So...only one episode would be released?

edited December 2013 in The Walking Dead

I bought Wolf among us, it had only one episode, it was annoying because play time was only two hours and I have to wait till next year. I didn't know about this 'episode system', I bought 'walking dead 1' when it was already complete with full episodes.

If this 'season two' has only one episode, I won't buy it. I'll wait till full episode released, playing other games.


  • Yes, Telltale releases episodes individually instead of all at once. The wait for episodes of Walking Dead Season 2, according to the official FAQ, is expected to be around four to six weeks in between episodes.

  • I couldn't possibly risk running into spoilers and will immediately start playing the second it's released without looking at any social media.

    But good luck to you! That's a long while to try to avoid spoilers for something that has this much buzz.

  • Even though it is rather frustrating playing an episode and being left with a cliff hanger for a month or so, I do enjoy going onto the forums and various sites around the net and reading / discussing what may happen next and talk about others decisions. This is where I think episodic content shines. I also like the fact that I can buy a game, play the first episode for a few hours and know that for the next however months, I will be drip fed episodes at no extra cost, making it feel like I am getting a real bargain even though in reality I am still shelling out the cash for the experience.

  • Looking at the steam store page, I think it would be fair to better explain that the game works in an episodic format. As far as I can see, the only hint is the mention of the season pass, but what that means may not be immediately obvious for everyone (it was for me, but I can see why it may not be for others).

  • The best way to play is by Episode to Episode because they you really build up excitement for it and can watch other people make different or similar choices to yours. Fuck waiting.

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