.

  • I think so. Macon loves bacon.

  • I hope not, new places please.

  • I would think not, tempting as it would be to return to some familar locales I would want most of the game to be new locations.

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