Bonus mini episodes?

edited November 2013 in The Walking Dead

I was thinking that what if S2 of TWD had mini episodes around 30mins long that is unlocked as you finish the last episode and all that does is provide insight to the choices you make in the main line. sure it is a wild idea but just think of it you are crying and recovering from the game then suddenly you realise the journey has not ended yet and you got a min arch to see of your fave characters from new and old and see the echoes of your choices or a 400 day styled arch either way we GET MOAR buuuut thats just me.

around 3 lil episodes should do haha in my case


  • So the actual episodes are not enough? Sorry but i dont see any point in this as we get about 5 episodes that cover all this anyway, more does not always mean better.

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