What did you think about season 2?
So I just finished playing the first episode in season 2 (TWD) and I really loved it but what did you guys think about it? What was your highpoint in the story? You can share anything here about the first part of the game good or bad.
P.s. Remember to mark your comment if it contains spoilers
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Well... It was more action-packed, and it took some time to get used to the (still un-mappable goddammit) keys, but after a while, it went pretty well really.
That said, I was never in favor of playing Clem, but I think I can get used to it eventually. it's still not great, but good, I can admit as much. And on the subject of Clem, she has grown old.
I mean, what 11 year old girl would just toss a doll like that? That really showed how far down the Maslow pyramid she was. And to be honest, that was darn great (kids have a tendency to grow up fast in this kind of situations - I have seen kids her age in war zones smoking, cursing like sailors and carrying guns bigger than themselves).
Offing Omid was kind of surprising, and especially in that way, but then, TTG kind of like sudden and pointless deaths...
And the group they encountered was, well... A pretty good bunch I think. Of course they were suspicious towards Clem, and I don't blame them for that really.
That said, it was kind of strange seeing people again - Nick was as someone said Ben 2.0, that pregnant woman another Christa, and I bet my left nut that Luke is the new Lee - unless he is some kind of child molester or something...
Speaking of Christa, I kind of wondered what happened to the baby? Enter bathroom pregnant as hell, Omid bites the dust, and boom, Clem and non-pregnant Christa is in the woods 16 months later. WTF happened in between there?
Well, my guess for the future is that the kid Sarah and Clem will be the only survivors in episode 5 - the rest, being pretty normal are bound to die. Remember where you read it first.