The Walking Dead Season 2 - Login Error



  • me either

    Tony1961 posted: »

    Well, at least you can play the game, Dave. I still can't get past the "Click here to enter" line!

  • worked for me! thank you!

    This may be an issue with your registry. Please open a command window. (Below are instructions on how to open a command window) Windows XP:

  • I get the exact same problem. On top of that when I try to login to Telltale it tells me no such email address has registered. Come on Telltale I love what you do but give me an answer or a nudge or something.

  • Lucky i still can't play the game at all and the same thing keeps happening X.X

  • I am getting a cannot connect to server. It has been happening since last night. Any idea why?

  • I am having the EXACT same problem. I am so frustrated!

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I took a look at your computer DxDiag, and unfortunately it is below the minimum system requirements to run the game. Your graphics card has 128mb of RAM and the minimum is 512mb Your processor has 1GB of RAM when the minimum is 3. If you choose to upgrade your graphics card, and your processor, you should be able to run the game. I apologize for the inconvenience.

    Chibikid posted: »

    i sent it to you in a private discussion

  • Can someone please help me out. I just tried playing this for the first time today and I am getting the same problem. I've tried everything. The problem has to be on Telltales's end or something in the game authentication is causing problems. I would like to play this preferably before the holidays.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    This may indicate an issue with your login information in your registry. To correct this, please open a command window (Below are instructions on how to open a command window).

    Windows XP: Go to your start menu and click on run. Type in "cmd" and press enter

    Windows Vista / 7: Press the Windows key. Type in "cmd" and press enter

    Windows 8: At the start screen, type in "cmd" and press enter

    Then copy the command line below and paste it into the command window, press enter, and confirm the question (to confirm the question, type “y” and press enter):

    REG DELETE "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Telltale Games\Launcher”

    (Please make sure when you copy the above text that you do not copy a space before or after the text, as that will produce an error message)

    Also please make sure your password ONLY contains a-z, A-Z, and 0-9 and no other characters. If you have an " or \ or any non-ASCII characters in your password, please login to your account on our website and change your password.

    Also, please make sure you are using the correct username/email and password. You can verify this information by logging into your account on our website. Please also note that your login credentials are case sensitive.

    If you are still encountering an error message after trying these suggestions, please reply and specify the exact error message you see.

  • Yeah,fix the game Telltale Games!!!

  • I'm still getting the error that the game can't connect to the server. It doesn't give me a chance to enter my username, I tried the thing with the command window and the registry, and I have a strong internet connection.

    Is there anything else I might be doing wrong?


    This may indicate an issue with your login information in your registry. To correct this, please open a command window (Below are instruction

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    If you are still receiving the error after trying all of the suggestions, please contact our Support Team at for further assistance.

    I'm still getting the error that the game can't connect to the server. It doesn't give me a chance to enter my username, I tried the thing wit

  • Mike I'm not even getting an option to log in to anything. I just click the click to start space and it tells me "can't connect to Telltale servers".

    If you are still receiving the error after trying all of the suggestions, please contact our Support Team at for further assistance.

  • To follow up I have nothing called p. I do have something called pwd...

    Dameon2k posted: »

    Mike I'm not even getting an option to log in to anything. I just click the click to start space and it tells me "can't connect to Telltale servers".

  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator

    Please try it again with
    REG DELETE "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Telltale Games\Launcher"

    There are some wrong characters in the instructions above.

    I'm still getting the error that the game can't connect to the server. It doesn't give me a chance to enter my username, I tried the thing wit

  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator

    Please delete the Login data from the registry.

    First, open a command window.
    Windows XP: Go to your start menu and click on run. Type in "cmd" and press enter
    Windows Vista / 7: Press the Windows key. Type in "cmd" and press enter
    Windows 8: At the start screen, type in "cmd" and press enter

    Then copy the command line below and paste it into the command window, press enter, and confirm the question:
    REG DELETE "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Telltale Games\Launcher"

    Dameon2k posted: »

    To follow up I have nothing called p. I do have something called pwd...

  • For those of you like me that were not getting an option to log in and would get this message once you clicked start I have found a solution. If you can still get into Walking Dead Season one and it asks you to log in, log in there. Then quit season one of walking dead and start walking dead season 2. Works like a charm for me

  • Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! It worked for me too! :)

    Dameon2k posted: »

    For those of you like me that were not getting an option to log in and would get this message once you clicked start I have found a solution.

  • Has anybody had any luck getting their money back from Telltale? I asked for a refund 3 days ago and only received a confirmation email and ticket number. No word since. I've still not been able to play due to the "no connection to server" issue. I've tried changing my password, deleting the registry, signing into part 1, reinstalling, rebooting... nothing works! How many more hoops do I have to jump through to play a game I already paid for?

  • Funny... season one doesn't work for me anymore either

  • I purchased it from steam and I cant connect to the game either.not happy telltale

    Killrig posted: »

    I purchased it from Telltale and cannot connect. It seems Steam users can. This is terrible.

  • Hey guys, so I've done a few things. Reinstall didn't help, nor did the cmd command. The only thing that seemed to help was changing the password in your telltale website login, and clicking the top of the "click to begin" beginning screen. That's the only thing that worked for me, see if it works for you too.

  • Glad it worked for someone else. There is a definite problem between the box that is suppose to pop up for your verification and the actual verification process that is causing all this mess.

    Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! It worked for me too!

  • game login error

  • Yep

    Big13 posted: »

    me either

  • @Telltalemike: Dameon2k is right with his guess. There is a problem with this login window. When you did the regfix, so that the window will popup, it pops up, but it is firstly NOT visible. When you move the mousearrow over the word "Season" the arrow turns to a cursor. That means, there is a field to enter letters. But it is not visible. When you now switch to your desktop and switch back in the game, the login window is visible.
    Same thing had to me. I first changed my password on TTG Account only using A-Z, a-z,0-9, then I did the regfix, then I startet the game. After clicking "continue" no Login-Error appears, but also nothing else happens. Moving the mouse around while waiting I saw the change from arrow to cursor. So I switched out the game and in again and the login-window appears and I could enter email and password. After that, I could enter the game.
    (PC, Win8.1, 64bit, non Steam)

    Dameon2k posted: »

    Glad it worked for someone else. There is a definite problem between the box that is suppose to pop up for your verification and the actual verification process that is causing all this mess.

  • I tried to login in to the first season and exit,and then started the season 2...I could login,it actually WORKED...
    Hope it helps you to!!!

  • Login Error. Can't communicate with Telltale Server!
    What can I do?

  • damn it telltale fix it plz

  • I just created a TellTale account in order to preorder this game, and I apparently hadn't "verified my account". I was getting the same login error, but it suddenly worked after resending the verification email and verifying my account. Worth a shot to anyone is having the issue.

  • Can somebody tell me HOW THE HELL i can play the game that a bought last month???

    We already paid this, and now is you time TELLTALE. FIX THAT GAME, and tell us how to play.

  • I have had this problem for days on my Win 7 system. Today, finally, I found an easy workaround: Load Season One first. Then load Season Two. Worked like a charm for me. :)


  • hey guys I think I solved the server error, you have to be logged in on this sever and then load your game.

  • edited December 2013


  • Calling others to pirate software....just one word: Braindead!

  • I bought mine from GreenManGaming and all I want is a steam key.

    What The_Typer said is the exact same as my details.

  • And thats your opinion, as I said before we all paid for the game and should be able to play it

    Plenty of folks choose to pirate things and don't support the creators
    Some choose to pirate and then they support them (in this case supporting the developers and then pirating)
    Others can read something online and decide to ignore it or to call someone "Braindead"

    Life is full of choices and Its a wonderful world we live in

    Blindoldman posted: »

    Calling others to pirate software....just one word: Braindead!

  • I found a solution. Run Regedit (type into the start menu). Then navigate to hkey_current_user --> software --> Telltale Games. You should see a folder called launcher. Delete that entire folder, then restart the game.

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