Which character fits you?
When I played the Walking Dead, I was surprised by the multitude of different characters and different personalities that I could connect to. So, I decided to try an experiment. Out of all the characters in the entire first season, which character do you think totally represents you in terms of personality?
(Note: Please do not say Lee, since the player can shape him to match any personality they wish. The purpose is to see how total strangers can be similar to you.)
I'll start. The character that fits me the most must be Ben. Not only because he was a High Schooler, (roughly my age when I started playing) but he had this feeling that every time he tries to help, things end up more worse than they started and sort of feels useless to the group. This sometimes how I feel about my life especially in school when we have to work in groups, because I feel kind of useless with my ideas and procedures. Because of this, I ended up supporting Ben while others around me hated him.
Ben as well, I'd probably do some of his mistakes in an apocalypse as well.
For me, it would be Mark. He seemed like a nice guy overall, and I was really pissed of when he died. I felt like he was too kind and trusting in the apocalypse, as I would probably be. However, he knew how to use a gun and was useful to the group.
And no, I have absolutely no military background.
That's a tough choice, but I'm going to have to go ahead and say Nate. For the most part, he's kind but pretty sassy and blunt. He's quick to judge on actions, and doesn't exactly think things through too much. He's a leader regardless, because he acts like he knows what's up. His intentions weren't bad, but he's blinded by things such as revenge.
Also, I got that crazy eye thing going on.
Omid i think
Definitely Omid. Although, in a zombie apocalypse, I would kind of be the Ben of my group.
(Interesting topic btw : D )
Christa: always saying what she is thinking straight and always having good intentions.
I would be a mix out of Omid, Ben and Mark.
I am joking like Omid, I am easily scared like Ben and I am always trying to be a good guy like Mark. 
Doug. If an apocalypse happens I would absolutely just stay up all night listing types of pie.
and wearing socks with flip-flops too?
Travis ....just kidding lol ummm lilly
Yes. Without question.
I think Carley is the most like me.
I think I'm Carley on this one. Just like her, I try to see things on other's perspective. I'm not judgmental and I can kick ass.
Okay, I def think I'd be a female version of Omid. I'm not really all that athletic or strong but I have a wicked sense of humor, am pretty accepting and supportive of others, and can hold my own in the intellegence stakes. I think I relate to him because although he isn't a leader, he always has a positive outlook on things even when they couldn't be any worse and he's always ready to contribute where he can.
I'd be a more sarcastic version of Doug. I'm pretty smart, sarcastic (hence the more sarcastic part) and totally useless in an apocalypse. Sure, Doug proves his worth in the end (like I hope I'd be able to!) but he's just not suited to living in the apocalypse, if you think about it.
I'm somewhere in between Doug and Omid. I'm pretty sarcastic, but not as funny as Omid. I'm sort of the nerd, and I have often been told that I do weird things, which will no doubt continue in the apocalypse. I'm not nearly as smart, though. In fact, I might almost end up at 'Ben' levels of incompetence.
Maybe a weird combination, but i think between Omid and Kenny. Omid's jokes during akward situations and generaly a nice guy.The Kenny part is probably his choices. He knows the world has changed and with that change you need to make decisions you would normally never make, like the meat locker situation. Although I wouldnt change into a jerk after you decide not to back me up
I would be a cross between Christa and Doug. I am a food lover and I am on a computer 24/7, and I'm like Christa in that way where I don't think before I say anything. I am extremely blunt. Well... I think that's actually more Katjaa than Christa. Whatever.
I have a friend who I think is like Lily, as well.
Kenny or Mark.
I have a friend who is like Becca.
My friends say im kenny....
Bit of Christa and Lilly. Can't say where I'd fall if I were actually in the situation they're in, though.
A combination between Doug and Mark.
Christa. But a guy ,maybe with some Doug nerdishness too.
Surprised to see no love for Chet
As for me , probably Ben
I'd say im a mix between Ben and Mark, i am around the same age as Ben and try to help but alot of the time just mess things up, and im a bit like Mark because im friendly and probably a bit too trust worthy.
I think I would be (or at least I would like to think I would be) Omid,I am usually very optimistic.
I know OP said we can't choose Lee, but it gotta be him, specially because I played him like I would behave, which means Good Guy Lee. If not, I would be Lenny, protecting his family no matter what or who.