To those who did not give the money away...*spoilers*

edited December 2013 in The Wolf Among Us

Because an overwheming majority chose to give the money to Faith out of the kindness of their hearts, I find myself curious as to the reason why the remaining minority chose to not give her the money.

I was the minority who didn't give Faith the money, and my reasoning was that I somehow knew that Faith was going to die the moment she mentioned that she owed money to someone. I felt that no amount of money I give to her was going to save her, especially since Bigby Wolf didn't look as if he had a lot on him either, and even if she did have enough money for the debt, who to say that whoever she owed money to would suddenly say: "Changed my mind, you owe me more".

Faith was also presented as the designated victim from the get go, especially with the 'my lips are sealed' mantra. She was marked for death from the last moments I saw her, and I knew that giving money to her would have been rendered pointless. And I was right.

What about you? What reasons did you have to not give Faith the money?


  • I'm sorta a dick towards the women in my playthrough (silence to Snow and telling on Beauty), but the reason behind me not giving Faith the money is simply that I didn't feel the need to give it to her. It just felt like something I could do out of the good of my heart but I ultimately decided to counter that.

  • I tend to have a strange format when playing these games (at least, between TWD and TWAU). In my first playthrough, I'll attempt to do everything as I would do it. In my first playthrough of TWAU, I chose to give her the money, simply because it was a nice thing to do. Granted, if I were in Bigby's situation, I probably wouldn't have given her all my money, but I didn't have that option.

    My second playthrough, I generally try to play differently than my first playthrough, perhaps "better". I look at what consequences I know thus far of my decisions in my first playthrough, and use that knowledge to make different decisions. Thus, in my second playthrough, I didn't give Faith money, since I knew she'd be dead. I was also curious as to what else I could spend my money on, like the cigarettes in the Trip Trap or paying for the damages. Now that I think, it's possible to go the whole episode without paying anything, so perhaps in another playthrough I'll be as frugal as possible.

  • I didn't give her the money. Mostly because I am not a lonely guy who gives all his cash to prostitutes in need.

  • The money is obviously an item that will be used later. Giving it away so early is exactly what Telltale WANTS you to do.

    Besides, she's a prostitute. Yes, I felt bad, but in the end she was illegally eliciting money (if they follow most law).

  • I gave her the money because... I, uhm, thought she might be a possible love interest and I wanted to get on her good side. >_>

    What can I say? Bioware RPGs have conditioned me.

  • I didn't give Faith the money only because I wanted to pay for the drink in the end. xD

    But on my first playthrough I did give her the money.

  • I give her the money, cause this is how i am in RL. If I can help then i do it, especially if it is a woman. ;)

  • You can pay for the damage at the bar, the drink, and the broken glass by charging Crane.

    FreddeN93 posted: »

    I didn't give Faith the money only because I wanted to pay for the drink in the end. xD But on my first playthrough I did give her the money.

  • edited December 2013

    You do know that the money you give her goes to her pimp right? Maybe she gets a cut of it but in the end you are just supporting her pimp's business and she should have come clean to you as a witness instead of leaving you clueless.

  • When I saw that option, I thought he ment Crane would pay for it personaly, not from fable town money. That dissapointed me.

    LukaszB posted: »

    You can pay for the damage at the bar, the drink, and the broken glass by charging Crane.

  • I didn't give her money because she didn't ask for money.

    It is not part of the job of town sheriff to throw money at every unlucky person we meet.

    Besides, I thought it would have a good use later on. Which it did.

  • Bigby is conducting an investigation, therefore charging Crane is really "I'm doing an investigation, a fight broke out so charge my employer which is Fabletown's government"

    Michael7123 posted: »

    When I saw that option, I thought he ment Crane would pay for it personaly, not from fable town money. That dissapointed me.

  • Now thats Charming, Prince...

    I didn't give her the money. Mostly because I am not a lonely guy who gives all his cash to prostitutes in need.

  • Can't you get your money back later on? I remember when I went to see the pimp Georgie you could open this hatch where there would be 58 dollars laying, the amount you gave to Faith. I don't know why I didn't take it back so stupid lol I thought it might get me in trouble somehow.

  • This thread is a year and 5 days old.

    Did you really just bump it.

    NOTE: To answer your question you can get more money throughout the game but its not the same I believe

    Mattashi posted: »

    Can't you get your money back later on? I remember when I went to see the pimp Georgie you could open this hatch where there would be 58 dol

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