These games suck

edited December 2013 in General Chat

I'm absolutely ecstatic that instead of getting a sprawling, ambitious open world Walking Dead with pristine graphics, gripping narrative, innovative game play and innovative qualities I instead get a point and click hackjob from this company of monumentally unoriginal developers. Hooray for "Fisher Price: The Walking Dead" The game feels like it was developed and written by kindergarteners. I finished all 5 episodes, and what an overrated piece of trash it was. All the voice acting rendered the supposedly epic story into corny, melodramatic fluff. A point and click soap opera with zero substance and the depth of a shallow puddle. HOORAY! Award them multiple game of the year awards for developing what would take a competent studio two weeks to make!

They've released dozens of games, and not a SINGLE ONE OF THESE GAMES were anything but the milking of other peoples ideas for easy cash. They literally milk as many franchises as they can, develop half-assed games that use "narrative" as an excuse to fall short in every other category - voice acting, graphics, ACTUAL GAMEPLAY. And the people love it. They lap it up, they give them their money. Meanwhile I'm sitting here twiddling my thumbs, waiting for a REAL Walking Dead game, disappointed that now instead of getting an epic game for A Song of Ice and Fire my only option is going to be a point and click game designed for 10 year olds.

"Go back to Call of Duty! You don't appreciate the narrative!" That's the likely response I'll get for submitting these thoughts. As if anyone who doesn't see through the hype of bland point and click games is incapable of enjoying a narrative-centric game. That's not it at all. I'm usually pretty open-minded about games.

All they do is literally MILK other peoples ideas for easy cash. CSI, Jurassic Park, Back to the Future, Wallace and Gromit, Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Borderlands, Law and Order, Sam & Max, Fable....come up with an original idea for a change, you hacks. Maybe develop an actual GAME instead of this sophomoric point and click bullshit. "This game is tailored to how you play." Oh really? That's why nothing I do changes the outcome besides a scant few pieces of dialogue? The story unfolds the SAME WAY every time. Way to simultaneously rip-off other peoples ideas, capitalize on established franchise and lazily churn out dozens of crappy, sophomoric games year after year, all the while getting praised for your completely underwhelming and unimpressive efforts.


  • Hooray for "Fisher Price: The Walking Dead" The game feels like it was developed and written by kindergarteners.

    Hey, I'd actually pay for a Fisher Price version of The Walking Dead.

    "Go back to Call of Duty! You don't appreciate the narrative!" That's the likely response I'll get for submitting these thoughts.

    You give us too much credit.

    Maybe develop an actual GAME instead of this sophomoric point and click bullshit. "This game is tailored to how you play."

    Okay, now you're just giving conflicting opinions. Like, do you think they are hacks or do you think they're competent enough to make anything other than what they hav now?

    Okay, now it's time to be a bit serious here.

    Every game developer has something that some people like and some people don't. I myself actually happen to like point & click games, which is why I go to developers like Wadjet Eye Games and, yes, Telltale Games. Now I haven't actually purchased any recent games from Telltale, aside from the Poker Night games, because they kind of lack the things I like. That and I have a sort of phobia for zombies, but that's aside the point.

    Now, before I go on, let me just say this. If you go on a forum, any forum, dedicated to a certain developer, you should 1) expect a lot of flak, and 2) actually come with something substantial other than "You're hacks," and "This sucks", you'll have to come with, "This should be improved" or "This is the exact part I hate, and you should do it like that". Right now you're not doing any gamer justice, not the serious gamers nor the dudebros. But it's just my opinion, someone might have another opinion. Seriously, read up your own post. You've been repeating the same point over and over again. We get it, you think Telltale Games is incapable of doing anything "mature". Here's some news, pal, most of us long-time visitors have already pointed these things out in a much better way, and they actually don't hang around anymore, but that's mostly because of the forum switch and has nothing to do with the fact that they've become desinterested with Telltale Games altogether.

    Now, let's continue with the point I'm trying to make. Telltale Games isn't the kind of developer that makes the games you want. They don't make First Person Shooters, they don't make sports games, they don't do RPGs, they don't make strategy games, poker can technically be called simulation so they might have done some simulation games, they have done puzzle games, but other than that, they're mostly adventure game developers. You don't go to Bungie and expect them to make some sophisticated Mist-like game or a top-down RPG. You don't go to Valve to do a MOBA... Well actually you do, apparently, but that's not exactly the point. I mean, you don't go to Valve to make a puzzle... game... Forget about Valve, you don't go to them and expect them to create some anim...

    Anyway, the point is, Telltale Games is good at adventure games, mostly the narrative kind. They're making story-driven games, and yes, Telltale has been accused of making basically interactive movies, take Back to the Future for example, or Jurassic Park, possibly their worst game ever, even though I haven't purchased it, although it's more because I have the reaction of a turtle.

    But there is one thing you should always remember. They never rip off the franchise they're getting the licenses off. They always treat the licenses with respect, or at least try to do so as much as possible. Jurassic Park may have put the ass in Jurassic, but you can't fucking tell me they haven't at least tried, you can't tell me that they don't love the series. Do you think Gearbox would whore out their own franchise to some random developer? No, if they were to whore out a franchise, they'd at least have class, they'd whore it out to someone who would respect the franchise, so that the franchise might be sodomized in the asshole a bit gentler. But that's not doing Gearbox any justice. I know they fucked up recently, but come on, they'd never just give the Borderlands franchise to someone that would likely fuck up the game. If anything, they'd give it to someone who can bring it to a different direction.

    Look, I see what you're getting, you just don't like point and click games, but right now your unnuanced (is that a word?) rant really does the gaming community more harm than it does good. And I know I'm not always nuanced in the ways I say things, heck, I could have just ripped you a second asshole, but I don't. There's just no use in doing so.

    So bring it on, if you want to tear me one, be my guest, but remember just one thing. This is your moment to show us that you actually can be taken seriously. Give us a reason to believe that Telltale is exactly what you say it is. Or, you can just rip my comments apart, and nobody would give two shits. The choice is yours.

  • edited December 2013

    Telltale are like a cover band - they're just rehashing other peoples ideas. I actually finished all 5 episodes of the Walking Dead, just to give it a fair shot. I love the show, and loved the comic for years before the show was released. I feel I am rightfully annoyed that I am stuck with a completely linear point and click with zero exploration and some of the most bland gameplay I've ever experienced. This is one of my favorite fictional universes ever created, and I'm stick with THIS? I expected an actual game. I'd rather read a novel than this spoon-fed gameplay. And I'm not ragging on novels, I love reading. My point is, if the narrative is the ONLY THING any thought is put into, why not just make a cartoon, or a novel, or anything but a game that isn't even really a game? And why lie about "your experience is tailored by how you play" when none of the choices change anything anyway? It's false advertising.

    Telltale Games do not develop their own fictional universes. They merely adopt other peoples ideas and retool them. I mean, that's a HUGE hurtle to leap right off the bat in the development of a game - creating the world and the characters that will inhabit this world? That's a big step. Telltale has skipped that first step in pretty much every single game they've ever made. They take other peoples ideas and capitalize off them. To me that is completely unoriginal and lazy. But that's not where the laziness ends.....

    So they've got this head start, using these licensed characters from well established franchises, basically nullifying the necessity of coming up with any original ideas at all. On top of that, they've got the built-in fanbase for each separate franchise to milk off of, so they're sitting pretty with most of the work done for them already. With these substantial head starts in development, they should be able to create amazing games with sprawling over-worlds and lush graphics that control well and have amazing game-play, all to compliment the story they apparently put so much effort into, am I right? Games that aren't merely cashing in on these franchises, but enriching them, perhaps? Right?

    And what do these unoriginal cock-suckers do?

    They make pedestrian point and click games with shoddy graphics and corny voice acting that are completely linear and lacking any sort of true creativity or innovation.

    How are people fooled into thinking Telltales Walking Dead is impressive? The story isn't even that good, considering how lacking the execution is. They basically claim to have focused all their efforts on story as an excuse to half-ass the graphics, trivialize the game play, phone-in the voice acting....essentially they are completely leeching off of other peoples creativity and getting "Game of the Year" awards for a horribly sophomoric product.

    These games aren't fun, they're bland. They're fucking POINT AND CLICK games, for fucks sake. Where is the creativity in taking other peoples ideas and shoe-horning those ideas into half-assed point and click games that fail on literally every level besides the story?

    GaryCXJk posted: »

    Hooray for "Fisher Price: The Walking Dead" The game feels like it was developed and written by kindergarteners. Hey, I'd actually pay

  • edited December 2013

    Sure, they are PAYING for these licenses....but is that any excuse for never having a single original thought? Is that an excuse for MILKING other peoples ideas instead of coming up with something of your own? So many different franchises with built-in fanbases....all to be capitalized off of.

    Just because this company is known for point and click doesn't mean they should pigeon-hole themselves into that category. With the success of the Walking Dead, they should become more ambitious, start making sprawling epics that aren't 100% linear. They have the money. But it seems they are more than content sitting around, milking other peoples ideas and making SAFE point and click adventures. Take a risk and make an actual game! Instead of juggling four different properties simultaneously (Borderlands, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Fable) why not focus your efforts on making ONE amazing game, maybe even conceptualize your OWN UNIVERSE in the process? Maybe not? To me it just seems like they are more than satisfied to sit around and retool other peoples franchises, banking on pre-established fanbases. It seems lazy to me. Extremely lazy.

    I mean no personal offense to the people who enjoy the games - I CAN see the appeal. But the way the company goes about it just seems like the exploitation of gullible fanbases.

  • Go play the old Sierra games and then come back to me.

    TTGareHacks posted: »

    Sure, they are PAYING for these licenses....but is that any excuse for never having a single original thought? Is that an excuse for MILKING o

  • Sierra games don't compare, as they are hard as fuck, and, when doing the right (or wrong, it's how you see it) things, you can get in an unwinnable situation.

    LucasArts adventure games are better examples in that regard, or my aforementioned Wadjet Eye Games. Plus the many other indie developers who specialize in adventure games.

    kikyouchanx posted: »

    Go play the old Sierra games and then come back to me.

  • Point and click games is what telltale does. If u don't like their style of a game, don't make a account and don't go rambling on about how crap their games are. Plus telltale are a licensed company so of course there're going to make licensed games. P.S how the fuck do u not like TWD

  • The latter is kind of subjective, though. I myself have never played any of the episodes simply due to my slight fear of zombies or other supernaturals. Like ghosts. I hate ghosts. I mean, most of the time they can't touch you, but they're still scary as fuck. And they're creepy.

    At night, when the stars are right, you'll one day leave your computer on while playing a game. You might be off doing erands, or needing to go to the bathroom, then forget about the game for a while. You'll then come back to your game, only to find that your character now is somewhere it wasn't supposed to be. Then, there, in the corner of your eyes you can see it. You don't know what it is, but it's there. You look straight at it, but it's gone. You continue to play your game, but then, a slight touch is felt on your hands.

    You decide that it's time to go to bed, you're seeing things, and you're really tired anyway. You close off your computer, then get ready for bed. Maybe you'll have your pre-sleep pee, or you'll brush your teeth. When you go back though, you see that the computer is back on. You find it odd, but then you realize that it might have been just put on hybernation. You ready yourself to close the computer, but somethig is compelling you to continue playing games. You can now see it clearly in the corner of your eye, a figure, long hair, pale skin, dark eyes. It's approaching you, and you know it's coming for you, but all you can do is play some more.

    The next day they'll find your corpse, half eaten. Some say it was an animal that broke in, but the last thing you saw was the jaws of someone who was craving for your flesh. Later that night, when the coroners are done with you, your rigor mortis dissipates, and one of your arms softly lays down on the table. It remains there, motionless, until suddenly you move your fingers.

    As a side note, when I typed "hands" I almost typed "nads".

    Point and click games is what telltale does. If u don't like their style of a game, don't make a account and don't go rambling on about how cr

  • You know what you describe as a good TWD game is TWD: Survival Instinct which is known to be incredibly bad and a major cash cow.

  • I'm sure the irony of that went over his head.

    Hershel posted: »

    You know what you describe as a good TWD game is TWD: Survival Instinct which is known to be incredibly bad and a major cash cow.

  • Thanks for the nightmares.

    GaryCXJk posted: »

    The latter is kind of subjective, though. I myself have never played any of the episodes simply due to my slight fear of zombies or other supe

  • I think the entire point of Sierra games is that they were meant to be challenging. Most of them were hard, and back then we didnt have the Internet, so you do have a point

    GaryCXJk posted: »

    Sierra games don't compare, as they are hard as fuck, and, when doing the right (or wrong, it's how you see it) things, you can get in an unwi

  • edited December 2013


    You make excellent points and this view needs to be heard here.

    I could have written the same post, but not as well as you.

    TTG's games are technically fine with effective cinematics and drama, but the gameplay is weak. They are interactive movies. And you're right about the company leeching off others' popularity. This is not company known for its pioneering or innovative ways.

    Telltale also doesn't seem to respect adventure games. The way some Telltale bigwigs spoke so dismissively about a certain legendary adventure game series really left a bad taste in my mouth.

  • edited December 2013

    For me their games just expand the fictional universe by creating new stories in it. You know, I love to sit down after a hard day of work and just play those Episodes as they get released, same as I would watch a TV Show, but with more interaction and drama in it.

    I grew up with Lucas Arts Adventures, and yes, TTG games do usually not contain hard puzzles or brain teasers at all, but again, they are just relaxing to play for me and thus well worth the money I´ve spent. I´m sorry you don´t like them, I guess they are not everyones cup of tea, but for me especially "Walking Dead" and "The Wolf Among Us" are great and I hope they keep at em. I had my fair share of gripes with their "Monkey Island" and "Sam & Max" releases though, but that is because I remember the franchises to be different in my youth and thus I´ve had a hard time accustomizing myself with the new style.

    That being said, I hope the "Oceanic Airlines" Poster in TWAU does hint at them wanting to do a "Lost" Game maybe? That´d be great, I´d be all over it. It was such a great show, and I think TTG could develop more clever stories in this universe as well.

  • Who really cares where they get their ideas as long as its fun. I play on a PC. I happen to like point and click.

    MtnPeak posted: »

    TTHateHacks, You make excellent points and this view needs to be heard here. I could have written the same post, but not as well as you.

  • Hmm...I think what begs to be asked is what is a real walking dead game in your opinion OP?

    The illusion of choice is what most games offer and real choice doesn't really feature in any game I've come across. No doubt as we become more adept with the limited universe's we interact with we possibly desire something suitably complex to reflect this which tbh I think is beyond what we can achieve in a game so far.

    "Point and click" games are by their very nature limited, there are only so many ways something can click on something else. They also suffer when replayed typically because on the second pass any tension or difficulty is dramatically reduced from hindsight generally leading to analysis which for me tends to break a games immersion or interest.

    I think sometimes people miss the point of what the walking dead as a game was about, it's not so much the end that changes but your journey to that end. Sure most of it is subtle and probably lacking in depth like some people would want but like a good book we look at what was written and wonder what would we do in a situation like that.

    I think what would be interesting to know is what do any of you consider a good game (you too OP)? Did something come out that caught your attention? And what kind of gamer are you, by that I mean do you play to finish the game or do you take your time with it?
    Sadly I have friends that fall in the first department; to them it's all about how quick they can get through a game which makes me sigh since I know they've missed out on so many little things along the way. My friends tend to burn through games and throw them away.

    Personally I liked the walking dead. As many flaws as I feel it has I allowed it in and needed to continue with the story, something that I haven't felt since Homeworld. It made me feel for a game and for that I'm happy.

  • Have you played Farenhiet or Indigo Prophecy? Pretty much an interactive movie aswell. Any chance you would say which legendary adventure game it was?

    I don't know if any of us really respect many things anymore. I know the older I get the more it seems like I see the wrinkles that exist in everything instead of the beauty that once seemed to be there. Take Deus Ex for example, I loved that game to bits and it still has a special place in my heart but tbh it is a piece of trash when you really look at it and realise how much the minor changes over time have had quite an impact on us.

    MtnPeak posted: »

    TTHateHacks, You make excellent points and this view needs to be heard here. I could have written the same post, but not as well as you.

  • Faugh! You're pathetic. Nothing more needs to be said here.

  • Do you even know what "tailored" means?

  • Cleaned up your duplicate posts. Don't worry, the spam notices don't mean you are in trouble.

    Faugh! You're pathetic. Nothing more needs to be said here.

  • Yeah, I just noticed. Didn't intend.


    Cleaned up your duplicate posts. Don't worry, the spam notices don't mean you are in trouble.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited January 2014

    Obviously I'm not going to stop you all from voicing negative feedback (or responding to it), but I'm just going to point out that the topic creator has not been active since he made this thread a while back. Continue to respond if you like, but you probably aren't going to get a response since he has been gone for so long.

  • It's not the fact that it's negative or against the company that bothers me...

    It's the fact that it's all based on low, inaccurate subjectivity. He sounds like he has no idea what he is talking about.

    Obviously I'm not going to stop you all from voicing negative feedback (or responding to it), but I'm just going to point out that the topic c

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited January 2014

    That's true, I had thought the same thing. I was just pointing out that he is in the minority (with this being the Telltale forums and all) and with his inactivity, people could save their criticism for someone who actually had a decent argument other than "Telltale didn't make a Walking Dead FPS."

    It's not the fact that it's negative or against the company that bothers me... It's the fact that it's all based on low, inaccurate subjectivity. He sounds like he has no idea what he is talking about.

  • In his defence he didn't really say a walking dead fps just that it's not a real walking dead game. I wonder if survival instinct is that "ultimate" game for him but it was a piece of . It had no tension and the same strategy worked all the way through without once needing to think outside the box, thank the smfg's I only played the rip and never spent money on it.

    That's true, I had thought the same thing. I was just pointing out that he is in the minority (with this being the Telltale forums and all) an

  • [removed]

  • You are so unbelievable stupid.

    It's NOT possible to animate and release a game in two weeks. I would so love to see you and some of your friends do this in two weeks.

    I bet you are a HUGE The 'Last Of Us' fan which TOTALLY didn't copy almost the whole plot of 'The Walking Dead'.

  • i know this is a weird place to contact you, but i just sent you a pm, today, 21 august 2014, I'm sorry for bugging you so much, but I'm begging you to answer :)

    I'm sure the irony of that went over his head.

  • Kings Quest was actually a legitimate franchise that died out when floppies were making the transition to CD format, although I hear there's a comeback en route, which I will play regardless of format. Bottom line is the entire TWD game is awful in presentation, graphics, and general entirety for what the franchise is capable of achieving. The true fan base (and not the pretend, I wear makeup for a premiere episode types) deserve a real game that entails, at the very minimum, Bethesda or someone else to come in a create a true open world environment where zombies are everywhere (not just season 2) and wreak havoc on everything. Imagine fallout from with ghouls in places unexpected and not just in subways and darkly-lit places.

    kikyouchanx posted: »

    Go play the old Sierra games and then come back to me.

  • Either You're unbelievably stupid or he is, either way you're both right. To create a game like TWD is not possible in two weeks with the storyline, much less the graphics in simulated sequences, but let's be honest, to claim that last of us is a rip off walking dead's game is absurd. At best, you could say they collaborated. Last of Us is a far superior game in gameplay as well as storyline. And by default, TWDs game sucks in comparison. But hey, graphic novel fans love what graphic novels fans love, to a fault, it seems.

    You are so unbelievable stupid. It's NOT possible to animate and release a game in two weeks. I would so love to see you and some of your f

  • This thread was dead for 21 months, why did you feel the need to revive it?

    At this point in time, I think differently about almost all these points. I can see now that TWD is not the best game ever, I can see through the facade of overhype and experience the game as it actually is: pretty mediocre.

    And well, whileTLoU isn't a rip off per se, the similarities are pretty obvious. I also know that TLoU was far into production when TWD released, so the similarities might be coincidential, but the plot is pretty much the same. And any person on this planet would agree that the gameplay for TLoU is lightyears better ;P

    But its storyline isn't really superior, they're pretty much the same, the difference is obviously that Ellie is older and more used to the infected world since she doesn't know anything else, and that they don't search for her parents, but rather the Fireflies.

    However, I regret getring insulting, as I usually don't do that.

    Either You're unbelievably stupid or he is, either way you're both right. To create a game like TWD is not possible in two weeks with the st

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