Thoughts on the new main characters (spoilers)
So, my thoughts on cabin group.
Luke (aka the original cabin man) Closest ally I have right now. He dropped me when he thought I was bit, but he did just save my life, so that's not my biggest concern.
Pete (anti-roman): Second closest ally. I saved his life. But he's bit. I hope he survives.
Nick (false Kenny): I was pissed at him for almost killing Clementine, but apologizing to a little girl must have been pretty humiliating. I forgave him. I didn't save him, but I hope he managed to get away (he doesn't die or get bitten on screen, so he could be alive).
Alan (fat black guy with glasses): No real opinion on him yet. I think he kinda went along with his wife's opinion on killing Clementine though, so minus on his book.
Rebecca (pregnant woman): I flat up asked her who's baby it was. I she came to me after I almost died, she thought I was bitten. I can forgive locking Clementine the shed, fine. But at least say, "hey sorry for thinking you were bitten." She goes and tells me to leave the group as soon as possible. I can't stand her. I told her I wouldn't tell, but I want her to know that I have dirt on her.
Carlos (doctor): You'd think he'd be able to tell if the bite was from a dog or a walker. I don't blame him for putting me into the shed and getting upset that I persuaded his daughter. This puts me in a difficult position though.
Sarah (daughter): I figured out that something was up with her early on. I sorta owe her my life (she does give a medical supply that I desperately needed. On the other hand, I don't want to piss off her dad. She's good in my book though.
What do you guys think about the new group.
I like Luke and Sarah the most. But I Alvin's voice actor is my favorite, he has some of the best line deliveries.
There's something... "off" about Luke. I can't put my finger on it. He's just... too nice. I definetly think we're going to see his darker side come out.
I expected the 'final' choice to be between Luke or Pete. That it wasn't tells me something is definetly up. They want people to get attached to the only person (aside from Pete) who was outright friendly to them.
I think Rebecca is that kind of character you hate at first, then the plot make you fee bad for her. Just look at the picture of episode 3. Also I believe the baby is from Nate (400 days psycopath guy) Just a crazy guess.
I really like Luke, he seems pretty cool. Pete seems okay too.
But i really hate Rebecca! shes such a bitch. I can understand that she wants so be safe and stuff but she always drops shitty comments like "i dont want to clean up when shes dead"... wtf
I was pretty sure there was something up with Sarah the first time I saw her but she was willing to help Clem so I think her heart is in the right place.
I think Luke is good but there's something off about him. He's too nice for someone who's been living in the apocalypse for two years. Looking back, I think I'm going to regret sharing so much information with him.
The rest I'm just not sure about. There was no scene like the drugstore in Season 1 where I could just walk around and talk to people so I'm hesitant to make any judgements.
Luke and Pete - Definitely my favorites of the new characters. I don't really think Luke is "up to something" or has a hidden secret or anything, because hope springs eternal for me, apparently. I'm hoping he turns out to be like Shel in 400 Days, who at least in my playthrough was the nicest woman alive. He kinda reminds me of her, at any rate.
Pete and his bullshit detector are awesome too. Please don't die, Pete. I saved him in my playthrough. (Actually on the first go I didn't, then realized I was thinking too much with my meta-brain and not what my Clementine would actually do in the moment. Rewound and saved him instead.)
Nick - clearly has some issues. I don't really like him or dislike him...I think I was more inclined to write him off as one of the Cast of a Thousand Jerks until he apologized to Clem. It does seem like he has a good heart, Pete said, he needs to grow up a little. I hope he's not dead as well, but this being TWD and since I didn't save him, he probably is. Sigh.
Alvin - I wanted to like him but nooooope. Not after that scene at the window. He's a bloody coward, the kind of guy who goes along with the group because he's afraid to make waves. The most dangerous kind of person in my book. I'm not trusting him as far as I can throw him.
Rebecca - I kinda see her as the new Larry. I guess there's one in every group.
Carlos - can't tell the difference between a dog bite and a human bite? Worst. Doctor. Ever. Ahem...I can sympathize with his desire to protect his daughter (since that was basically the same strategy I took with Clementine in S1), but I'm mostly withholding judgment on him for now.
...Seriously though. Worst doctor ever.
Sarah - totally adorkable. I hope we see more of her in later episodes; it would be good for Clem to be able to interact with someone sort of close to her own age again.
Luke's my favorite so far along with Sarah.
I'm a little bit worried about losing Sarah ... Just like Clem lost Duck ! It would be so sad !
My least favorite is that fcking bitch Rebecca. I told her to be nice to me or else.
i´m so not trusting anyone except nick (i saved him. Pete was bitten, at least it seemed this way). You always can trust the character you choose to save (doug and carley), at least i hope so xD
All the others are just not trust worthy. Luke seems nice and could be the new friend in the group (like kenny for example) but theres something that doesn't seem right i don't know why.
The black guy who does what ever his wife(?) tolds him even if this means to not help or even kill a little girl (i mean what the hell). Someone like that isnt trustworthy.
Rebecca. I think most of us are on the same page when it comes to her but somehow i think she will become much nicer. Just a thought.
Carlos. Like some said, worst doctor ever. He looks out for his daughter and that is kinda nice but it can also be very dangerous if you are not his daughter if you know what i mean.
sarah. She did creep me out a little (best friends etc and the fact that she really thinks she and clementine are nearly the same age. Could be of here sickness if she has one so i don't know) i kinda have the feeling she could be a new Ben ore a Carol (comics) ore Ben (from the comics) but i dont hope so. I kinda like the idea of a real friend (looking at you kenny) who is always on your side xD
and i am kind of sad that the first new character we get to see (the women in the toilet) dies. I don't know why but i liked her. Could be the voice ore the idea of redemption ore something like that xP
Why you have to say the guy is black? can't say he's just fat?
Pete - Has to be one of my favorite characters so far, but I'm afraid he is as good as dead. Even if we saw his leg off in episode 2 we all know how well sawing limbs off worked for Lee. The most reliable characters always die first.
Luke - Definately has something to hide. While he is nice, I think he tries to run away from responsability.
Nick - Seems like a decent guy, but very clumsy and will surely get someone killed in an accident with his temper and clumsiness.
Alvin - Unreliable. He does whatever the group does and doesn't stand up for himself.
Rebecca - I already hate her. No matter how dark her past is, I hope she dies. Clem went through horrible things and doesn't vent it out on others.
Carlos - Where did he get his degree ? He should have been able to tell the difference between a dog bite and a human bite.
Sarah - Uh. That pinky swear is sure to break our hearts at some point. She is a nice girl, although unable to survive on her own. I really like her. Let's just hope Clem doesn't get her killed by taking her out on an adventure.
On another note: playing as Clem was a lot of fun.
He is fat, but he is also black. These things are truths. The poster didn't say that he was fat because he was black or anything like that. Don't look for racism that isn't there.
cant speak for others but it helped me to know who he/she was talking about
Whats his race have to do with anything.Clem black too, that womans black too. Why don't you call them black? They are light skinned so they are white?
I assume it would be because the poster didn't know his name, so they went with what would be the most easy way to identify him; his skin colour.
he post his name and race
I bet its from the guy who betrayed them, Carson or whatever
Here are my impressions:
Luke: Too suspicious of him, he's too nice. Liked him for saving Clementine's life, but that quickly changed when he dropped Clementine when he saw the dog bite and temporarely turned on her. Sure he redeems himself for not siding with his own group on having Clementine killed under the suspision of being bitten by a walker, and tries to support her whenever he can...but I still can't shake the feeling that he's too nice. I hope he's a red herring, otherwise I'll find his darker side a little predictable.
Pete: The one guy who I felt comfortable with the most, as he appeared to be the most genuine and upfront, and one of the least hostile group members.
Nick: Boy was I angry at him when he got trigger-happy with the rifle and nearly shot Clementine, and didn't care for his attitute afterwards, but I decided to let it go when he apologised for his actions afterwards.
Alvin: Barely know much about him to cast judgement on him.
Rebecca: Just what is her problem? Rebecca certainly makes Lilly, Larry and Christa appear kind in comparison, considering how much of a cruel bully she is towards Clementine. I didn't even speak to her, she wasn't worth my time.
Carlos: I was somewhat alright with him until he refused to fix Clementine's wound, and then started getting aggressive towards Clementine for approaching Sarah and for stealing the necessary supplies to fix her wound that Carlos wouldn't even fix.
Sarah: Suspicious of her as well, since she appeared a little mentally unstable due to how sheltered she is. I thought she was going to backstab me when she wanted a pinky promise. Even though so far I was proven wrong about her, I'm still suspicious.
I liked Pete best but i let him die .
Nick is cool to but i got a feeling that he is like upgraded version of Ben.
Luke is nice and all but he is a mystery. He might be like a dog. At first nice but if you dont give him what he wants he bites.
Sarah is creepy but probably the most trustworthy ally.
Carlos i cant expect anything from him. He only cares about his daughter.
Black guy with that bitch Rebecca its ok. He is loyal to the group and to much loyal to his wife.
I must get Rebecca on my side. With her i can have to two powerful allies.
You're right, there was no need to point out the skin color.
The reason lies within our societies, we put a label on anything that "stands out" :
If an African goes to the US, he is described as a black man.
If an American goes to North Africa, he is described as white man.
I don't think it's right to do this, but I also think this isn't the forum to discuss this complex issue.
Luke: I liked him when he saved my life at the start, then didn't when he dropped me and agreed to put me in the shed, then liked him again when he gave me food.
Pete: Great guy, maybe a little too harsh on Nick, but clearly respects Clem. I wish I saved him instead of Nick but I swear he got bitten and so he would not survive and there's no sense in both him and Nick dying.
Nick: Got pissed off when he nearly shot me, and was quite willing to put me in the shed. Then he saw me when sneaking around the house and didn't raise the alarm so I gained some respect for him, which was quickly lost when he shouted at me. I didn't accept his apology initially but almost instantly regretted it.
Rebecca: Absolute bitch who cheated on her husband, is horrible to an 11 year old girl of all people, and is generally an unpleasant woman. I thew the fact that I knew she cheated in her face.
Alvin: His heart is clearly in the right place but he is very easily manipulated, by his wife, by Clem (I got him to give me bandages) and by the group.
Carlos: Don't really like him as he refused to help initially and suggested putting me in the shed. He did fix me up in the end which I am thankful for but got really pissy about me talking to Sarah, so I don't really like him.
Sarah: A bit weird. "Let's be friends" is not something normal people say after 5 seconds of meeting each other. I said we could be friends but did not promise. Seems to be far too sheltered by her father and would probably do anything he says.
I kind of felt sorry for Nick. Then I saw most people on this forum hated him and instantly felt a special connection with him.
Carlos is an idiot and probably not a real doctor.
Rebecca is an asshole. End discussion. In all seriousness, I found that she reminded me of a cross between Larry and Lily...
Pete could be looked up to like.. I was going to say uncle, then I realised that's what he is to Nick. I'm still sticking with that description though.
Sarah: I'm not sure quite how to feel towards.. 'different' people. (Sorry for her, I guess? But she's happy and ignorant, so.. glad? Oh I don't know...)
Alvin: Kind as hell. That's good. Real good.
Alvin is kind, but at the same time he seems to side with Rebecca as soon as she waves that "I got da pussy," card at him. He's spineless.
Pete dies if you don't save him, and going by the last game he'll die if you saved him, it just won't be as soon.
Nick lives with either choice, so he's fine.
Luke: An ally, and someone for Clem to talk to. Nothing more. I don't know what strikes him as weird or with ulterior motives to others, though. He seems to be the good, if a little naive, guy here. ("You don't just kill dogs...")
Pete: An ally who if saved and alive, can back me up in the tough choices/ give Clem credibility despite being a little girl.
Rebecca: Where is that salt lick... (Ironically, I tried to save Larry) So... I think they will throw in a sob story or whatever on episode 3.
Nick: Someone who I hope I don't have to interact with a lot. Help him with his daddy/uncle issues if I can. Maybe.
Alvin: Easily manipulable, which can be a pro or con for Clementine depending on the situation. I think he's a nice guy, for all that's worth here.
Sarah: I think Clem can see sort of her own reflection in her. What she was before Lee and the fucked up world she now lives in taught her. I will play nice girl with her, but avoid compromises and lies, despite what her father thinks. She needs to know.
Carlos: Earning his trust will be difficult, but can be worthwhile IMO. I intend to convince him that completely shielding her daughter from all that stuff will ultimately be her doom if (when) he dies.
And we need to know what's up with this Carver.
There's not much to tell. Pete was decent. Luke is good but dropped Clementine. I hope second ep. will give us more answers. Why Carlos is so protective, whats wrong with Sarah, who the father is, WHAT IS THE STORY of the group, why do they live in that cabin, how they've all met etc.
I'd like to write about Clementine. At the start of episode (toilets) we see Clementine from season 1. Same face, same voice, same reactions. BUT 16 month later she's too DIFFERENT. Her voice is MONOTONE, always sad, almost poker face, poor facial expressions. Even when she sees somebody who should be dead. That's the problem. I don't know if I'll get used to it.
Hmm... I thought Clem's voice and looks were fine. I'll pay more attention to them during my second playthrough.
It has obviously changed , but how could it not? After all she has been through i didn't expect any less...just look at comics Carl
Or maniac show Carl.
Totally. The minute that happened I said to myself, "oh, this is gonna swing right back around and kick me in the nose." There's no way that's going to end well. But...Clem needed the help, and Sarah herself seemed so desperate for a real friend, that I couldn't say no. Welp. I await the inevitable tragic fallout.
Glad to see I'm not the only one who thought of something like this, at least briefly. When Carlos started telling Clem that Sarah "isn't like you" and that there were "things" Clem needed to know, I thought he was going to say she was maybe a high functioning autistic or something. (Dunno why I thought that, it was just the first thing that popped into my brain.) Which would've been an interesting twist, but I'm sorta glad Telltale didn't go that route.
In the end though I don't think Sarah's unstable so much as she is lonely, and understandably excited to see another kid after being stuck around a bunch of arguing adults for so long.
I do feel kinda sorry for Nick. Pete gives him a really hard time and I can't quite figure out why. Pete's sister was Nick's mother and Nick blames himself for her death, maybe Pete blames him as well.
There really wasnt enough time to gauge them at all. I dont mind one or two mysterys for the next episode but considering this episode was a measly 1.5 hours long they could have had two more chapters to get to know these characters in their element
I see Rebecca has the new Lily. Mostly because if you look at the thumbnail for episode three, it looks like Clem is helping Beccy. In season one, Lily was quite mean. But if you said the right things she didn't have a too bad of a opinion about you. I think that same aspect applies to Rebecca. As for Luke, I think he's going to become really strong friends with Clem, kinda like Lee and Kenny.
Nick is the Ben of the group in my opinion because he just does things in the heat of the moment.
And when that card doesn't work she uses the "I got da baby" card. Man, even Yugi would have trouble dealing with her.
Ok I think TellTale did a good job at making us hate her, if you look at the teaser picture for episode 3 it seems like in the end she'll need Clem to give birth so I think over time she'll become softer, up to the point where she'll be really close to you.
Then again she might stay a bitch "till the end aha
Pete was my favorite, i saved his life. Luke was cool too. Nick was kind of annoying. Sarah was weird, but nice. The rest of the group, i don't know yet. Rebecca is only like that cause she's pregnant. Carlos is like Larry, looking out for his daughter, and Alvin seems decent enough. Pretty good group..
I also really liked Sarah. But when she asked Clem to be her friend, the face Clem made was really bitchy. If only there was a way for us to have more control on how the characters feel.
Maybe Luke is a long lost member of the St. John's family? I never felt safe around them.
I never call people 'troll' only whiny people do that, but this MiC poster definately fits the descriptoon of forum troll by all his posts. Atleast i hope so, otherwise he just lacls any semblence of self-awareness and that would be pitiful
So you want the world to be just one big culture with one lamguage one phylisophical view and schedule? How dull...
I almost started feeling a Danny vibe at the table...