Sam and Max: Surfin' the Highway Hardcover Numbers



  • edited May 2009
    prefect47 wrote: »
    #1167 ended up with me here in Sweden.

    Although I haven't read it all yet. You have to really extend the fun of reading it for the first time, you know? :cool:

    oh yeah...I read it slow too...this comic is amazingly detailed and it's funny to see all the small detail that characterize every single page.
  • edited May 2009
    1800! Nice round number. Awesomely beautiful book, too.
  • edited May 2009
    I've currently got # 1025 and # 1781 :D.
    And I have to say I agree with prefect47. You have to enjoy the book, make shure you don't miss anything, and that you understand everything.
  • edited June 2009
    I received mine today, #1879:

    December 31, 1879 – Thomas Edison demonstrates incandescent lighting to the public for the first time in Menlo Park, New Jersey. :cool:
  • edited July 2009
    There's still some left? :eek:

    I only just got into Sam & Max when I decided to play Hit The Road for the lulz the past few days after being somewhat interested in playing the new Sam & Max games for a while.

    Then being someone who has never read a comic in his life and has no interest in comics whatsoever, I also got a strange interest in this "Surfin' The Highway" business, which was sealed by the fact both seasons and the hardcover (not even just the soft cover...) were going for only $60. A bizarrely good deal since it's only $10 more than either the fancy hardcover or the season pack.

    Then I notice here they've been on sale for about a year and get the disappointed feeling that something's wrong. Then I see as of a week ago someone got one and it's only on 1879.
    Why haven't they all been taken by future E-Bayers by now?

    Oh well, I think I'll order the Hardcover Special soon.
  • edited July 2009
    good question!
  • edited July 2009
    I ordered it right from the start.
    I've got number 977.

    I had allready read most of it though, as I own the original Surfin' the Highway too.
  • edited February 2014
    I just ordered a copy from TellTale today, can't wait to get it! :)
  • edited July 2009
    I was going to get one early on, but forgot, so I ended up with #1584, signed by S.P.
  • edited July 2009
    On one hand I'm a little dissapointed that these haven't sold out as I feel they should have, given the history.

    On the other, I just ordered an Eisner pack with the book, so I'm greatful that I was able to get one. I'll let you know the number when it arrives in a few days. :)
  • edited July 2009
    Got my order today, number 1991. Pretty cool :)
  • edited July 2009
    #1933 arrived at my house over in the UK this morning.

    I had to go out shortly after though and spent the whole day in London (along with a bunch of other Telltale merch I ordered at the same time). Finally got to open my package when I got back home this evening, so I've had it to look forward to all day! :D It was worth the wait.
  • edited July 2009
    Scrawffler wrote: »
    #1933 arrived at my house over in the UK this morning.

    #1934 here :-)
  • edited July 2009
    number 434

    which happens to be the year when Attila the Hun gained control over the Hun tribes, jointly with his brother Bleda, and when Proclus becomes Archbishop of Constantinople.

    And mathematically, 434 = 2 × 7 × 31, sphenic number, sum of six consecutive primes (61 + 67 + 71 + 73 + 79 + 83)nontotient
  • edited July 2009
    For people in Europe: How long has it taken to come after shipping?

    Mine was shipped July 8th but it hasn't come yet. Also, the USPS tracking number doesn't work but it didn't show up as shipped until quite a few days after the 8th so maybe it was out of the system by then...

    I just hope there hasn't been some issue with filthy customs trying to ruin my fun :p
  • edited July 2009
    For people in Europe: How long has it taken to come after shipping?

    Mine was shipped July 8th but it hasn't come yet. Also, the USPS tracking number doesn't work but it didn't show up as shipped until quite a few days after the 8th so maybe it was out of the system by then...

    I just hope there hasn't been some issue with filthy customs trying to ruin my fun :p

    Mine was shipped on July 10th and arrived 5 days later. I took a while until it actually shipped though but that's because I bought the celebration pack and something was not in stock.
    The USPS tracking number did not work in my case either. :)
  • edited July 2009
    Yay, my package came today :p

    I got #1952.

    Which is nice since it's a 20th century year.

    March 10 – General Fulgencio Batista re-takes power in Cuba.
    March 21 – The last two executions in the Netherlands take place.
    March 22 - Wernher von Braun publishes the first in his series of articles entitled Man Will Conquer Space Soon!, including ideas for manned flights to Mars and the Moon.
    June 14 – The keel is laid for the U.S. nuclear submarine USS Nautilus.
    June 19 – The United States Army Special Forces is created.
    November 1 – Nuclear testing: Operation Ivy: The United States successfully detonates the first hydrogen bomb, codenamed "Mike", at Eniwetok Atoll in the Marshall Islands in the central Pacific Ocean, with a yield of 10.4 megatons.

    Altogether quite an interesting year.
  • edited July 2009
    1976 Here
  • edited July 2009
    :)Mine's number 1998. The year I met my girlfriend/partner and we started our relationship. How time flies! :rolleyes:
  • edited July 2009
    I got the 1988 one. The year when Pinochet lost his chance to continue in leading the country. Sound like a good number for a Chilean person ^^!
  • edited July 2009
    Just ordered my copy today, will post my number when I get it :)
  • edited August 2009
    Ordering mine in a few days, hope they're not sold out of Hardcovers by then!
  • edited August 2009
    #2100 here
  • edited August 2009
    #2134 for me :)

    And I'm scared to read it, might just buy the softcover to read soon, heh.
  • edited August 2009
    2172/2500 for me :)
  • edited August 2009
    Looks like the limited edition is running out.
  • edited August 2009
    Pale Man wrote: »
    Looks like the limited edition is running out.

    Time to throw my hardback copy in the Safe Deposit Box and continue reading and showing off the paperback. :D

    God, I'm such a collector nerd...:(
  • edited August 2009
    Pale Man wrote: »
    And I'm scared to read it, might just buy the softcover to read soon, heh.

    Same here. But somehow managed ^^!
  • edited August 2009
    Got 2165 in the mail today. It's sweet. ^_^
  • edited August 2009
    Only about 300 copies left before it's sold out forever it looks like
  • edited August 2009
    Unless those 300 copies have been handed out at Comic Con....
  • edited August 2009
    I bought one today! I have to be guaranteed a hardcover because it says so on my "My Games" page! At least, it better be a hardcover! It has been submitted to the warehouse, so I'll see within 2 months! Yeah, sometimes being in Australia has its disadvantages, but it's a great country! Can't waith to see what number I get... I really hope it's 2188... because I like the sound of that...
  • edited August 2009
    Unless you ordered something that they don't have right now, I doubt you'll have to wait two months. I don't know where in Australia you live, but my first order took three weks to get to Canberra after shipping, and my second order didn't take much longer than two weeks.
  • edited August 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    Unless you ordered something that they don't have right now, I doubt you'll have to wait two months. I don't know where in Australia you live, but my first order took three weks to get to Canberra after shipping, and my second order didn't take much longer than two weeks.

    Yeah, I guess packages can reach my city,
    within 2 months (which I said), but I'm never sure of how long.

    eg. They first thing I ever ordered from Telltale was a Strong Bad DVD, and it came 8 days after I ordered it (which just happened to be 8 days after I went to a funeral, so I needed cheering up!), but then one of the other things I ordered, which I ordered on the same day (not counting the SBCG4AP DVD) took until late July to arrive, about 2 months after ordering, so I'm leaving the gates open to allow for delivery times. Waiting a month and a lot after expecting to see a package after 8 days STINKS!

    Oooh, can't wait! There's only one month, 30 days and 7 hours to go!
  • edited August 2009
    I'll laugh if all the paperback versions are numbered "2503-ish."
  • edited August 2009
    Got 2026.

    Predicted events for that year (according to Wikipedia):
    * July 4 - The United States of America will celebrate its semiquincentennial, 250 years of independence.

    * November 3 - Elections for the 120th United States Congress.

    * November 13 - Heinz von Foerster's predicted technological (or rather demographic) singularity occurs.

    * Automatic mission to Mars as proposed in the Aurora Programme.

    * The 23rd FIFA World Cup will take place. No countries have applied to host it yet.

    * At current population growth rates, India will surpass China as the world's most populous country.

    * Having begun in 1882, construction of the Sagrada Família in Barcelona will be finished.

    * 2026 Winter Olympics; The host city is to be chosen in 2019.

  • edited August 2009
    Everyone with a number over 2009 should look that up! I wonder what mine will be...
  • edited August 2009
    I'm still waiting for mine, should apparently be delivered tomorrow. Not very happy though. Just had to pay £20 worth of Import Tax on it. -.-
  • edited August 2009
    Jagger88 wrote: »
    Everyone with a number over 2009 should look that up! I wonder what mine will be...
    • 2134: Comet Halley will return to the inner solar system.
    • Mission Critical video game by Legend Entertainment is set in 2134.
    • Reich Star A table-top RPG which takes place in 2134, it was published by Simon Bell and Ken Richardson (1991) under the name of "Creative Encounters".
  • edited August 2009
    • On March 14 (which will be February 29 in the Julian calendar), the difference between the Julian calendar and the Gregorian calendar reaches 14 days. Since 14 is divisible by 7, this will be the first time in history since its inception that the Gregorian calendar has the same day of the week for each day of the year as the Julian calendar. This will last until February 28, 2200 of the Gregorian Calendar.
    • By 2100, 12% (about 1250) of the bird species existing at the beginning of the 21st century are expected to be extinct or threatened with extinction.
    • By 2100, Emperor Penguins could be pushed to the brink of extinction due to global climate change, according to a Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution study from January 2009. The study applied mathematical models to predict how the loss of sea ice from climate warming would affect an Antartica colony of Emperor Penguins, and they forecast a decline of 87% in the colony's population by the end of the century.
    • Polaris appears furthest North. Polaris' maximum apparent declination (taking account of nutation and aberration) will be 0.4526° from the celestial north pole, on 24 March 2100.
    • "Revolt in 2100", Robert A. Heinlein's science fiction book about rebellion against an American theocracy.
    • The stage "Starbase: Where No Turtle Has Gone Before" in the 1992 video game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time is set in the year A.D. 2100.
    • In the computer game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri The United Nations Starship Unity's colony pods holding the seven factions of the game make Planetfall on Chiron, in the Alpha Centauri system.
    • In the console game Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution the world ends.
    • January 1, 2100 is the starting date for the roleplaying game Transhuman Space.
    • July 4, 2100 is the starting date for the real-time strategy PlayStation and computer game Warzone 2100.
    • The sci-fi anime series Kurau Phantom Memory begins in this year.
    • Much of the novel Shattered Time takes place starting with the characters reemerging in time on the date of December 23, 2100.
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