TWD season two trailer/thoughts

Looks as if Clem gets bit or shot in the arm :/. I'm getting the feeling we will see Lee again through Clem's flashbacks. If she's ever in a tight situation she will remember what Lee taught her :). What if the season ends with clips from Ricks story? Maybe Clem will make her debut in the Walking Dead season 5, or spinner series I think it's called Lol. We will probably play as Kenny for a bit too since he's back. To be honest what if the guy in the brown shirt is Kenny's brother because they look alike. Also the guy in the brown looks like Beast from TWAU game XD. Either way I'll be playing TWAU part 2 before I play TWD2 :). Happy Holidays people.


  • Doubt she will be seen in the TV show until Telltale is done with her. But the trailer gives us more insight on who these new characters are like Winston is actually a bad guy trying to hurt Clem but is attacked by zombies.

  • Yea but don't you agree the guy in the brown shirt looks like beast from the wolf among us o.0? It's creepy lol

    Doubt she will be seen in the TV show until Telltale is done with her. But the trailer gives us more insight on who these new characters are like Winston is actually a bad guy trying to hurt Clem but is attacked by zombies.

  • IIRC, the game is set in the comic's universe, so no Clem on the show. That's for the best, I think.

    Doubt she will be seen in the TV show until Telltale is done with her. But the trailer gives us more insight on who these new characters are like Winston is actually a bad guy trying to hurt Clem but is attacked by zombies.

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