The shape is the same, but I could never get the coloring. So, I settled for the cotton candy texture map with the day-glow primary triad scheme. Couldn't find a good texture map for the red, either, but thankfully the game's procedural painting put it into the flowers I put on either side of the head behind the eyes.
Sporn?You know... just google must know how babies are made...
I think that one's a given.
It's like one of the fundamental laws of human nature: Give people free reign to make what they want, and somebody will use it for porn.
I think that one's a given.
It's like one of the fundamental laws of human nature: Give people free reign to make what they want, and somebody will use it for porn.
Aww, they're so cute...*tries to pet one, it bites off my finger*OH HOLY ****!THAT LIL' PIECE O-*several attack, one latching on to mah face.*MMMERHMGHM!*Drops dead, and then Jack Thompson comes up saying unstable people will arm their Spore creations, and sues random companies and people because they were "involved".*
Help Stop These savage Hyperkinetic Rabbit-thingy Babies, before it's to late!You can send your credit card information to Jack Thompson, as he blows it on retarded Lawsuits!You can make a sacrifice to our Almighty Fund Raiser head/god, Jacktomphumeos!Throw a brick through the creator of Spore's window!Come on and buy some worthless cheaply made 'protective gear' crap from us!*Jingle plays*Come on and buy some crap from usssss...
Oh man, your computer is more powerful than mine! I had to turn off shadows or else I would run into animation lag due to my computer failing to process that much detail. Apparently, the texturing alone is really hammering my graphics card.
Aww, they're so cute...*tries to pet one, it bites off my finger*OH HOLY ****!THAT LIL' PIECE O-*several attack, one latching on to mah face.*MMMERHMGHM!*Drops dead, and then Jack Thompson comes up saying unstable people will arm their Spore creations, and sues random companies and people because they were "involved".*
Help Stop These savage Hyperkinetic Rabbit-thingy Babies, before it's to late!You can send your credit card information to Jack Thompson, as he blows it on retarded Lawsuits!You can make a sacrifice to our Almighty Fund Raiser head/god, Jacktomphumeos!Throw a brick through the creator of Spore's window!Come on and buy some worthless cheaply made 'protective gear' crap from us!*Jingle plays*Come on and buy some crap from usssss...
Oh man, your computer is more powerful than mine! I had to turn off shadows or else I would run into animation lag due to my computer failing to process that much detail. Apparently, the texturing alone is really hammering my graphics card.
o yeah...i wouldn't doubt it. i made my own computer and I have 2 graphics cards. graphics are such a pain some times.
Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! :d
Lol, congrats man, it's pretty cool.
That is not a power puff.That is... something.
The shape is the same, but I could never get the coloring. So, I settled for the cotton candy texture map with the day-glow primary triad scheme. Couldn't find a good texture map for the red, either, but thankfully the game's procedural painting put it into the flowers I put on either side of the head behind the eyes.
Oh, listen to me. I sound like Will Wright...:D
Some of results I'm getting are rather... strange...
Sporn?You know... just google must know how babies are made...
It's like one of the fundamental laws of human nature: Give people free reign to make what they want, and somebody will use it for porn.
how true. how true.
nice homestar Dolph Hauldhagen.
boy does he make weird sounds, but i like how expressive his eyes are...kinda like Max.
ehhh...mute it before you watch.
Help Stop These savage Hyperkinetic Rabbit-thingy Babies, before it's to late!You can send your credit card information to Jack Thompson, as he blows it on retarded Lawsuits!You can make a sacrifice to our Almighty Fund Raiser head/god, Jacktomphumeos!Throw a brick through the creator of Spore's window!Come on and buy some worthless cheaply made 'protective gear' crap from us!*Jingle plays*Come on and buy some crap from usssss...
Oh man, your computer is more powerful than mine! I had to turn off shadows or else I would run into animation lag due to my computer failing to process that much detail. Apparently, the texturing alone is really hammering my graphics card.
don't die. they're only computer images!!!
o yeah...i wouldn't doubt it. i made my own computer and I have 2 graphics cards. graphics are such a pain some times.