Favorite joke, song, or moment from each episode?

edited June 2008 in Sam & Max
Loved the pile of videogame cartrages in WNB. I guess the Straight & Narrow is right beneath the New Mexico desert.

& I love the series of reactions between Sam & Max when you click on the Banang on Sam's desk 4 times.

& the War musical had me choking.

I wonder if Emo Prince of the Dark's name was a pun on DJ Jurgen. What's an Emo anyway? He loked like a goth to me.

Anyone else wish that there was a Sam & Max Wiki? Not a wiki entry; there's several of those already. I mean like the Homestar Wiki, only with Sam & Max as the focal point.
Hey look! I found Max's parents!

Mom: http://hk.geocities.com/fatsuet/cn_2.gif
Dad: http://www.alicia-logic.com/capsimages/sh_059Walken.jpg


  • edited June 2008
    Hit the Road: King of the Creatures, Edutainment, Brawl at Gator Golf, setting off the alarm, bopping Max in Wak-a-Rat, VR Dragon battle, Electrified Sam & Max, Max the electrical conducter, Manual-on-Max, Indiana Sam & the Last Toupee.

    Culture Shock: Sam and the Security System

    Situation Comedy: Embarassing Idol

    The Mob, the Mole, and the Meatball: Singing Bear Heads, Shooting Max

    Abe Lincoln must die!: War Song, getting thrown out by Chuckles

    Reality 2.0: Battle, pretty much everything 2.0, Reality 1.5

    Bright Side of the Moon, Max punching everyone

    Ice Station Santa: The Bug and his family

    Moai Better Blues: Young Sam & Max, Sam getting conked on the surfboard

    Night of the Raving Dead: Undead Sam & Max, Jurgen's Monster

    Chariot of the Dogs: Boscow, Mariachi!

    What's new, Beelzebub?: Hell Freezes Over, "I'm naked!"
  • edited June 2008
    Hit the Road: King of the Creatures, Edutainment, Brawl at Gator Golf, setting off the alarm, bopping Max in Wak-a-Rat, VR Dragon battle, Electrified Sam & Max, Max the electrical conducter, Manual-on-Max, Indiana Sam & the Last Toupee.

    Culture Shock: Sam and the Security System

    Situation Comedy: Embarassing Idol

    The Mob, the Mole, and the Meatball: Singing Bear Heads, Shooting Max

    Abe Lincoln must die!: War Song, getting thrown out by Chuckles

    Reality 2.0: Battle, pretty much everything 2.0, Reality 1.5

    Bright Side of the Moon, Max punching everyone

    Ice Station Santa: The Bug and his family

    Moai Better Blues: Young Sam & Max, Sam getting conked on the surfboard

    Night of the Raving Dead: Undead Sam & Max, Jurgen's Monster

    Chariot of the Dogs: Boscow, Mariachi!

    What's new, Beelzebub?: Hell Freezes Over, "I'm naked!"

    It's only funny till someone gets hurt; then it's hillarious. That was my favorite part of BSotM too.

    There's no part of WNB I didn't like. *_*
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