Season 1 was released in Japan and I have been wondering

edited December 2013 in The Walking Dead

how is it doing over there?are they liking the game as much as we did?In the west,it's common to see people criticizing story-oriented games for the lack of gameplay and feeling like you are watching a move or reading a book,missing the point of being a video game.Which I don't agree with it,because it's all about the experience.
The Japanese,on the other hand,have a whole library of games in the form of visual novels,and since they love zombies,and they are receptive with this kind of genre,and the Walking Dead series is becoming popular over there through the show,maybe they are really enjoying this and it's selling fine?


  • edited December 2013

    I don't know about "sales numbers" but I can tell you that they like it as much as us ! I've read many blog entries and they really seem to like the story and especially Clementine. However they're much more critical about the relative lack of impact choices have on the ending. Having read myself about a hundred Visual Novels I can understand where they're coming from, I always spot approximatively the same complain :

    Alt text

    (No matter the choices you make, the conculsion doesn't change)

    They'll probably like Season 2 even more since TTG said there would be a bit more story-branching !

  • yeah,I wonder if Famitsu gave it a score,and if it did,how much it was.

    Byakuren posted: »

  • We were critical here as well, but after several threads the conclussion was that "telltale said players tailor the story not change it". Hope that changes in season 2.

    Byakuren posted: »

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