We need TT games to make REVOLUTION woot!
This is a thread made for a little nudge of an idea that you'd be perfect to make a game based on the REVOLUTION TV series that is currently doing quite well by JJ Abrams.
I can't see any other game publisher being able to make the story so intriguing and fun to play as you could and it's absolutely a perfect opportunity for you to do it as it's mid way through season 2 now.
By time you launched Season 1 it would be great timing to be able to play it while we wait for more shows to be broadcasted as we play the episodes.
I'd love to slap Charlie in Season 1 she was a bit annoying so please add the ability to slap her when she gets whiney eyed. They cleaner her up in Season 2 thank god.
But, it would be fun to punch Aaron around a bit too.
Any other takers on getting TT games to look at doing this?
IT would be completely awesome!!!
Copied your comment over into The Generic 'Talltale Should Make' thread, since we can't move thread starting posts.
Please post future suggestions (if you have any) in that thread. Thanks.