Meme and funny nonsense thread - The Wolf Among Us (Mobile Warning)
A place to post funny stuff regarding TWAU
Please give credit / share link if you post someone else's stuff.
Let's be creative!
How to post images (courtesy of Milosuperspesh):
Upload image to photo bucket or imgur (or use the address/URL of the picture)
Once you have the link, post in the comments and then either highlight the address and click on the tab that looks like a landscape
Copy and paste the address/URL as it is into the text box.
...or just post the link in that box instead of posting it in the comments
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Nobody else? Come on, guys, I wanna laugh
I dunno, that one is pretty may not need
when is this thread gonna hit off like the walking dead meme thread.
what happened to all the comments on this?
It's the downvote troll messing around
Thought Id Contribute
Very good, Fredde
Fredde posted thsi first. Who's the creator?
yup -_-
So true! I fell off of my chair laughing when that happened by "accident." Oops?
Heres the Template by the way:
Just in Case someone wants to use it.
A ha, this is the one that made my day.
Dang I suck, I can't even learn how to upload the meme
''periodically'' they said, ''coming out soon'' they said
ugggg gawd
lol that's hilarious. I can't believe a couple fanboys actually got butthurt and down-voted this.
I think it was because people used the same picture to describe waiting for TWD S2 a while back...
Imagine if Telltale pulls a Half-Life situation on us.
@MyTwoCents posted this in another thread, and I though I would share it here...
I know how you feel bro.
When did people start saying "butthurt" sounds like something a 12 year old would say. I'm not picking on you Prince_Charming, I've seen this word everywhere. Maybe I'm just old
Me I sent it to him over steam not thinking that he would repost it
You can message him to verify this
These are too funny.
Scumbag Bigby (or player, anyway).
that phrase is why im glad I already got out of high school. geez its annoying. any time something barely annoys you somebody says your getting butthurt.
I prefer saying someone is getting salt. Mostly because no one else in my school knows what the fuck I'm talking about so it's great.
I love this XD
This should be a scumbag Steve meme.