Tavia's Communitty
There has been a lot of talk about what will happen in the community or to the community in season 2.
I would like for Clem to know some new charatcher that's has heard on the radio or something that there's a communitty (in wherever) and then they for a group of people to travel there. After 1/2 episodes they get there and Clem eventually gets there and meets the charathcers that according to your gameplay went there. After a while something happens and the communitty is overrun with walkers and you have to leave (choosing to save one or two of the charatchers that went there (if Bonnie wasn't the only one going)). In this scenario Bonnie will have some importance in the overruing of the community since she's the one that allways goes there.
So this is just something I find it would be interesting. What's your opinion? How would you like the community part of the story to go? How would you like for Clem to get there? Would you like the kind of story where walkers aare the problem (like savanhah) or where others groups are the problem (like in the motor inn)?