So how have you guys been coping with the waiting process?

edited November 2013 in The Walking Dead

We all know that the wait is long,excruciating, and is growing extremely anxious. (I myself check every 5 minutes to see if it has released, lol.) How have you guys been occupying your time for the wait?

I've started up State of Decay for the second time. It's a really neat Zombie Sandbox/Real-time strategy game if you haven't heard of it.

I've also put some time into TWAU. It's also a very good game by Telltale, I highly recommend it if you enjoy story-driven gameplay.

I also make chill-wave music with by band, so I find that writing can often take your mind off distractions. I encourage you guys to write some short stories, music, or even take up painting/drawing. Anything to take your mind off the wait:)

What have y'all been doing for your waiting time?


  • killzone shadow fall

  • I've been playing The Last of Us. It takes quite a long time to beat, and it has a great multiplayer. It has never ending fun for me.

  • I have been just watching telltales twitter.

  • Enjoy it, man. Best game I've ever played.

    Toasty posted: »

    I've been playing The Last of Us. It takes quite a long time to beat, and it has a great multiplayer. It has never ending fun for me.

  • Discovered the Saints Row series. Working on reading more Fables as well.

  • played beyond 2 souls, the last of us, discovered heavy rain and state of decay and going to get my xbox one tonight

  • Still finishing Batman: Arkham Origins... At moment stuck with a boss, hard to handle first time without counter hints...

    than continued ACIII after 4 months no touch... Haven't finish that yet either oo

  • I'm replaying The Walking dead and the wolf among us again

  • And 400 days.

    Kenny- posted: »

    I'm replaying The Walking dead and the wolf among us again

  • Watching playthroughs my favorite youtuber for it is kpopp. Who just started playing it last week, look her up :)

  • Sending my troops to their deaths in XCOM: ENEMY WITHIN.

  • Dragon Age Awakening, Lost Saga, The Witcher: Enhanced Edition, a replay of Heavy Rain, and a butt load of work for college. THAT is how I am coping with the wait.

  • Love Saints Row!

    Zeruis posted: »

    Discovered the Saints Row series. Working on reading more Fables as well.

  • I started playing Indigo Prophecy. It's good. :)

  • I've been discussing the walking dead game's storyline on the Internet, playing some TF2, reading TWD fanfiction, and doing a second run through on the game with some different decisions (mostly siding with Kenny 99%) of the time.

  • Playing Sid Meier's Civilization V, Really fun. Look it up if you want a good strategy game

  • Almost as good as TWD! (TLOU fans pls dont hate)

    Zeruis posted: »

    Enjoy it, man. Best game I've ever played.

  • World of Warcraft, Fan fictions, work, cooking, watching past and current seasons of walking dead, no one say anything bad about it or I'll fling my Sh** at you, what else?

  • Sitting in the corner of a room, dressed as Lee clutching a Clementine baseball cap, crying and mashing refresh on my telltale 'my games' page.

  • im playing mass effect 1-3 i have patience. telltale can have as much time as they want. i hope it will be as great as walking dead season 1 and wolf among us.
    in telltale we trust! :)

  • I was considering playing it because it's made by Quantic Dream. How is it?

    Clem4ever posted: »

    I started playing Indigo Prophecy. It's good.

  • I had my first Mass Effect experience back in July-August. It took me about a month and a half for the entire series. Ooooh the tears when it was over! Q_Q

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    im playing mass effect 1-3 i have patience. telltale can have as much time as they want. i hope it will be as great as walking dead season 1 and wolf among us. in telltale we trust!

  • Oops, sorry for the late reply. It was good. Quite creepy at the same time..

    NamelessAce posted: »

    I was considering playing it because it's made by Quantic Dream. How is it?

  • Really?! I want to start this series but I think it's too long for me.

    NamelessAce posted: »

    I had my first Mass Effect experience back in July-August. It took me about a month and a half for the entire series. Ooooh the tears when it was over! Q_Q

  • You should play despite the potential longevity of it all! You won't regret it! By the time you beat the entire series TTG will have released TWAU EP2 and TWD S2E1 without a doubt! You may die by the sheer overload of all these cherishable experiences though!

    Clem4ever posted: »

    Really?! I want to start this series but I think it's too long for me.

  • No problem! It can't be as bad as the child stages of B2S can it? Those things were so creepy, especially at 1 am!!!

    Clem4ever posted: »

    Oops, sorry for the late reply. It was good. Quite creepy at the same time..

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